"Could it be that Gu Chen brought some updated thoughts from Huahai City that made these two people think that my behavior was abnormal?"

"That shouldn't be, is Gu Chen's influence so great?"

The little secretary fell into thought, and then silently thought of Tong Zixin's changes.

In the past, Tong Zixin's eyes did not have any light in his eyes.

But now when Tong Zixin spoke, his eyes were shining.

This made the little secretary very envious.

"So what the hell did I do wrong?"

However, even if they understand Ah Yue and Lin Wanxiang, they may have been affected by Gu Chen.

But the little secretary still didn't understand what he had done wrong.

Until then, Ah Yue and Lin Wanxiang finally couldn't bear it and the little secretary put forward the so-called love of food.

This made the little secretary completely incomprehensible.

Especially when I think that in some places, if you eat beef, only the best small part of the beef is eaten, and the rest of the meat is taken to feed to the dog.

Eating fish and chicken is the same, and only the tenderest part is always cut.

The rest of the places are directly useless, just throw it away, where there are still so many sayings.

"And what is Operation Disc!"

These many novel statements that came out of the mouths of Ah Yue and Lin Wanxiang made the little secretary feel strange.

It also made the little secretary feel a headache.

"If only Sister Zixin were there!"

But what the little secretary didn't know was that Tong Zixin at this time had an even more headache than her.

Tong Zixin did not return to the big house prepared for her by Li Jiahao, but silently opened a hotel room and lived in it.

"Almost pitted!"

"Quickly find someone to contact and delete those videos on the network."

The first thing Tong Zixin did after arriving at the hotel was to quickly try what happened in Aurora Square before to see if he could suppress it.

It is best to be able to suppress it, otherwise, Tong Zixin really does not know whether there will be paparazzi directly coming to secretly photograph himself tomorrow.

"In the past, Li Jiahao pressed and did not dare anyone to secretly take pictures, but now I can't say for sure!"

Just thinking about this Tong Zixin was very irritable.

The main boy Zixin is not afraid of being photographed.

But at this time, Tong Zixin knew that his current situation was really not suitable for exposure to the public eye.

Why, because if you are followed by a paparazzi, someone will definitely be following you all the time.

"But I have always lacked the ability to counter reconnaissance."

"If I accidentally get photographed when I meet with President Gu, then I can't explain it!"

"At that time, I will definitely be forced to turn my face directly with Li Jiahao."

Thinking of this, Tong Zixin had a headache.

She still believes that this matter cannot be rushed.

You must not encounter a storm when your wings have not fully hardened and fully extended.

And still in the dark with thunder and lightning.

"So, I have to press down on all these things!"

Tong Zixin thought of this and began to contact a person who had not been in touch for a long time.

"It's me, Tong Zixin."

"Sister Xin! Rare guest, why did you have the effort to call me today?

"Is it because you saw that video of yourself?" You want me to help suppress this news, right?

Tong Zixin listened to the neutral voice coming from the phone, and said with a silent sigh.

"Yes, if the price is good, I will directly hit your account like before!"

In this way, Tong Zixin just about to hang up after making a call.

But who knows, the person on the other end of the phone interrupted Tong Zixin's self-talk.

"Wait, Sister Xin, now it's not the price it used to be, brothers want to eat, I'm really sorry!"

"What do you mean? Prices? How much does it go up? "

Originally, if Tong Zixin had time, he would definitely have to deal with this guy in terms of theoretical price problems.

But now Tong Zixin doesn't want to waste effort on water milling at all.

It's just about how much money you have.

"Not more, not much, that's just three million!"

"Huh? Do you grab money?

"It's not me who grabbed money, Sister Xin! It's you who are too valuable now! I didn't know until now that the son of the richest man on Xiangcheng Island, the person who pursued it was actually you!

"When I saw this news, I thought it was very funny, I thought that the son of the richest man actually agreed to a romantic courtship in public, and I thought it was very strange!!"

"But when I saw the name of the courted name Tong Zixin, Sister Xin, you know, my eyes were about to fall out with wide eyes!"

"I thought I was hallucinating! As a result, I didn't expect that in the end, I thought too much, and the person who was courted by Li Jiajun was you Tong Zixin! And let me help a future, the Crown Princess? The woman behind the richest man buried the news or something.

