"There is such a thing! The daughter of the Qian family of the four major families actually became an intelligence businessman?

"And Li Jiahao's family history, and now Liang Sixing actually controls a mountain that will not be monitored by the four major families!"

"It's incredible!"

At the beginning, Tong Zixin was shocked by Qian Bupei's identity, and then listened to Gu Chen tell the story of Li Jiahao and Liang Shan, which was even more shocking in Tong Zixin's heart.

But what made Tong Zixin feel most angry was actually what Gu Chen said that might be calculated by Qian Bupei.

"Where did she have the courage to dare to calculate you!"

Tong Zixin was furious, and he really wanted to immediately sanction Qian Bupei or something.

But Gu Chen directly stopped her and asked her not to be so impulsive.

"This is not the key, the point is that she is also a natural ally now, otherwise I would not continue to stay in the astronomy club."

Tong Zixin only slightly dissipated a little when she heard this, but she still looked a little breathless.

However, Gu Chen was quite pleased with Tong Zixin's appearance.

"It's worthy of you, this care and loyalty is still good, but I always feel that the way she looks at me seems a little wrong."

At first, Gu Chen thought that he had thought too much, but after thinking of some things, Gu Chen hurriedly cut off his thoughts, and changed the topic by the way.

"On the Internet before..."

But as soon as Gu Chen's words spoke, Tong Zixin immediately opened his mouth and asked with a nervous look.

"You all saw it?"

"Actually, we don't want to see this news, but it's all pushed on the Internet."

Gu Chen said and so on, Jiang Min began to speak.

"Yes, but I injected a little virus into these small websites when I was in the car before, so that they could not be accessed normally, and now that I look at it, there should be no news."

Tong Zixin glanced at Jiang Min gratefully, and when she was about to say something, her phone rang.

But Tong Zixin just glanced at him and silently hung him up.

It's just that less than three seconds have passed, Gu Chen and Jiang Min didn't have time to ask who was calling, and the other party actually called again.

This time, Gu Chen directly took the initiative to speak.

"It's okay, you answer the phone first and see who it is."

So Tong Zixin gave Gu Chen and Jiang Min an apologetic look and connected the phone.


"No, Sister Xin, hang up my phone, do you want to pay the bill!"

Before Tong Zixin could say anything, the other party directly began to bombard the mode.

"We can be said to be doing this business in good faith, it is risk-taking, and it is also a big risk, what do you mean by suddenly not answering the phone now?"

"Aren't you afraid that if we are unhappy, we will directly re-expose all your news, and don't you remember the news before you?"

"Even if you don't remember, it doesn't matter, because we'll always have your archives, you know what I mean?" Tong Zixin, if you want to pay the bill, you will have to pay a huge price that you can't bear!

"The remaining two and a half million, I advise you to call me quickly!" Otherwise, huh! There you feel good!

After saying this, because the other party's voice was very loud and very fierce.

It directly made Gu Chen and Jiang Min frown.

Even Tong Zixin felt that his face was hot and very angry.

"What do you mean by this, do you think that my Tong Zixin will pay the bill!"

Just as the so-called clay man still has three points of anger, not to mention that there is Tong Zixin who has been suppressed many times in reality.

In addition, Gu Chen was on the side, and he was very worried about what the person on the phone said.

It will make Gu Chen's opinion of himself change.

This is the most unacceptable situation in Tong Zixin's heart.

Therefore, at this time, Tong Zixin began to scold without mercy.

"Do you think you're awesome? It's just a bunch of vampires, do you think your methods are very clever?

"Or do you think you can beat the mainstream media of Xiangcheng Island?"

"Think your strength can escape the real main force?"

"Shouting with me here, I see you don't understand the situation!"

After saying this, Tong Zixin also glanced at Gu Chen carefully, but the latter directly gave Tong Zixin a good and very good look, and Jiang Min also gave Tong Zixin his thumbs to express his admiration!

These actions made Tong Zixin's confidence skyrocket.

"Yes, she is no longer the Tong Zixin who has to be careful in every move, nor is she Li Jiahao's personal belongings, nor is she Li Jiajun's fiancée, she is Tong Zixin, a Tong Zixin who has been recognized and protected by Gu Chen!"

