Gu Chen drove to a parking traffic light, and seemed to have thought of something and continued to say to Tong Zixin.

"Then after you left, how did the situation on Li Jiajun's side?"

"He's not mad to embarrass you, is he?"

Gu Chen's concern immediately made Tong Zixin's heart have a warm current.

"No, don't worry, and it is estimated that the problem now is not me, but Li Jiajun."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Because after last night's incident, this Li Jiajun actually didn't call me to apologize and didn't do anything..." So

, Tong Zixin told Gu Chen about his concerns, and the latter listened very seriously.

Jiang Min listened to it tastefully on the side, other people's gossip is really very fragrant!

But listening and listening, Jiang Min began to think a lot again.

"If only one day, Brother Gu Chen could do something like that to me, drones in the super square, advertising screens, and the witness of thousands of people!" Wow, that's so romantic! "

Jiang Min is worthy of being a little girl, and the whole person is in her own imagination and cannot extricate herself.

On the other side, Gu Chen was constantly comforting Tong Zixin.

"Don't worry, with me, you don't have to worry so much!"

"And it doesn't matter if there is any problem on Li Jiajun's side, anyway, he himself is not a good thing."

"If Li Jiahao wants to anger you because of this matter, I will take you directly with you Huahai City!"

"It's my territory, so don't worry about other problems!"

Saying this, Tong Zixin finally began to feel a lot more at ease because of Gu Chen's assurance.

It's just that it's still okay, it's a faint sense of crisis.

Gu Chen didn't say anything more, because he drove relatively fast, so he was already about to arrive at Tong Zixin's hotel.

After asking Tong Zixin's room number again, he silently said that he would wait for the meeting and get Tong Zixin's answer.

Gu Chen hung up the phone himself, and at the same time called Sun Shulan.

"Hey, who!"

But after a long time, it was a man's voice that answered the phone.

This made Gu Chen and Jiang Min a little embarrassed.

It's just that soon, Gu Chen could hear that it was Xiang Senluo's voice.

Gu Chen had to cough silently and said.

"It's me, Gu Chen."

As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion on Sun Shulan's side.

"The groove is President Gu!"

"What a Gu Chen!"

Then Gu Chen and Jiang Min looked at each other, and they both saw the embarrassment in each other's eyes.

It's just that neither of them said anything, just so silent.

After that, it was about 30 seconds or so.

Sun Shulan silently connected the phone and said.

"President Gu, it's me."

"You... Looking for me? Gu

Chen was suddenly overwhelmed by Sun Shulan and Xiang Senluo's operation

, but Gu Chen thought that this couple had not seen each other for such a long time, so they must have a good firewood.

In this way, it was actually he Gu Chen who broke their reunion a little ignorantly.

Therefore, Gu Chen also said a little weakly.

"How about I call you later?"

This is a bit more embarrassing.

"No, no thanks. We, we've got up.

Sun Shulan replied very embarrassed.

But fortunately, in order to make the atmosphere not so awkward, Gu Chen directly opened his mouth and talked about business.

"So, do you have any plans for today?"

"Yes, Mr. Gu, we will take the procedures to open the company's account first."

"At the same time, I also assigned tasks to the rest of them, including the company's address and some basic questions, which have been arranged."

Sun Shulan directly began to report things at work with Gu Chen very professionally.

The awkwardness between the two sides disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, Gu Chen also heard it, this Sun Shulan's experience and strength in dealing with people are very good.

"Sure enough, I didn't look at the wrong person!"

Gu Chen sighed in his heart, and then said.

"Well, since that's the case, then I know, so be it! When you're done, or set up the company first, give me a call! I have someone to introduce to you.

Gu Chen had already begun to guess how Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan, the latter waves, would react when they saw Tong Zixin's front wave.

It will be very interesting!

Sun Shulan heard that Gu Chen wanted to introduce someone to them, and she was immediately interested.

"Can you enter the eyes of President Gu, but also want to introduce us to know, is it the talent in this aspect of blockchain virtual currency?"

Sun Shulan's guess can be said to be very accurate.

But Gu Chen will not be the kind of person who directly tells Sun Shulan's answer, then there will be no surprise at all.

Therefore, Gu Chen said directly.

"Stay tuned, I won't tell you now anyway."

"Okay, then we'll wait for your arrangement!"

