"President Gu."

Tong Zixin looked at Gu Chen's face, and thought that Gu Chen and Jiang Min had failed to crack the password of this ten thousand files.

So I directly intend to comfort two sentences first.

"Just as the so-called art industry has a specialty, Jiang Min's sister is powerful hacking methods, these cracking things, she may not be very proficient, but it doesn't matter, when I and Wan Guan are pulling calves here, he has begun to slowly hand over his heart to me!"

Tong Zixin showed a look that I did well, you come and praise me.

Gu Chen shook his head directly and said.

"No, the password has been cracked by Jiang Min by dividing three by two, but what does it say?"

"A little too much."

Tong Zixin heard Gu Chen's answer and directly had doubts on his face.

Gu Chen told Tong Zixin that the files he had found in this computer before were scandalous.

At the same time, he also talked to Tong Zixin about two things he wanted to know.

"That's it, figure out these two things, if Wan Guan knows and will say it, it would be best."

"If you don't know or don't say it, don't care."

"We can use this as our spy."

"Since this Ten Thousand Guan still had the courage to rebel against you before, then we will turn against him and let him know what is called a real rebellion!"

When Tong Zixin heard Gu Chen's last two words, his eyes suddenly brightened by three points.

For this kind of thing, she likes and is best at it.

Therefore, Tong Zixin said directly to Gu Chen.

"Don't worry, Mr. Gu, I will definitely let me spit out as much ink as there is in this wanguan's stomach!" Absolutely will not let him keep anything any intelligence!

After receiving Tong Zixin's assurance, Gu Chen also nodded in satisfaction and said.

"Then can I stay and study with you?"

Tong Zixin, who was still full of confidence just now, immediately looked like an eggplant beaten by frost, and the whole person was wiped.

She said weakly.

"Can't you listen if you don't listen?"

Gu Chen watched Tong Zixin instantly change from a tigress to a little meow, where did he not know that this Tong Zixin was shy.

So he shook his head directly.

"Hey, I'm just kidding, why do you take it seriously?"

"I'll go see what else Jiang Min has found over there now!"

"In short, we work together bilaterally, and it is very likely that we really accidentally discovered the beginning of an abyss! If we can't get it right, we can borrow the east wind once and be Zhuge Liang once! In

order to reassure this boy, Gu Chen even told a joke.

This made Tong Zixin feel a lot more relaxed.

"Yes, then President Gu, let's work together to become Zhuge Liang!"

"Okay, let's go together!"

After saying this, Gu Chen left Tong Zixin's side very sensibly to give her space to play.

He returned to Jiang Min, who did not know what to continue to be busy on the computer.

"What other documents can I see?"

"Huh? Look....."

Sun Shulan and Xiang Senluo had ended their morning battle and came to the office where the company was registered.

This time, the procedure was very fast, although the queue was a little longer in front.

They are all college students who come to register new companies, they don't have much money, but everyone's ideas are very good.

Even Sun Shulan and Xiang Senluo chatted with them for a while when they were bored.

I found a lot of good ideas.

However, it is not just a good idea and a school or a start-up capital from home to succeed.

Especially Sun Shulan and Xiang Senluo, who had already experienced a blow, both understood this matter deeply.

It's as if the hot college students here are frantically registering new companies to show their ambitions.

With a passion in his heart, the whole person wants to spread his wings and fly high and create a sky in this steel forest of Xiangcheng Island full of thorns.

However, what they don't know is that compared to the queue for registered companies here, there are more people on the other side who cancel the company.

"The karmic fire of youth!"

Sun Shulan and Xiang Senluo even discussed this situation with feelings.

The main two have experienced this situation, and if they can stand on some higher level of perspective again, they will see a lot of things that they have ignored before.

"It's like raising a clam."

Xiang Senluo suddenly looked at these young people who came to register the company one after another, and suddenly came out with such a sentence.

Sun Shulan rarely did not refute this Xiang Senluo's idea this time.

Even felt that her boyfriend was very right, and she was very supportive of Xiang Senluo's statement.

It also began to be slowly replenished.

