At the same time, the two people began to change the topic frantically.

"Hahaha! Gu Chen just likes to joke!

"Yes, yes, I don't know what Gu Chen's arrangements are for today, do you want us to accompany you!"

Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei both looked at Gu Chen with an expectant look.

Gu Chen didn't feel anything, but when Zhao Ming also looked over with a longing look.

Gu Chen was a little unhappy.

"Isn't it, everyone wants to use me as an excuse and shield?"

"Do you really think I'm an idle person?"

Therefore, in order to let Liang Sixing, Qian Bupei, and Zhao Ming understand that he Gu Chen is not a person who has nothing to do.

He came to Xiangcheng Island to have something to do.

"I, ah, I'm going to take Jiang Min out, and it's estimated that I'll come back in the evening."

Who knows, after Gu Chen said this, Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei didn't have any intention of letting him go at all.

"I'll be your guide!"

"I'll go with you! You'll need me!

And Zhao Ming also found that Gu Chen was so delicious, and he also said quickly.

"Brother Gu Chen, there is still me and me!"

Gu Chen looked at the positive looks of these three people and didn't know what to say.

Especially after seeing that Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei found that Zhao Ming wanted to follow, they immediately put down their palms.

Isn't this intention obvious, isn't it just to want Gu Chen to take Zhao Ming away?

"Think beautiful! Wouldn't it be annoying me to death if I took this word away?

Therefore, Gu Chen, who had already made a decision in his heart, said directly.

"Since everyone wants to go so much, let's go together, anyway, what you want to do today is not something unseemly."

"And I really don't know this Xiangcheng Island very well."

"Besides, there are two people from the four major families, I feel that I will enjoy the treatment of a VIP wherever I go, right?"

Gu Chen said with a smile, the whole person looked like a Maitreya Buddha.

Zhao Ming was instantly moved and almost cried.

"Brother Gu Chen is so good to me, he actually takes care of me like this! Woohoo! I know I like small money, this is to help me create opportunities! Thinking

of this, Zhao Ming's eyes looking at Gu Chen were full of adoration.

The other two people, Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei, were very hesitant.

Liang Sixing, he has indeed been staying on this mountain for a long time recently, and he feels that he can almost go to the bottom of the mountain to play.

But what Qian Bupei thought, she didn't know, after all, Zhao Ming's words were still very terrifying.

And Qian Bupei, she had another idea in her heart.

"What does President Gu mean when he says this, is he going to start a little important action?"

"In that case, if I follow Gu Chen today, won't I be able to obtain a lot of exclusive information?"

"And if you don't get it, you can still see a lot of Gu Chen's layout and learn the means of the capitalists in Huahai City?"

Thinking of this, Qian Bupei also decided that he would follow Gu Chen's idea.


" Little Mingzi, this guy! It's really a hassle! Qian

Bupei felt a little troublesome just thinking about this.

"Find a way to pull him apart?"

Just when everyone was thinking so, Jiang Min, who was suddenly playing with his mobile phone while eating, was still reminiscing about the warm humidity that Gu Chen came over.

Suddenly, I saw a piece of news that I cared a lot about.

"Brother Gu Chen! You look at this.

Then Jiang Min's complexion changed, and he directly handed his mobile phone to Gu Chen.

The latter's face changed after reading the news.

"This Li Jiajun's routines and moves are a bit out!"

"I actually scared Zixin away directly, haha!"

Gu Chen smiled and discussed it with Jiang Min.

At the same time, the two were also a little worried in their hearts, and Tong Zixin's current safety state.

So it doesn't matter what Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei and Zhao Ming discuss now.

Gu Chen directly took Jiang Min and prepared to drive away.

Liang Sixing, Qian Bupei, and Zhao Ming were thrown on the mountain by the fierce Gu Chen.

The three of you, you look at me, I look at you, and finally Zhao Ming continued.

"How about I drive you down?"

As he spoke, he also showed a very shy expression.

But Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei looked at him like fools.

"You're dreaming."

"Zhao Ming, I admit that the breakfast you brought is delicious, but people can't just eat breakfast forever!"

Zhao Ming directly ignored Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei's explicit and implied statements.

Still asked the two without mercy.

"Do you want to leave now, I'll drive myself first?"

Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei immediately glanced at each other.

"Is there still salvation?"

"It's probably gone! Did you hear what Gu Chen said just now, confidence?

"yes, I just don't know who is so strange about self-confidence, is it an old man?"

