At that time, Wan Guan was cold and wanted to scold the shit supplier, but the other party hung up the phone directly.

Even when I called it again, it had become an empty number.

The speed was extremely fast, which made Wan Guan feel endless pain and sadness.

He never thought that he would be blinded by the wild goose pecking all day long.

"It's over!"

So in the end, after Wan Guan knew his situation, his mobile phone finally fell and a "find you" text appeared.

He even found that his front camera seemed to flicker, and he knew that he had been pinched by the other party.

There was no way, after Wan Guan took the initiative to restore all the networks, he also called Tong Zixin.

That's where the situation is now.

Jiang Min began to secretly crack all the passwords in the Wanguan computer through some abnormal means.

Wan Guan was also anxious at this time, not knowing what to say.

Because Gu Chen and Tong Zixin were silent for too long now, the heartbeat that had grown to Wan Guan began to slowly accelerate.

After accelerating to an extreme point, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Why didn't you ignore me?"

"Could it be... This Tong Zixin directly snitched with the people behind her? Thinking

of this, Wan Guan became even more nervous.

"Hey, hey, hey! Tong Zixin, don't be impulsive! Isn't there something we can discuss? Why not think about it! Something is debunked and bad for all of us, isn't it?

At this time, Wan Guan's speech no longer had the toughness he had against Tong Zixin before.

She was afraid that if this Tong Zixin suddenly couldn't think of opening her mind and directly bringing herself a jade and stone to burn, maybe Tong Zixin would not have any punishment for reporting merit, but what should he do?

There is only one word, and that is finished.

Don't ask why, ask is that he is just an innocent little flag, but what about Tong Zixin?

Judging from the news collected by Wan Guan, this Tong Zixin is Li Jiahao's forbidden body, and Li Jiajun loves her very much.

What is the concept of the love of the two added together?

It's a death-free gold medal!

At that time, Tong Zixin reported meritorious work, so that this Li Jiahao father and son noticed that something was wrong, maybe they would join forces to protect this Tong Zixin, then what the final outcome will be is not obvious?

It is that he has directly become... The fuse for the big people and the richest man on Xiangcheng Island to start a business war.

And what is the final fate of the fuse?

This is something that everyone can think of, and it must be directly cool without any other possibilities!

Just thinking of this, Wan Guan was already scared to the extreme.

Not to mention that suddenly Tong Zixin stopped talking, and his computer seemed to suddenly work.

Wan Guan looked anxiously at the computer screen, and nothing of software was running.

But at the beginning, Wan Guan didn't think much about it, but he thought of Tong Zixin's current silence.

There is also the abnormality of his own computer, and the hacking method that Tong Zixin found before.

Suddenly, Wan Guan sensed something was wrong!

He immediately went to control the mouse and found that he could still move, but he couldn't open anything.

Wan Guan turned his head to look at the server he had built, and found that there was no program running at all, and his flow control was actually running wildly.

"This shows that someone is treating me like a broiler chicken running crazy!"

Immediately this ten thousand people reacted, this is Tong Zixin, someone on their side is copying data from themselves!

"Groove! You guys are too ruthless! Wan

Guan simply wanted to cry without tears, and directly got up to unplug his network cables again, and this time all servers were all dismantled from various network cables.

In case the other party has any worms or port viruses, it is better to block them a little.

It's just that Wan Guan's heart is completely desperate.

He said directly to Tong Zixin in a voice that was so hoarse that he was about to cry.

"No, you're almost playing me to death, why do you want to do such a show!"

"I'm afraid of you, I'm really afraid!"

"I haven't married my wife and haven't had children yet, if you let me go, I'll never do these things again!" Please! Sister Tong Zixin! Tong

Zixin and Gu Chen listened to Wan Guan's words and did not answer immediately.

Instead, he looked directly at Jiang Min, who was still operating on the computer.

It seems to have sensed the attention of Gu Chen and Tong Zixin's eyes.

Jiang Min directly turned his head to look at them and asked.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?

"No, I'm just curious about what you did, why all of a sudden, this Wanguan seems to be completely broken, and the whole person is about to collapse!"

When Jiang Min heard Tong Zixin's words, he scratched his head a little strangely.

