In short, Xiangcheng Island is a city full of charm and magic.

In this city that never sleeps, its day and night are completely different.

It can be a dream town that makes people struggle and sweat their youth, or it can be a steel behemoth that swallows people without spitting out bones.

It is a screw castle that will make people unconsciously assimilated, and it will also be the work of countless artists who wield hammers.

It is full of infinite possibilities and limits infinite possibilities.

Day and night, never get bored.

It will also teach everyone a lesson and will also let people know about the pains of growth.

But you can still choose the life you want.

It's like this ordinary night on Xiangcheng Island, Gu Chen enjoys a quality sleep in the Astronomy Club, Tong Zixin drinks red wine in the hotel to relieve his boredom, and Jiang Min, a super hacker, also falls asleep in the midst of thinking about it.

Chen Yu still followed Chen Moren on the road of VIPs, enjoying the joy of money being converted to the extreme.

There was also a fledgling little secretary, who was having an initial understanding and debate with Ah Yue and Lin Wanxiang, and the three of them actually became good friends.

However, after being hit, Li Jiajun finally put aside his hardworking side again, returned to bars and nightclubs, and transformed into the rich second generation who never knew what thrift was.

As for Li Jiasheng, he didn't sleep well all night, although he decided in his heart to ally with Gu Chen, but before the taste of betrayal began to taste, he had already begun to panic, who could sleep well.

And Li Jiahao, who had long begun to adapt to the time difference abroad, still gathered his group of financial geniuses to help him account for assets and transfer assets day and night.

It seems that everyone has their own troubles, some people choose to face them calmly, and some people become rapids and retreat.

Their choices have determined countless future paths.

The changes in life feel weird and strange.

It's as if you ate today, ate all the time, but changed your eating habits one day.

The feeling of discomfort and discord is disturbing.

So that sentence is good, go to bed early and get up early, eat well!

Gu Chen is like that.

When he woke up naturally the next day, he slowly opened his eyes.

He only felt that his body and mind were clear, and his mind was also very clear.

"Sleep soundly, or is the air quality too good?"

Stretching out and getting up, Gu Chen felt that he was very energetic all over his body, which made him feel very good.

At the same time, I looked at the time, and it was still very early.

"I just don't know if there's breakfast."

He silently got up and left, but just the moment he opened the door, he saw a strange man standing outside the door.

"Groove? Who are you?

Gu Chen didn't even have time to say anything, and the man on the other side asked.

The whole face was full of surprise.

Gu Chen looked at his strange face, and it seemed that he had not seen him among the members of the astronomy club before.

I am also full of curiosity about him.

"I'm Gu Chen, are you?"

"Gu Chen? I don't know, you're not a member of the club!

Just after saying a word, the very fashionable man asked.

"Wait, why did you come out of a house with little money! You'd better give me a reasonable explanation, or I'll leave you with no food!" But

the trendy man who was just fine, after thinking that Gu Chen came out of this house with the appearance of spending the night, he was instantly full of anger.

"I tell you, Xiao Qian Qian is my person, if others want to touch her, there is only one end, that is, death, do you understand what I mean? Yes?

Therefore, he didn't give Gu Chen any chance to explain at all, and even when Gu Chen was about to say that he had nothing to do with Xiao Qianqian, he couldn't say it.

Because this hipster man actually speaks fast and rhythmically, as if he is talking about Rapp.

The whole person is in a manic state.

This made Gu Chen feel a feeling in his heart.

"Like a fool."

He suddenly thought of the best adjective for hipster men.

"And still a fool who doesn't listen to people."

This makes Gu Chen not know what to say.

Because there was nothing to say, Gu Chen directly closed his mouth.

But Gu Chen found another problem.

Even if he didn't speak, after showing an attitude of saying you don't care if I didn't listen, this trendy man actually became even more angry.

"Lying groove, no one dares to ignore me like you when I am so big!"

"Boy, do you dare to tell me the address of your house, I will directly cut off the water of your house, believe it or not!"

Hearing this, suddenly Gu Chen seemed to know who this guy was.

"People from the Zhao family?"

Therefore, as if to leave Gu Chen a little time to be shocked, this trendy man finally stopped chattering like before, and was even able to let Gu Chen finally have free time to interject.

However, just when Gu Chen thought that he could say something more, this trendy man actually nodded with great satisfaction after hearing Gu Chen's answer.

"Oh, it's good, you actually know the Zhao family, if you say so, you are not a small character!"

"Okay, then I'll get straight to the point, I don't care what you have to do with Xiao Qian before, anyway, today, I come you know, you can get out of the house with peace of mind, understand?"

The chao man's words were very sharp, but Gu Chen had already heard them even more excessively.

Compared to the really disgusting bad guys, this hipster man may seem to be a little kinder.

Of course, I may not have been exposed to the charm of real language arts.

Of course, Gu Chen doesn't mind teaching this trendy man, what is a real threat.

However, bullying a child really has no sense of accomplishment, and it is particularly boring, so face the threat of this trendy man.

Gu Chen just listened silently and smiled, and then did not respond or speak.

Just look at this hipster man.

But the tide man didn't think so, and thought that this was Gu Chen was afraid of himself, and the whole person's nose was going to turn up.

A lot of nonsense that didn't want money began to pop out of his mouth.

"I tell you, I am in charge of the electricity in this area! I see that you are so obedient, and people are very good-looking! "

Eh, I didn't look at you carefully just now, ah, you're not that big star, you look too good-looking, right?"

"No, no, even if you are really good-looking, you can't seduce people indiscriminately, don't you know!"

"Especially can't seduce Xiao Qianqian, because she is mine, and I Zhao Ming alone!"

This hipster finally said his name, lighting?

Gu Chen's smile became a little brighter when he heard this name, and he always felt that the parents of the Zhao family and the Qian family seemed to be quite interesting.

One does not lose money, one lighting, this is how grounded it is!

Gu Chen thought of this, but Zhao Ming seemed to be addicted to talking, and the whole person was constantly nagging.

"Anyway, I see you are so obedient!"

"No, I feel very close to you! Then do it, you recognize me as a big brother, and I will cover you in the future! As long as you are bullied after you come out, you will directly explode my Zhao Ming's name!

"Believe me, whether you are a human or a ghost will give you a face!" Don't ask, it's your boss and I'm awesome to ask! Moreover

, Gu Chen also found that this Zhao Ming seemed to be a super self-acquaintance, and it didn't take long for him.

He already claimed to be Gu Chen's boss.

Gu Chen didn't say anything, but just when Zhao Ming kept talking about it, suddenly Gu Chen heard Qian Bupei's

voice coming from the left.

He looked directly over, but it was strange that there was no figure at all.

And Zhao Ming's reaction was even greater, when he first spoke, the whole person froze, and he stayed on the spot before he finished a word.

After determining the source of the voice, he tilted his head very stiffly and showed a very worried smile.

However, he and Gu Chen found that no one appeared at all, and Zhao Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

He silently leaned into Gu Chen's ear and said.

"Hey, little brother!"

"What I just told you, don't talk to anyone! Otherwise, I want you to look good!

However, just after saying this, Zhao Ming heard Qian Bupei's voice sound again.

"Xiaomingzi! What do you say, I heard it all! Immediately

, after this Qian Bu Pei's voice came, Zhao Ming felt that the whole person's body collapsed directly.

He clicked his head again, looked at the original direction, and after making sure that there was no one, he slowly looked up again.

Oh, sure enough, at this time, Qian Bupei held his chin and looked at this Zhao Ming with interest.

He even waved his hand at Zhao Ming and said.

"Good morning, little Akiko!"

Suddenly, Zhao Ming showed a smile that was even uglier than crying.

"Haha, good morning, little money, I, I'll bring you breakfast, today is the exquisite breakfast of the Fengxiang Hotel that I have queued for a long time!"

"So can you forget what I just said for the sake of bringing you breakfast?"

His previous majesty disappeared at this time, and the whole person looked like he had been beaten up.

Full of frustration.

"Well, I don't care! Anyway, what you said is not for me.

"You have to ask the hidden god beside you first to see if he cares!"

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