Just thinking of this, Tong Zixin immediately felt that his body was full of strength.

At the same time, it was also when the person on the other end of the phone did not react.

"And you, say what is three million, usually your price does not exceed one hundred thousand at all."

"Do you really think I'm a cash cow this time?"

"If you have the ability, just spread these news, I want to see if it is you or me who is unlucky at that time!"

After saying this, Tong Zixin was ready to hang up the phone.

But the other end of the phone is still shouting frantically and unmercifully, and even directly breaking the sound.

"Tong Zixin! You slut! Don't give me madness! You wait for me...."

But before the words were finished, Tong Zixin had already hung up his phone very quickly.

At the end, the voice on the phone had an abrupt disconnection.

But whether it was Tong Zixin, Jiang Min or Gu Chen, he felt so relieved.

Tong Zixin took the lead and laughed directly, and the laughter echoed, full of strength.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min also laughed along with them.

The three of them seem to have gathered together to share happiness after a successful prank.

It's like punishing the bad guys, in short, no one at this moment has considered the consequences of doing these things.

Until Tong Zixin couldn't laugh when she laughed and laughed, she suddenly thought of a question.

"This guy also collected me 500,000, and when the time comes, all these news will be directly exposed, and then my 500,000 will not be directly lost?"

This question was asked very well, very deep, so deep that Gu Chen and Jiang Min looked at each other and said.

"It's only five hundred thousand, it's no problem for me to give you five million."

"As long as it's something that happens online, it's a small thing for me! Sister Tong Zixin, you don't have to worry so much, everything has me, and Brother Gu Chen is here! You just have to worry about the beauty! The

two of them packed tickets, which directly made Tong Zixin's heart more stable.

Gu Chen is the sea god needle who has no concept of money, and Jiang Min is like a little Nezha who enters the heavens and the earth.

What about her Tong Zixin, at this time, she will directly become a Tang monk, and if she is protected, she will be protected, which is also very good!

Thinking of this, Tong Zixin was moved to speak.

"Yes, I'm not alone anymore, I still have you!"

"Great, that's great!"

Gu Chen and Jiang Min were touched by Tong Zixin's sincere thoughts.

It's just that here Jiang Min's speed is even faster, and she hugged Tong Zixin directly when she went up, and if Gu Chen of the province hugged Tong Zixin again, she couldn't eat it.

"Yes, Sister Tong Zixin, you won't be alone, you have us!"

"Okay, now let's fight together! Didn't that guy just say that he wanted to be exposed?

"I'm going to see what he can do today to expose!"

Saying that, Jiang Min directly took Tong Zixin's palm and came to the computer to start operating.

Although the desktop in this hotel is not the latest, but fortunately, Jiang Min only uses this thing as a medium.

The real operation can be done directly on Jiang Min's mobile phone.

So, the dazzling operation began.

Gu Chen could only pull Tong Zixin on the side and said.

"What is your bank card number, I'll give you some public funds to use."

Of course, Gu Chen's banknote ability was just the icing on the cake for Tong Zixin, or Tong Zixin didn't want Gu Chen's money at all.

That's what she thought.

"Money should be spent on the blade!"

"But, isn't it spent on the blade now? You are the knife I went to pierce Li Jiahao's business empire!" If something goes wrong with you, who can replace you as my knife? Right? It's

just that Tong Zixin couldn't say anything about Gu Chen at all, and finally handed over his bank card number to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen directly closed his eyes on the spot and began to give Tong Zixin money.

In the end, I even accidentally hit an extra zero.

"President Gu, it's a bit overdone!"

Therefore, this led to Tong Zixin's discovery of this problem when she received a text message that the money had arrived.

"I'm just losing 500,000, what are you calling me 5 million for?"

"Just think of it as your mental damage fee, I know that Li Jiajun's actions last night were spiritual pollution for you, so naturally the loss fee from spiritual pollution must be a little more!"

"And you're doing things for me now, I don't seem to have paid you a salary, so let's do it, this is your latest salary, you don't have to worry about other things, don't think about returning the money to me, got it?"

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