While talking, the two slowly got up and left the place.

Only Zhao Ming was left in place, holding a small lotus rong bag, and said hey.

"How about it, how can you both answer me!"

"Are you going to change your clothes?"

"Then I'll wait for you outside!"

When Tong Zixin woke up, he found that there was no notification on his mobile phone.

She immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, these three million flowers are worth it!"

"This night came, and no one came to me."

"Wait, Li Jiajun actually didn't call, can it be said that this time he finally succeeded in hitting him?"

Thinking of this, Tong Zixin also showed a heartfelt smile.

Although she knows that this is impossible, because of Lee Ka Jun's paranoid personality.

Tong Zixin had already learned from his father, so this Li Jiajun would suddenly be hit by his escape?

That's something that simply can't happen.

Tong Zixin, who deeply understood this matter, was still very strange.

But for the sake of safety, Tong Zixin still used his secondary card without a deposit number to call this guy.

After all, if something happened to Li Jiajun, Tong Zixin did not dare to guarantee what crazy move this Li Jiahao would make.

Therefore, in order to avoid that situation, Tong Zixin felt that it was better not to let things happen.

"Toot toot! The phone you made was temporarily unanswered..."

It's just that when Tong Zixin's deputy card flew out, she suddenly had a premonition.

Last night's Li Jiajun definitely had a little condition.

"That's a bit embarrassing!"

"If something happens to me in the end, isn't it ...a disaster without presumption?"

Tong Zixin didn't want anything to happen at this time.

Therefore, when Tong Zixin's phone suddenly rang, she connected directly without looking at the number.

"Zixin, are you all right?"

On the other end of the phone, there was a voice that Tong Zixin was missing and familiar with.

"Gu, President Gu?"

"Is it really okay for you to contact me at this time? Didn't you say we can't contact unless necessary?

"Now is the necessary situation!"

Facing Tong Zixin's doubts, Gu Chen directly said a moment that made Tong Zixin who lost his main heart bone, feeling a bit like a headless fly who didn't know what to do, felt a sense of peace of mind.

"Yes, I have an existence like President Gu to help me win, why do I have to inherit so many troubles?"

"The sky is falling, and there are tall people staring!"

After thinking of this, Tong Zixin's face instantly became much more relaxed.

"Is it? Is it now?

"That's right, we've all seen the video on the Internet, and we're all worried about you."

But in the next instant, Gu Chen's words made the smile on Tong Zixin's face stiffen by three points.

"In this way, Mr. Gu, you have seen it!"

"I'm this, hey!"

Tong Zixin felt that he wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't say anything, so he directly put all the words in one voice.

Gu Chen heard Tong Zixin's sadness, and immediately asked.

"Don't say it, give me your address quickly, I'll take you to meet new friends today."


In the face of Gu Chen's kindness, how could Tong Zixin refuse, of course, he directly chose to accept it!

After reporting his hotel address to Gu Chen, Jiang Min quickly entered the address on the car navigation.

Auto-navigation starts immediately.

"By the way, what about Chen Yu?"

At the same time, Gu Chen didn't want to hang up the phone, so he continued to chat with Tong Zixin without a match.

"He, he didn't come back last night, he didn't call me, I guess he was pulled by Chen Mouren to try sugar-coated shells, right?"

Saying that, Tong Zixin told Chen Mouren about giving her a vacation.

Gu Chen immediately understood that Chen Yu was going to accept the Soft Underbelly Challenge Competition.

"This is a bit of a test of human nature, I just don't know if this Chen Yu has the perseverance to hold on!"

"He should be able to! I see that his roasted meat must be roasted until it is ten by ten cooked before eating, and I know that he is absolutely stubborn! Jiang

Min, as a person who has been getting along with Chen Yu for a few days in the past few days, directly said his understanding of Chen Yu.

"So in fact, don't worry too much about this guy, the main thing is to see whether the other party's means are violent or crazy, and the duration can be!"

But just after Jiang Min finished saying this, she herself was suddenly stunned.

His face suddenly turned red.

Because it seems that Jiang Min unconsciously exposed something strange.

However, Gu Chen was driving at this time, and he didn't have as much extra thoughts at all.

Instead, Tong Zixin snorted softly on the phone.

"I can't imagine that Sister Jiang Min knows a lot, so we'll have a good chat later!"

Jiang Min, who was frightened by these words, directly gave himself a ban.

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