Although Gu Chen felt that his mobile phone vibrated again.

It is estimated who sent the text message to the latter and other things.

But at this time, Gu Chen didn't want to look at his phone at all, he just wanted to sleep.

So it didn't take much time for Gu Chen to fall into sleep directly under the hardship of the flesh.

In this way, a dark night that no one interfered with anyone and was inclusive of everything came completely.

Some people are in their own lives and are still busy working.

Some people start to enjoy life early, and they don't know what human suffering is, and some people can have enough time to do their own things, and they can also sleep very well at this time.

It's like Jiang Min, it's like Gu Chen.

There are also people like Wang Wei who strive for their dreams and future.

Since people who have worked hard have appeared, there will naturally be some people who enjoy life.

For example, Chen Yu now.

His current state is very comfortable, and under the leadership of Chen Mouren, he finally left the wine country.

It's just that Chen Yu's heart is full of reluctance, just in the next better idea.

Chen Yu still silently followed Chen Muren and left.

And when Chen Yu just got into the modified black car, he found that two bottles of precious wine that had been sealed suddenly appeared in the center of the seat.

"Brother Chen Mouren? This is?

Chen Yu's eyes immediately became a little shining, and he pointed to the two bottles that didn't know what wine was in them and asked.

"This is a souvenir for the distinguished guests who came to the wine country for the first time!"

"And I've also seen it, this is the kind of liquor you drank the most in this wine country before!"

"Eh! There is no need to say anything, what about these two bottles, you just take them away and bring them back!

"The most important thing is that I tell you, the most important souvenir of this wine country is not on these drinks of his, but on this wine bottle!"

Chen Moren looked at Chen Yu with a very envious look.

This made Chen Yu a little inexplicable, but the excitement in his heart told him that he might have guessed a very exciting guess.

"Is it, as long as you drink these two bottles of wine, you can come here and continue to fill this bottle again!"

Chen Yu's face instantly became very exciting, and Chen Mouren smiled and pointed at Chen Yu and said.

"You have a point!"

"But you overestimate one's desire and greed!"

Chen Mouren's words made Chen Yu's brows furrow directly, he was a little puzzled, if it wasn't for this effect, then what else was there to be happy about?

"Brother Chen Mouren, then don't sell it anymore! Hurry up and tell me about it! What else does this wine bottle do!

"Good, good, good! Brother Chen Yu, don't worry! Listen to me slowly!

Chen Mouren took a hand flower, it seems that he has also drunk a lot of alcohol, so he is a little on top now.

"This bottle that has drunk all the wine is equivalent to a voucher, a voucher that can make you come back next time."

"One can deduct your tickets, the other can let you drink in it, it's that simple and not simple!"

However, Chen Mouren's explanation made the smile on Chen Yu's face slowly disappear.

"So, if the two wine bottles in this place are used, it won't be of any use?"

"Yes, of course there is, but this use is not for you to enjoy anymore."

"But there are other people who will get this bottle as an invitation and use letter?"

Chen Yu's brain spun quickly, and he immediately estimated the current situation.

He immediately asked silently.

"Then I have a question, what should I do if I want to qualify for life in this wine country?"

Chen Yu's words were very interesting, at least making Chen Mouren feel a sense of excitement in his heart.

"I didn't expect it to be so easy to take the bait! I haven't reached the three major sites after that, isn't this a joke? Therefore

, in order to be able to let himself follow Chen Yu for a long time and enjoy the happiness of these three levels.

So this Chen Mouren silently ate all the words he had prepared for the time being.

"At that time, you will know that what I am saying to you now is only in vain!"

"The best way is to wait until you explore it yourself!"

Originally, when Chen Yu heard Chen Mouren's words, he was still a little angry.

But soon Chen Yu reacted.

"Why should I be angry?"

"Obviously, I want to eat him and drink him, but I don't do anything for him!"

"Why is it like it's for the lifetime admission of some shit wine country now... Lowly?

"No, no, Mr. Gu, I'm dedicated to you!" I have absolutely no betrayal!