"Broken defense? I haven't done anything yet, just copied almost everything from the hard drive on his computer.

"Then I haven't got some of his account passwords, bank card passwords or anything yet, what is there to cry about!"

"This person is a little fragile!"

Her attitude towards a big man is very strange, after all, some basic information exists on the computer even if it is seen.

At most, there are some "learning materials", she Jiang Min... Haven't seen it....well, nothing to be nervous about.

But Jiang Min looked at Tong Zixin and Gu Chen looking at each other, and they understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

"The documents in these computers have secrets, and they are not small big secrets!"

"Then what else is there to say! Just see what is there, and then call this Wanguan!

"No, just keep calling like this, in case this ten thousand people are frightened and directly find the person behind him, it will not be good to let one of these four major families be prepared!"

The two talked like this, but Jiang Min looked puzzled, what big secret, what four major families?

Does it matter?

Isn't it dealing with a small hacker now, how does it feel as if it has become some kind of big case?

Jiang Min's big eyes had great doubts.

This is very embarrassing.

Embarrassed to the point that Jiang Min decided that if he didn't know what Tong Zixin and Gu Chen were talking about, then he would directly choose to close his mouth!

Therefore, just when Tong Zixin and Gu Chen discussed for a while, and Tong Zixin continued to stabilize this Wanguan, Gu Chen came to Jiang Min's side and asked Jiang Min to look for the information that came out of Wanguan's computer.

Is there any evidence to prove the connection between Wan Guan and the person behind it, or to see which of the four major families the person behind this Wan Guan is.

After the division of labor was completed, Tong Zixin silently picked up the mobile phone and went to the other side of the room, and the voice of her talking to Wan Guan disturbed Gu Chen and Jiang Min to check the information.

Therefore, Jiang Min saw Tong Zixin go to the other side and start talking, and when Gu Chen came to her side, she was still a little blinded.

But fortunately, now that there is someone who tells her how to operate, then things are much simpler.

Just follow Gu Chen's instructions to operate.

Therefore, Gu Chen sat directly next to Jiang Min and said.

"Take out all the contents of the hard drive that you copied from Wanguan's computer before!"

"Okay, Brother Gu Chen!"

Jiang Min directly entered his own working state and started his own operation.

Wan Guan on the other side finally heard Tong Zixin's words.

"Wan Guan."

"Huh? Sister Tong Zixin! Oh my God, you're finally back! I, I tell you not to be impulsive, we can discuss anything properly! Wan

Guan's whole body was excited.

"In this way, I still have more than four million in cash in my card, and I also have a house under my personal name, which is close to nine hundred feet!"

"I'll give it all to you, okay!"

At this time, Wan Guan's heart was already flustered, and he directly took out all his hole cards for Tong Zixin to choose.

But Tong Zixin has just received Gu Chen's five million now.

In Tong Zixin's heart, her attitude towards money is not the time when she just left society, but has a free attitude.

"I don't want your money, nor my house!"

Therefore, Tong Zixin's speech is also very domineering and deceiving people.

Wan Guan was directly stunned, not knowing what to say.

"....I know you don't care, but....that's all I have, really I have a plan that's good for everyone!"

"I give you everything, you let me go! I'll go straight to the plane tonight!

"I will also tell you everything I know, as long as you let me go, I promise you will not have any problems, and I will be able to live!" How about this deal! But

soon, Wan Guan, whose brain was spinning very quickly, directly thought of the most perfect solution.

At the same time, Tong Zixin glanced at Gu Chen and Jiang Min behind him, constantly browsing a lot of information from Wanguan's computer before the computer.

Therefore, Tong Zixin feels that since the secrets in your computer are all in our hands, how do you feel that material things can impress us?

Told Wan Guan all about this truth and the real situation.

Wan Guan forced himself to cry directly at this time and said.

"Oh, no, no! Sister Tong Zixin! How could important information on my computer be so easy to crack?

"It's all good with passwords!"

"Moreover, even if you crack the password, I will tell you that the data in this computer is not beautiful at all, and there is nothing important!"

"Now serious people who have nothing to do with storing everything in the computer! You're right! "

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