When Gu Chen thought about it, he was a little distracted.

Then Jiang Min snorted softly.

"Brother Gu Chen?"

Only then did Gu Chen come back to his senses and respond to Jiang Min.

"What, oh oh, what I'm trying to say is that if I don't do something, no one will do it."

"If Li Jiahao is the evil dragon that is bound to be defeated, then I am the brave one who must defeat the evil dragon."

Gu Chen's words suddenly hit Jiang Min's heart directly like a bolt of lightning.

"Brother Gu Chen..."

she silently lowered her head and muttered, the whole person seemed to be a cooked lobster, and the whole person seemed to become a little embarrassed.

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min and directly retracted his head, even his ears were directly red, and he thought that Jiang Min would be like this if he was alcohol and on his head.

So Gu Chen asked with concern.

"What's wrong, Xiaomin?"

Jiang Min only replied in a muffled voice.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just suddenly a little sleepy."

As soon as these words came out, Gu Chen immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, since this is the case, then you rest first, and I will come to you tomorrow."

"Eun, good."

Jiang Min's muffled voice seemed a little impatient at this time.

Gu Chen did not suspect anything, and directly left the room.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Jiang Min seemed to calm down, and slowly poked out a head from the cover.

She secretly glanced at the direction Gu Chen left, and silently breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

"Brother Gu Chen is really too handsome, what he just said is really a good man!"

"My heart is beating so fast!"

Jiang Min stretched out his hand and held his heartbeat, always feeling as if he was about to go crazy.

"No, I can't think about these things anymore! No, no, no!

But Jiang Min seemed to want to control his emotions, but it always ended in failure.

So what is the end result?

That was naturally Jiang Min fell asleep directly under the influence of alcohol.


Compared with Jiang Min falling asleep with a wild emotion at this time, another comrade Li Jiajun is now more uncomfortable.

Why, it's not because Tong Zixin and his dinner time are not very happy.

Time went back to a few hours ago, after Tong Zixin and Chen Yu said a careful hello, they directly followed the address given by Li Jiajun to take the building under the Aurora Plaza.

At this time, Tong Zixin did not know what kind of embarrassing social death scene he was about to usher in.

She just thought about what method she should use to quietly take out the news about Gu Chen from this Li Jiajun's mouth.

Otherwise, Tong Zixin really didn't worry that this Li Jiajun didn't take the initiative to deal with Gu Chen after knowing that Gu Chen had come to Xiangcheng Island, was he preparing some big move, ready to give Gu Chen a fierce move?

In order to find out what medicine is being sold in Li Jiajun's gourd.

Tong Zixin will take the initiative to make an appointment.

What she didn't know, however, was that this thought appeared in her mind, or when she came here.

Secretly, someone began to silently spy on her.

"Here, all departments are ready!"

"The target person enters the third ring area, and the first-level light is turned on!"

"Level 2 and 3 lights are also ready, and it's about to start."

Tong Zixin took out his mobile phone and glanced at the time, feeling that it was almost the same, and prepared to enter the square.

Who knew that just after Tong Zixin had just taken a few steps, he suddenly shot out a strong light from nowhere and hit Tong Zixin's body directly, instantly completely drowning Tong Zixin's sight.

There was only a burst of white light in front of her, and nothing else could be seen.

This made Tong Zixin feel the panic and fear of that moment.

But she had no idea what had happened at this time.

You can only subconsciously stay in place, not knowing whether to take a step further or take a step back.

And it was this situation that made Li Jiajun feel an inexplicable sense of security.

He had time to arrange all his handsome surprise preparations.

"Oops! Could it be that my private contact with President Gu was discovered by Li Jiahao?

"No, I can't just get caught! I have to find a way to escape! Tong

Zixin had such an idea in his heart.

It also made her silently turn her head, wanting to quickly escape this place.

It was only when Tong Zixin had just had this idea and was ready to put it into action.

Suddenly, many roadblockers in white shirts appeared behind her, completely blocking Tong Zixin's way out.

This made Tong Zixin unconsciously chuckle in his heart.

"Have you surrounded me already?"

She thought so, and decided.

"Then face it resolutely, anyway, it has reached this point, even if you want to escape, there is no way."

