"I don't believe it, Gu Chen can destroy all traces of his past in such a short time!"

"If I can't find it today, I won't sleep!"

Secretary Mi, who was secretly ruthless in his heart, was full of fighting spirit.

It's just that an hour later, Secretary Mi was already in a state of confusion, and he didn't know what to say.

"There is really no trace at all, how did this Gu Chen do it!"

"Or is there really an inner ghost?"

After thinking of the inner ghost, this secretary thought of Tong Zixin, who had bragged about Gu Chen with her before.

"Impossible, impossible! How could Sister Zixin be an inner ghost?

But soon, Secretary Mi quickly dismissed his idea.

"Because at the beginning, this Gu Chen's whereabouts were actively exposed by Sister Tong Zixin!"

"If she wants to hide Gu Chen's whereabouts to Xiangcheng Island and really betray Li Jiahao, then she shouldn't have exposed Gu Chen's traces at once in the first place!"

"After all, this is beneficial to her, but for Gu Chen, from the very beginning, there is already a great risk!"

"It's just ... a joke about life!"

After thinking of this, Secretary Mi felt that he had thought too much.

"Even if Sister Zixin wants to really rely on selling Gu Chen to gain trust, it won't be so realistic!"

Thinking so, Secretary Mi's thoughts became more and more confused, more and more.

"But if it weren't for this reason, who else was helping Gu Chen, or who was covering up the traces?"

Secretary Mi fell into deep thought, and also felt his stomach began to churl constantly.

So, I decided that I couldn't treat myself badly.

"I finally came out with difficulty, how can I not eat something delicious!"

"As for finding Gu Chen, what is there to be anxious about!"

Secretary Mi thought so in his heart.

"If this matter can make me stay outside forever, then what does it matter if Gu Chen can never find it!"

After understanding this truth, Secretary Mi's whole person became energetic.

"Let's eat!"

Even Secretary Mi walked with the wind, and clicked to a very authentic Xiangcheng Island style tea restaurant that she had searched for on the way here.

However, just after entering the tea restaurant, she realized that she was wrong.

"This scent! It's not just authentic! It's a time-honored brand!

She happily took out the black card she took out from Li Jiahao and prepared to spend it.

It's just that because the people in the lobby are really hot, Secretary Mi decided to go upstairs and open a private room.

I also enjoy eating by myself in one room at a time.

"Although it may be a little lonely, it is a good experience to think about!"

In this way, Secretary Mi, who maintained this idea, did not expect that today's tea restaurant was too popular, and even the private room was directly booked.

So there is no way and I don't want to take Secretary Mi on it.

After waiting downstairs for more than twenty minutes, he finally waited for the people in a private room upstairs to leave the tea restaurant.

"Finally able to eat! Starve me! The

little secretary who couldn't wait went straight upstairs, she was really ready to eat happily.

Who knows, just when passing by one of the rooms that had just been served without closing the door, I heard a strange voice from it.

But the voice is not the point, the point is that this voice mentions Gu Chen.

"Won't it, there is no place to step on iron shoes, and it will take no effort to get it?"

In an instant, such a sentence flashed in Secretary Mi's mind.

She immediately stopped her actions and looked at the two people in the private room.

One is crazy Kan Dashan, the other is looking at him tenderly and constantly pouring him wine.

An indifferent smile instantly appeared on the little secretary's face.

"Didn't that just let me find it?"

So, the little secretary thought for a while and said to the waiter who looked at him strangely.

"What, I think this box ah I eat alone is really a little lonely and scared!"

"Just help me ask directly, whether the people in this box are willing to share a seat, yes, tell them that I am willing to pay the difference in the minimum cost of this box, and even if they are not willing to pay directly, I can pay directly!"

Secretary Mi's words made this waiter feel a little strange, but the guest is God.

Naturally, the waiter will not disturb his God's Yaxing for a little thing.

Of course, he went in directly and found Ah Yue.

"Sister Ayue."

When the waiter gave Secretary Mi's request to Ah Yue and Lin Wanxiang, the two suddenly looked at Secretary Mi who was leaning against the wall at the door.

The latter directly wrapped his hands around and beckoned to the two.