"Indeed, when some college students with brains, momentum, and fearless failure and difficulties enter the commercial street of Xiangcheng Island, it is indeed possible to bring vitality to this pond that is about to turn into stagnant water!"

"And the most important thing is that after experiencing their own involvement, these small enterprises registered by college students, after the initial competition and crazy battles, the rest is not an elite industry, but also a profit."

But Xiang Senluo interjected after Sun Shulan.

"The weak are eliminated, but the strong will be favored by the stronger, either directly annexed or directly collapsed, and what you can't get will destroy him!"

"It's like us!"

Xiang Senluo even silently clenched his fists.

He didn't like this situation very much, and he finally saw the light of day and felt that he could realize his dream again.

You can also directly change your life, let yourself completely get rid of your original identity, and become a successful person.

But who would have thought that those dreams and efforts of their own were just to activate the backwaters of the business community of Xiangcheng Island.

By the way, to the real giants.

Those who like it give birth to their own olive branches, and some people have indeed acquired even the company with people.

But there are still some people who are not willing to give up their hard work at all, and will be directly suppressed.

If you resist the suppression, it doesn't matter, there are still people who will open the same company, and they can use lower prices and better products to rob your customers and rob you of money.

When you realize the other party's vicious methods, you start to call the police to appeal, okay, this time comes and goes.

The other party has huge capital support behind him, and there is no pressure at all.

Even if this lawsuit lasts for a year or two, it has nothing to do with it.

But these companies that are originally micro enterprises have no business, no customers and no way of wealth, how can they survive this year or two?

By drinking the northwest wind?

The end result is either to be bold and desperately consume and exhaust all your money.

Then go bankrupt, and your own company goes directly into auction!

So what about the final auction results?

Of course, it is still taken by the business bosses who fancy your company.

Of course, you can also directly detect that your company has no way to live halfway through, and quickly communicate with the business bosses who originally contacted you, ready to sell your company at a good price.

But sorry, at this time, your own value will be suppressed to the lowest price.

If you don't want your hard work to go to waste, sign it honestly.

As a result, many people went directly to extinction on the road of entrepreneurship.

Although the number of entrepreneurs engaged in Xiangcheng Island is large, they are all in one sentence.

"Either to promote the economy, or finally become a dazzling star and be bought by business tycoons!"

Xiang Senluo and Sun Shulan thought of this, and looked at these college students present who were full of bright futures in their hearts.

The two of them seemed to see how many people here would be caught in the storm crying and in debt in the future.

Finally, because they paid off their debts, they either sold their houses directly to settle their debts.

Or just jump off the building and pull down.

Or maybe all sorts of bad things happen.

Of course, there may be some unicorns and the like, but... Is the end really good?

No one knows this and no one judges this.

After whispering these words to Senluo and Sun Shulan, the window for registering the company was finally empty.

The two of them walked in.

At the same time, when they walked out, they felt a feeling that they were about to face a battle with thousands of troops.

"Silent gunsmoke has appeared!"

"The horn of the charge has sounded!"

"We will definitely achieve the final victory!"

But the two of them didn't have any fear at all, and even felt a little excited.

Because this time they will no longer be alone, without any support behind them.

"We stood directly on the shoulders of giants!"

"You definitely won't lose this time! We want to ask for justice from the university students of Xiangcheng Island and the entrepreneurs who have been annexed or have been treated unfairly!

"That's right! We must poke out this thick layer of dark clouds covering the sky of Xiangcheng Island!

"Come on! Come on! Xiang

Senluo and Sun Shulan cheered each other up, and when they finished their actions and slogans, the two looked at each other and smiled.

They both saw the excitement in each other's eyes that could not be hidden.

"So what do we do next?"

At the same time, Sun Shulan also asked Xiang Senluo.

In fact, she had already thought about what she was going to do next, but at this time, she wanted to let her original macho Xiang Senluo come back, otherwise all the pressure was really tired on her alone!

Fortunately, Xiang Senluo was encouraged by Gu Chen's pull and his girlfriend's encouragement at this time.

He has almost regained his man's confidence.

The whole person is re-energetic.

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