"Let the storm come more violently!"

"Gu Zonggu! You must avenge me!

Tong Zixin thought of this, and resolutely turned his head to look at the fierce light.

But I don't know why, at the moment when Tong Zixin turned his head, he suddenly felt that the fierce light actually weakened at this time.

At the same time, Tong Zixin also heard a sound of neat footsteps and... snapping his fingers?

This made Tong Zixin very blinded, and she didn't know what words to use to describe the picture she saw now.

Especially she simply had no way to look directly at Li Jiajun, who didn't know where to get an inexplicable white suit right in front of her.

And the hot dancing men in two rows behind him.

All this made Tong Zixin very blinded.

"Is this juggling?"

She silently let go in her heart, originally it was Li Jiahao who discovered the conspiracy between herself and Gu Chen, so she sent someone to arrest herself and punish herself or something.

Now after seeing Li Jiajun, she still doesn't understand where he is starting to do things for himself again.

"Then let's see what this guy wants to do."

Tong Zixin calmed down silently, and at the same time looked at Li Jiajun, who was the leader.

Seeing his goddess running away at the beginning, this frightened Li Jiajun, but after that, Tong Zixin silently turned back.

This made Li Jiajun silently breathe a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I had the foresight to surround Zixin with an encirclement, I wonder if she was touched by my attitude?"

Li Jiajun thought so, and the light began to slowly converge on him.

He silently began to dance to his own rhythm.

Some innocent people on Xiangcheng Island on the side, who didn't know what was happening, began to silently take out their mobile phones.

Ready to film everything that happened.

At this most critical time, Tong Zixin seemed to be blessed to the soul.

Instantly, he took out a mask from his bag and put it on himself.

Immediately, a full sense of security filled this Tong Zixin's whole body.

So that she finally no longer has to stay on the verge of social death.

It also allows Tong Zixin to stand safely and not retreat or be timid.

She was like a very indifferent wise man standing there and watching Li Jiajun dancing like an idol trainee.

Moves to the rhythm and begins to frantically show favor.

This made Tong Zixin inexplicably think of some bad pictures.

For example, it is a male courtship dance.

But that's a scene that only happens in the animal world.

But now, Tong Zixin never thought that he could actually appreciate it.

"It's really, there's nothing to say."

In this regard, Tong Zixin just sighed silently, and then said to Li Jiajun, who was already sweating.


But before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw Li Jiajun put his index finger in front of his mouth.

"This is... Let me not talk? Tong

Zixin wanted to know what else this Li Jiajun wanted to do.

Therefore, he did not turn his head and leave, or did not give Li Jiajun face, and directly threw his face.

Just stayed in place quietly, but opened his mask a little more.

"Anyway, I can't see who I am now."

And Tong Zixin silently lowered his hair a little more, so that his face basically only showed a pair of eyes.

This sense of security made Tong Zixin feel very gratified.

On the other hand, although he said that he saw Tong Zixin wearing a mask, he also pretended to be a person who was not allowed to enter.

However, as long as Tong Zixin did not turn around, he left, and did not show anything to stop his behavior.

This made Li Jiajun feel that he still had a reason for the drama.

"At least, Zixin doesn't seem to hate my behavior at all, does she?"

"That means I still have a chance!"

"Hahaha, thank God!"

Thinking of this, Li Jiajun's fingers and the smile on his face became even more crazy and cool.

This scene fell in front of the crowd gathered on the side to watch, so confident, so that people don't know what to say.

It's like seeing a romance drama.

The mobile phone lenses picked up by everyone were divided into two sets, one range was the boy facing Tong Zixin.

"Although I don't know who this girl is, her figure is really good!"

"I guess whose president's little wife is it?"

"You have a point in saying that, but I don't know why I always feel a little unhappy, why?"

"Don't say you're unhappy, I'm not happy either!"

On the other hand, the girl aimed at Li Jiajun.

"Wow, this little brother is really handsome!"

"Yes, yes! And to be able to make such a big battle on this side of the square! Definitely still very rich!

"Wow, who doesn't like a rich, handsome and good-looking little brother!"

"If I don't care if this little sister waits, whatever this little brother says, I will promise her!"

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