"I think it's just cheap for you if I want to account for three million, right, Sister Xin!" You tell me?

After hearing these words, Tong Zixin suddenly felt that what this guy said was very reasonable.

So, after pondering for a while, Tong Zixin said decisively.

"Okay, then I don't have that much effort to entangle with you! Is it still the previous account?

"Yes, that's right!"

"Got it! Thank you Sister Xin, Sister Xin is atmospheric! Long live Sister Xin!

"Less talk, more work! And it is still as before, 30% deposit, and you will do everything else!

"Good, good, fair, then wait for Sister Xin's down payment to arrive, we will start working!"

Tong Zixin finally hung up the phone, feeling that he had a very headache.


She said this silently, and turned her head to the sky.

At this time, because of the weather, the sky is enlightened, and the moonlight emits a soft glow.

"Li Jiahao."

But in the face of such a scenery, Tong Zixin did not feel any happiness.

It even felt very heavy.

She wanted to call Gu Chen very much, but she resisted her urge.

"Hold on! Be sure to hold back!

"Can't spoil Mr. Gu's big thing! He must be working hard where I can't see! Thinking

so, Tong Zixin felt more and more that Gu Chen must be working hard somewhere now.

"Then I definitely can't relax here!"

Thinking so, Tong Zixin silently turned on a computer from the hotel and began to prepare to log in to his bank account to start transferring.

And after Tong Zixin transfers the account, she can also go to see the situation on the Internet.

At this time, Tong Zixinhua splashed on the video taken by someone before.

It really made her not appreciate it, especially that Li Jiajun's dancing ability really received many people's complaints.

It's not just a child's play that is thought in his heart.

But the efficiency of the person who collects the money is quite fast, and Tong Zixin was able to see this video of Li Jiajun bouncing before, one second he was still dancing, and the next second he was directly stunned on the computer.

After Tong Zixin refreshed it, the webpage could not be displayed directly.


Tong Zixin silently chanted in her heart, her deposit was not paid in vain.

It's just that she is still a little distressed in her heart, after all, three million is not a small amount.

"Hey, let's break the wealth and eliminate the disaster!"

Thinking so, Tong Zixin's heart was much quieter.

She silently brought herself a bottle of red wine in the refrigerator, and suddenly felt a little sad.

But what she didn't know was that when she was sad, there was another even sadder person in the city.

Li Jiajun was walking on the streets aimlessly at this time, and the whole person was like a walking dead without a soul.

All the way out of a strange half-open fridge.

He wanted to open the door of the refrigerator, but found that the thing was actually locked.

"Depends, how can a refrigerator bully me?"

This made the nameless anger in Li Jiajun's heart rise in a flash.

He viciously smashed his fist on the refrigerator.

I originally wanted to pretend that I didn't have any problems at all, but I thought that there were no people in the vicinity at all, why did I pretend to be garlic?

Therefore, Li Jiajun directly clenched his fist oh oh pain.

"What, broken refrigerator, who put it here..." Before

he finished speaking, suddenly the refrigerator actually opened itself.

In an instant, countless brilliant lights continued to flash out of this refrigerator.

At the same time, there are various 857857 sounds.

Li Jiajun suddenly snorted, he really didn't know that behind this refrigerator was actually a discotheque.

"Boy, you knocked on the door?"

And the one who opened the door for Li Jiajun was a tall man with sunglasses.

He looked at Li Jiajun indifferently, looking at his stunned look and a little impatient.

In order not to let himself be looked down upon, Li Jiajun directly raised his head and said very proudly.

"yes, it's me, how is it, do you have an opinion?"

That proud look made people want to hit him a little.

"The entrance fee is two thousand."

But the man in sunglasses looked him up and down, and then said this lightly.

"Two thousand? Hehe! Li

Jiajun brushed and took out his pile of thick banknotes, like flying cards, and kept flying out these banknotes in front of this strong man.

"Here, here you go! I have 10,000 pieces here for you!

That arrogant look made the man in sunglasses shout in his heart.

"Just don't stop!"

Li Jiajun felt refreshed from the way this strong man kept squatting down to pick up money in surprise.

At the same time, my mind seems to be aware of my own strengths.

"It's not as good as Zixin's mind."

"It's not as treacherous as Gu Chen."

Am I richer than they are! Have the ability to compare with Daddy! "

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