"If he thinks that you are a nerd, forget it, after all, no one will think about a nerd or anything."

"But if he thinks you're deliberately bumping into him or insulting him, then I'm sorry, no one can save you today!" Don't ask me why, you should first ask who the people around you are.

Qian Bupei pointed with his mouth at Gu Chen, who was still silent.

The latter directly showed a helpless look.

"Groove! Am I offending the big guy? As

a trendy man who knows how to see the wind and steer the rudder, Zhao Ming can hear in an instant that his little money is showing him the way.

Although I don't know what identity Gu Chen really is, or what skills he has.

But Zhao Ming knows one thing, one vital thing.

"Forget it, no matter what you do, let's apologize first!"

Zhao Ming, who thought so, was also unambiguous at all and began to respect Qian Bupei's statement.

It directly gave Gu Chen a very respectful bow.

"I'm sorry this big brother, what I said before was all joking with you, I'm actually just an ordinary Zhao family!"

"But I have no power, and I live every month on the death wages issued by my own family!"

"Actually, I'm not awesome at all! What I just said is all my!

"If something makes Big Brother feel that something is wrong, you just pump me with your mouth!" If the eldest brother feels that the big mouth is not pumping, you can also directly hit me with his fists and feet!

"If I cry out in pain today, I'm not a man!"

Zhao Ming's apology was very heartfelt, and even Gu Chen shook his head and said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, no need to say any more, I wasn't angry just now!"

After hearing Gu Chen's answer, Zhao Ming suddenly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, when he apologized to people before, he really met someone who gave him a big mouth, even if this person was disposed of by the ruthless role in the family later.

But he was still worried, wouldn't it be very embarrassing if he ran into a stunned blue to slap himself.

Fortunately, Gu Chen did not have this boring hobby.

Therefore, this Zhao Ming's apology came very timely, and after speaking, Gu Chen had already forgiven him.

I just don't know why, Zhao Ming's bow actually has some other meaning.

"Hungry, that big brother, I don't have any insight or eyesight, I just want to tell you that what I said before is false except for those bragging."

"But one thing is true!"

Speaking of this, this Zhao Ming actually looked up at Gu Chen directly ninety degrees, which made Gu Chen feel terrible.

However, what Zhao Ming said was not terrible at all.

And it also makes people feel a sense of joy.

Even Qian Bupei upstairs heard this sentence.

I couldn't help but say a word.

"Groove? You're really here!

Gu Chen patted this guy's shoulder hard.

"I think you can! Try it! "

Then what did this Zhao Ming say, in fact, it is very simple.

He just confessed to Gu Chen in front of Gu Chen and this Qian Bu Pei!

This made Qian Bupei, who was still smiling, disappear his smile in an instant.

The whole person also quickly said a sigh, and then directly hid back in his room.

Only Gu Chen and Zhao Ming were left at the scene.

It's just that it didn't take long for this Zhao Ming to start shouting at the window!

"I'm serious!"

"Serious ones can't be serious!"

But the effect was very poor, and even only a roar was heard in this window.

"Fuck off!"

Zhao Ming could only silently hand all the breakfast in his hand to Gu Chen.

"Brother, no, big brother, big brother!"

"Please, please bring these to Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei as soon as possible!"

"Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei don't like to see me sometimes, so please help!"

Gu Chen looked at Zhao Ming's eyes full of longing, so he had to uh-huh, okay, no problem!

After receiving Gu Chen's affirmation, Zhao Ming's voice instantly increased by three points.

But how to say that.

"The afterglow is loud!"

"This is the real brother, don't say anything, from today you will be my Zhao Ming's pro-big brother!"

"Big brother!"

As he spoke, this Zhao Ming heard Qian Bupei open the window and say.

"You're dreaming, aren't you? What is your identity, what is Gu Chen's identity, you let him worship like you?

"You're thinking about fart!"

Qian Bupei's words directly let Zhao Ming leave this Gu Chen.

Even silently gave him a little invisible blow.

"However, I really haven't heard of any big guy surnamed Gu in Xiangcheng Island!"

"And if I follow the big guy, I won't drop the price!"

"After all, although I am a waste in the family, in the face of those redundant people on the market, aren't they still much more noble than them?"

