"But Li Jiahao, the

second generation of the tide boy who inherited all the property

in Liangshan, is different!" "

He directly relied on Liangshan's accumulation, plus some luck and support, and finally gained a foothold in the previous big wave!"

"Then the various bonuses brought by the years and time, this is today's Li Jiahao, and only now the richest man on Xiangcheng Island."

"So, it was Xiangcheng Island that made Li Jiahao, and the same Li Jiahao and the batch of the tide of the times made Xiangcheng Island."

Gu Chen slowly told a past that was both history and story, whether it was Tong Zixin or Jiang Min, they seemed to feel a strong historical and heavy breath appear in front of them.

And having said that, