That's right, but Wan Guan's forehead was directly covered in cold sweat.

Because the computer really does not have any contact information between himself and the big people behind him.

But there are a lot of things that I have painstakingly collected about... The scandal of the big man behind him and other things.

"Originally, I thought that in order to keep a hand, in case they were subjected to some unfair treatment or something in the end, I could still threaten them!"

"But didn't you expect to suffer directly today? Directly stolen the fruits of victory by Tong Zixin?

"This is special! It's over!

"However, there are many other people's scandals and other things, Tong Zixin, they should not completely read it, even if they finish reading, it is estimated that they will be dazzled and suspect the big man's body!"

Wan Guan forcibly calmed himself down.

But Gu Chen has already made a lot of discoveries.

For example, Jiang Min is not only powerful in hacking technology, but even the means of cracking this password are also very masterful.

It was possible to use nearly eight methods to crack the password of this file at the same time.

An exhaustive method, a brute force crack, a direct use of package source code analysis...

Anyway, after a call, Gu Chen on the side silently thought that it was too difficult to keep a secret in this society.

" It seems that if I want to save any important documents in the future, I will have to prepare a USB flash drive."

"Put all the documents directly on this USB flash drive, and prepare a few spare disks, if there is a problem, you can be less nervous."

"The most important thing is to set the password to open the USB flash drive before using it, or the kind that automatically deletes all the files after entering three errors!"

After thinking of this, Gu Chen's expression was a little unpleasant.

Because in this short period of a few minutes, Jiang Min had actually broken the password of this ten thousand files.

This made Gu Chen even more silent.

"Okay, Brother Gu Chen!"

Instead, Jiang Min seemed to be inviting credit, wanting to get Gu Chen's hug and so on.

But Gu Chen was still in a very bad mood at this time, and he didn't want to say anything to Jiang Min at all.

Because he always feels that he is running naked in front of a super hacker, and there is no ability to cover himself at all.

"Well, let's see what secrets are in this guy's computer."

Therefore, Gu Chen directly used the great method of changing the topic and let Jiang Min open the computer file hide-and-seek.

And Wan Guan could not have imagined that after the password he carefully designed met the god, it was directly cool.

"Found it! There's a big file here! Soon

, Jiang Min discovered the secret of this computer hard drive through searching.

As soon as you open it, it's all hidden stuff.

Gu Chen, on the other hand, took out his mobile phone and began to correspond to the information collected by Wan Guan with the manual that he had obtained before that had a lot of introductions to the current personnel of the four major families.

"This is the eldest son of the head of the Zhao family, this is the eldest daughter of the Sun family, as well as the Xiao Junqiao of the Qian family and the heir of the Li family."

"So many? The heirs of the four families have different scandals, some of which are real and even have photos and voice files, while others are news reports.

"But why did you directly collect information on all the scandals in the entire four major families?"

"Shouldn't this be one of the family's captive paparazzi and hackers? You actually plan to keep a hand?

After thinking silently for a while, Gu Chen discovered this Wanguan's intention.

"But in this case, it directly confuses the public, and I don't know which family wants to attack Li Jiahao."

When Gu Chen thought so, he looked at Tong Zixin's side.

"Then look for it again to see what other documents and materials can appear in the stone hammer!"

"Then I hope Tong Zixin can come up with some useful information!"

Thinking so, Gu Chen said to Jiang Min, who had long been red-faced on the side.

"Go on, no, you..."

But after saying half of the words, Gu Chen found the problem, that is, Jiang Min's current state was very wrong.

"I forgot the fact that Jiang Min is still a child!"

Gu Chen also instantly thought that the news scandals of these four major families were still very ugly, so Jiang Min in a normal state would naturally be a little embarrassed when he looked at these scandals.

If she Jiang Min was alone, it would be okay, but there was still a Gu Chen, Jiang Min's idol sitting next to her.

What is this concept, the edge of direct social death!

Gu Chen was also too focused before and forgot about this matter.

After causing the discovery now, Gu Chen hurriedly said.