"Why can't I not even be a small follower?"

Zhao Ming has always felt that he is the perfect little brother.

I never felt in my heart that I would not make a big difference.

But the big guys who were assisted by him basically did not have any big deals.

There are even members of that kind of gang.

But it's still like waste.

In short, Zhao Ming felt that he had his hands, so he began to speak with a shy face.

"You said you said, Boss Gu Chen! That's the name!

After getting Gu Chen's nod, this Zhao Ming's whole person became active.

"You think I'm a craftable too! Ha ha!

Gu Chen hesitated at this time.

In the dictionary of adulthood, sometimes if you don't give an answer, it's already the answer.

So in the end, Zhao Ming's blow was still big in his brain.

So much so that after Gu Chen finished washing, he also pulled up Jiang Min, who had a hazy sleeping face.

Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei also came to the place where breakfast was eaten.

"Zhao Ming, you are also here today! How embarrassing it is, I let you bring more breakfast every time! Compared

with Qian Bupei's attitude, Liang Sixing is much better for Zhao Ming.

However, this still did not prevent Qian Bupei from giving him a bad look.

"Harm, what's so bad about this, I like to help people!" There is no way for warm-heartedness!

"You see you live in the mountains, how inconvenient it is to go down, right?"

"But it's easy for me to get on it, just kick the accelerator."

"And the main thing is that small money likes to eat!"

When he said the last sentence, Zhao Ming covered his face shyly.

But the gap between the finger seams can also allow this guy to secretly watch Qian Bupei's reaction through this gap.

But it's a pity that no matter what Zhao Ming says, Qian Bupei still looks indifferent.

"That's it?"

Even Qian Bupei showed a disdainful expression.

What she wants is not the kind of giant baby company that satisfies her laziness!

Jiang Min looked at Zhao Ming's embarrassed face, ate the food that made her eyes shine, and silently said to Gu Chen.

"Brother Gu Chen, what is the situation?"

"Did I sleep directly for many days, and I always feel like I have crossed a lot of plots!"

Jiang Min's question made Gu Chen glance at Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei, and that Zhao Ming.

Then he secretly leaned a little to the left behind and told Jiang Min about what happened in the morning.

"So that's it!"

"I didn't hear clearly, Brother Gu Chen, can you say it earlier?"

It's just that after Gu Chen finished speaking, Jiang Min pretended to look at Gu Chen with a very dazed look.

However, in fact, Jiang Min had already heard clearly that this Zhao Ming was Qian Bupei's loyal suitor.

This time I went up the mountain to deliver breakfast to Liang Sixing, Qian Bupei and others.

As a result, he happened to meet Gu Chen coming out of Qian Bupei's house and began to look for Gu Chen's stubble.

But he encountered Qian Bupei's blow again, which is why he wanted to become Gu Chen's little brother.

"Although I understand, it feels really great for Brother Gu Chen to lean over and whisper to me!"

"I really like this feeling of secrecy!"

It is because of this feeling of liking that Jiang Min directly played her female advantages this time.

Directly pretended to have a look that he didn't hear clearly at all, to let Gu Chen say it again.

And Gu Chen, after looking at Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei, who didn't seem to react.

That's it, say it once, say it twice.

So he approached Jiang Min's ear again and talked about the encounter with this Zhao Ming in the morning.

But just after Gu Chen and Jiang Min finished talking for the second time, the whispered state between the two was completely seen by Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei.

"Eh! What's going on with you two! There are no whispers at this table, and there are no secrets!

"You know what I mean? Mr. Gu?

"Everyone is their own people, can't they open the skylight and say bright words?"

Suddenly, both Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei were a little excited.

Then Gu Chen knew that it was them diverting the topic.

"But didn't you two think that the topic I talked about with Jiang Min was also related to the topic you avoided?"

"Well, since you burned the fire on my body, I'm sorry I'm going to burn the fire back again!"

Gu Chen said with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Ah, it's nothing, that is, I met Zhao Ming today, Zhao Ming and I said a lot of interesting things."

"For example, he is interested in small money..."

However, before Gu Chen finished speaking, Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei quickly interrupted Gu Chen's words.

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