Maybe today's A Yue and Lin Wanxiang's mood is really very good, or maybe A Yue and Lin Wanxiang think that this little secretary looks beautiful, and the first impression in their hearts is that she is not a bad person.

In short, in the end, after the two showed a friendly smile to the little secretary, the two immediately got together to discuss.

"How about it, do you want her to come and sit together?"

"If you want it, why not, we don't need money for food, but she wants money to eat, isn't this helping your father generate income?"

After discussing with Lin Wanxiang, Ah Yue finally decided to let the little secretary come in to eat together.

It's just that the positions of the two sides are not very close.

After the little secretary also walked into the room, he finally found that Ah Yue and Lin Wanxiang were not two of those who were mixed with Gu Chen.

"And this face always feels a little familiar."

The little secretary looked at Ah Yue and Lin Wanxiang and did not care about their coming in, still eating sweetly in the state of you and my nong, but the little secretary was constantly observing Ah Yue and Lin Wanxiang.

Finally, the little secretary remembered.

"Wasn't that the blockchain revolution at the time, two of them?"

"I actually ran into them here!"

"And it seems that the attitude of the waiter and this woman, it seems that this tea restaurant is either opened by this woman or opened in her home."

The little secretary thought silently in his heart.

"So, didn't I find Gu Chen's base camp by mistake?"

"No, even if it's not the base camp, now I've already encountered these two big fish!"

Thinking of this, the corner of the little secretary's mouth showed a very indifferent smile.

At this time, the little secretary's meals also began to be delivered slowly.

Smelling the food in front of her, plus Ah Yue and Lin Wanxiang, it seemed that they also ordered a lot of meals, so the meals that came up were not only her own, but also the two of them.

This gave the little secretary more opportunities to get close to Ah Yue and Lin Wanxiang, and maybe he would be able to pull out more information.

After thinking of this, the little secretary finally couldn't help but start eating happily.

There are really a lot of delicacies in front of him, so even if the little secretary opens his stomach to eat, he only eats this dish a little.

"Ah Xiang, you see that the person on the other side is really delicious, as if he hasn't eaten for many years!"

Ah Yue was also happy today, but halfway through the way, he was interrupted by this little secretary who suddenly jumped out and interrupted his date with Lin Wanxiang's two.

It's a very bad feeling, even very bad.

However, just thinking of Lin Wanxiang finally solved all the bad luck in his body.

Therefore, Ah Yue naturally wants to do good deeds, so he will not take the initiative to chase this little secretary away.

I originally thought that my boyfriend Lin Wanxiang could understand this, but who knew that after asking himself once, he actually directly agreed to let this little secretary in.

The appearance of this situation made Ah Yue only feel that this Lin Wanxiang seemed to be a fool.

Or straight men.

Anyway, Ah Yue had already become unhappy with the little secretary.

Not to mention, this Ah Yue ordered a lot of dishes, but she actually ate all of them directly after only a few bites.

What is the truth of this?

Anyway, Ah Yue hates a person who wastes food, and the little secretary was also labeled by her at this time.

"This lady!"

"Do you need to pack?"

But Ah Yue has been heavily influenced by service industry education software since she was a child, and of course she will not accuse this little secretary of a moral high ground from the beginning.

So the tone is still relatively gentle, but the next moment of hunger.

The little secretary's answer directly made both Ah Yue and Lin Wanxiang feel a little incomprehensible at the same time.


"No, I'm a person, just like this to like a meal just taste whether it is delicious or not, look at the current food changes!"

"Actually, the amount of food I eat is really not very much!"

"Of course, I know that my habit is really very difficult to see, but I spent money!"

In the face of Ah Yue and Lin Wanxiang's rebuke.

The little secretary directly clicked a few words, directly making the original just want to converge with this little secretary a little, even if it was a showman.

But neither Ah Yue nor Lin Wanxiang expected that this little secretary would tell the truth so much.

"Even if you make an excuse that you can't eat today!" What is so honest for? "

Both of them very much did not understand the behavior of the little secretary.

The little secretary was a little puzzled at this time.

"Why do you want to look at me with that strange, disgusted look? Again, I wasn't wrong! The

little secretary faced the doubtful eyes of Ah Yue and Lin Wanxiang, and always felt that something was wrong.

But she couldn't say it.

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