"That Xiaomin, I just watched your operation and I almost understood how to find these files, ah I see that you seem to be a little tired, why don't you go to the side and rest first?"

However, at this time, Jiang Min seemed to be very strong.

"No, I can!"

"Ah this, okay!"

Gu Chen had actually focused on watching those materials just now, and he didn't notice Jiang Min's operation to find the files at all.

And at the beginning, Jiang Min seemed to be quite interested...

But no matter how Jiang Min and Gu Chen searched in this Wanguan computer after that, they did not find any proof that Wanguan was connected to the four major families.

Therefore, after thinking about it directly, Gu Chen felt that these things were useful.

However, it is not at all wavering about Li Jiahao and the two major families.

Even if one of them fights the other side in the end, these scandalous documents can at best serve as the icing on the cake.

"It's just a wall falling and everyone pushing it!"

"But if no one falls down at all, and no one has an accident, these things are just a bunch of rags that are useless."

"In this case, this Wan Guan must know some important news."

"Originally, I was skeptical about what he said about the possibility of a financial war that would sweep Xiangcheng Island in the future, but now....

Gu Chen fell into deeper thinking.

Others often take one step at a time, but after reaching Gu Chen's level, they simply take a step, and before they even take a step, they have already begun to think about how their first three steps and the last four steps should be taken in the future.

"There must be a way in, but also a way out!"

This is the safest way for Gu Chen to think.

"Therefore, if an artificial financial crisis really breaks out in the future, then the four major families and Li Jiahao will definitely have to reshuffle with the market turmoil."

"Maybe it's really possible for these people to bring down Li Jiahao?"

Thinking of this, Gu Chen's complexion became a little strange.

"I just had the idea of dealing with Li Jiahao, but I didn't expect that as soon as I came to Xiangcheng Island, I found that there were already many people who wanted to deal with Li Jiahao, so what am I?"

"Mantis cicada catcher yellow finch behind?"

"Like, it's not impossible!"

Suddenly, after Gu Chen thought of this possibility, he felt a little confused in his heart.

"That's right, I can hide and develop obscenely, and when the real financial war begins, causing a financial storm or something, I can jump out directly to eat meat and drink soup!"

"If you think so, it seems to be quite good!"

Gu Chen revealed a faint smile.

I feel that my idea is very good, but there are still many prerequisites to implement.

"The first point is to find out which of the four major families of the big man behind this ten thousand people is."

"The second is to find out, what is Li Jiahao doing now, or what has been done to make one of these four major families want to directly attack Li Jiahao? What is the economic lifeline touched? These

two questions Gu Chen was very curious.

So after reading these various "learning materials" from Wan Guan, Gu Chen walked to Tong Zixin's side.

At this time, Tong Zixin was still delaying Wan Guan.

Therefore, at the beginning, he planned to sell miserable, and began to tell with a handful of snot and tears about how it was not easy for him at that time.

"Seven days, seven whole days! I lived under the bridge for nearly seven days so that I could stay on Xiangcheng Island!

"Finally, the emperor paid off, and finally let me find a job that would allow me to live!" I didn't starve!

"So, Sister Tong Zixin, I'm really not easy, for the sake of being a foreigner, you can forgive me, okay?"

At this time, Wan Guan completely substituted himself into the role.

It was my own personal experience that made it even more miserable.

But when Tong Zixin was already talking about his tragic past, Tong Zixin had already moved his microphone away from his ears.

It remains in a state where you can hear just enough, but you can't hear what this Wan Guan is saying.

When it comes to the key place, or some places where everything is interrupted, Tong Zixin sighs silently, or sighs too much, Tong Zixin directly changes to another way.


"It's not easy for you either."

"It's so hard!"

Who says it isn't! Tong

Zixin directly opened the perfunctory method, but he didn't expect that the accident was very effective.

At least soon, this will become more and more high.

Until Gu Chen came to Tong Zixin's side, he pointed to the phone.

Tong Zixin immediately knew that Gu Chen was going to talk to himself, and immediately said that he would let Wan Guan continue, and he directly turned on this mute.

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