Chen Yu kept thinking about what Gu Chen had said to himself in his heart.

I hope that I can strengthen my heart and firmly complete the task that Gu Chen has given him.

"Otherwise, what face would I have to meet Gu Chen, who has the grace of knowing me!"

Thinking so, the smile on Chen Yu's face became a little more exuberant.

"Okay, let's wait for a better place than the wine country later, and hope that Brother Chen Mouren won't let me down!"

"What are you kidding? Brother Chen Yu, will I disappoint you? Impossible!

Chen Muren packed tickets directly to Chen Yu.

The two silently looked at each other and smiled, their faces full of the feeling that everything was unspoken.

At night, this black car drove very fast, almost until the night was thick and the lights went out, he was completely integrated with the night, and he couldn't see any outline at all.


How to say, it is full of a magical feeling.

And at this time, I feel even more magical, it should be the little secretary who broke away from Li Jiahao's private estate.

At this time, she drove to Causeway Bay, which she was most familiar with.

She found that there was a big difference between the street pictures about Causeway Bay that she saw from the Internet and from the video!

So big that even this little secretary with the skills to never forget felt like a trance.

"I'm finally out!"

"I'm not dreaming!"

Although at this time, Causeway Bay has returned to its usual perfect state after a day of processing.

Some stores are playing in-store music, but some are still arguing.

In short, in this place, everyone is there, and everything is happening.

Therefore, the fairy music in the ears of the little secretary is a completely noisy waste sound in the ears of others!

"But this is the breath of fireworks in the world!"

But the little secretary didn't have any impatience at all, and even liked it very much.

It's just that there is one point, the little secretary feels very embarrassed.

"Look at you, why is that woman still wearing a long shirt on such a hot day! Are you so afraid of the cold?

"Don't talk nonsense, maybe people just like to wear it this way!"

"Yes, people are just a little weird, don't make a fuss!"

"Also, this woman's hair is also quite strange, why does it always feel like the same hairstyle as the last century!"

Listen to the voices that come from time to time in your ears.

Although the little secretary at this time was blinded, his brain did not seem to be blinded at all.

She silently pulled out her hair card directly.

A long hair that had been wrapped for many years and would not see people instantly fell apart.

The long hair that was as smooth as a waterfall instantly shocked everyone's jaws.

It's just that this is not the end of it!

The little secretary also stretched out his arm, so gently grasped the middle angle of the cuff and pulled it so hard.

In an instant, a shirt that was originally long sleeves became short sleeves.

Some of the negative evaluations of people on the roadside of themselves changed instantly at this time.

"Groove! What a sassy woman! I love !

"That's right, what brand of shampoo or hair mask is used in this hairstyle!"

"It's really beautiful! And it's cool to take the initiative to tear off the shirt! Listening

to the exclamations of the onlookers, the little secretary did not make any moves.

Just stood there quietly, and sorted out his appearance again.

She silently took a deep breath, and then directly stepped out of her long legs, heading in the opposite direction of Gu Chen on the video in her memory before.

"In Xiangcheng Island, if it wasn't for the greatest effort to obtain information, it would definitely not be found!"

"And no matter who it is, as long as it is in Xiangcheng Island, there will be clues to leave traces!"

Secretary Mi's idea is very remarkable.

It's just from the perspective of being able to implement, although Secretary Mi knows that it is possible to find Gu Chen's whereabouts if there are traces.

It's just that this thing is easy to say, but it is really not easy to do.

It was as if Secretary Mi had walked a long distance in one direction.

"But why is there no clue!"

Secretary Mi wiped the sweat from his face, did not show any expression of frustration, nor did he show any impatience.

She just felt that since Gu Chen had come to Xiangcheng Island.

Naturally, it is impossible not to leave a trace at all.

"Unless there is an inner ghost in Xiangcheng Island!"

"Or maybe Gu Chen came to Xiangcheng Island, he simply came to talk about cooperation, and there were no other ideas at's strange!"

Secretary Mi bought a bottle of water from the side of the road and drank it ton by ton, his eyes full of determination.

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