When Sun Shulan heard Gu Chen say this, she immediately understood that the possibility of wanting to get something out of Gu Chen's mouth was very small, so she directly gave up her own idea.

However, Sun Shulan listened to Gu Chen's words and felt that this person to be introduced seemed to be very familiar with Gu Chen.

"Who will it be?"

Sun Shulan was curious for a moment, but soon Gu Chen hung up the phone, and she looked at Xiang Senluo, who was pretending to sleep beside her.

"What else to pack here! Don't hurry up yet! Go for business!

Sun Shulan looked at her boyfriend like this, and directly threw a pillow over.

But he didn't expect that this guy actually locked the suit directly, and then suddenly attacked her.

"It's early in the morning, the unit that opened the account has not opened, what are you in a hurry!"

"What are you doing! Let me go! "

It's still early..." As

the saying goes, Xiao Beisheng is newly married, not for nothing.

Gu Chen, who hung up the phone, finally took Jiang Min to the hotel

, and the last three people met smoothly.

Tong Zixin directly gave Gu Chen a bear hug on the grounds that he was afraid.

"Mr. Gu, you are finally here!"

Although this picture made Jiang Min a little unhappy and even a little envious, but no way, Tong Zixin was more frightened.

It is also very reasonable to dispatch the ultimate ruthless comfort robot Gu Chen.

"yes! We're here and we're okay!

And Gu Chen really thought that Tong Zixin was scared, so he took Jiang Min into the room and began to comfort Tong Zixin.

After the adjustment of Gu Chen's three-inch uncorrupted tongue.

Tong Zixin finally regained her composure.

"So, I'll go to meet the small blockchain team that withstood Li Jiahao's offensive before?"

"Yes, if you want, I will help you introduce each other, maybe more sparks of wisdom will burst out so that you can all get more inspiration!"

Tong Zixin listened to what Gu Chen said very clearly, but he still felt a little unreal.

Or nervousness....

"Me, can I? I'm just a loser! Even

, Tong Zixin showed a serious state of unconfidence.

However, Gu Chen grabbed Tong Zixin's hands that had nowhere to place and said.

"You can Zixin, and you're definitely not a loser!

"You are my right hand on Xiangcheng Island!" Do you see what I mean? "

You're important."

Although Gu Chen's words sound very simple or natural.

But the weight in Gu Chen's words is definitely not simple, and it can even be said that Tong Zixin has directly broken his defense.

"President Gu..."

Tong Zixin instantly looked at Gu Chen with tears in his eyes, this feeling of being affirmed and needed was really good.

So good that Tong Zixin almost cried.

"I'm here."

And Gu Chen also directly responded to Tong Zixin's emotions in the simplest way.

Jiang Min, who was watching on the side, was full of envy.

She also wants to be comforted in Gu Chen's arms!!

After a while, Tong Zixin finally recovered his mood.

"See and smile Mr. Gu."

"Out of the way."

The two separated lightly, and at the same time talked about business.

"President Gu, are you just coming to me like this?"

"Not for the time being, I learned from some channels that Li Jiahao is busy with some other important things now, and there is no effort to manage other people."

"Not to mention finding someone to stare at me, it's impossible to rest assured."

Gu Chen said this directly, and at the same time, it also made Tong Zixin feel a little relieved.

"That's good, because I am often monitored by Li Jiahao, be careful and get used to it."

"But it's true that Li Jiahao hasn't even looked for any of us in the past few days, which is indeed a good signal."

"But it's better if we find out what Li Jiahao is doing, and when the time comes, it is best to get a little out of it and make a little thing for this Li Jiahao!" It can make him even more anxious! When

Gu Chen heard Tong Zixin's words, he also nodded in agreement.

"This is indeed the truth, I will let Qian Bupei find a way to find an opportunity."

"Who is Qian Bupei, President Gu?"

Tong Zixin was very curious about what Gu Chen said about Qian Bupei, after all, the meaning of finding an opportunity is not to let this Qian Bupei inquire about what Li Jiahao is doing now.

It's a very difficult and risky thing to do.

If you accidentally get noticed by Li Jiahao, and then react instantly, it will be bad.

Therefore, Tong Zixin felt that she could not be too careful.

She then wanted to know whether the origin of this Qian Bu Pei was reliable, and whether her ability was good.

Gu Chen knew Tong Zixin's concerns.

So he directly told Tong Zixin what he encountered in the astronomy club.

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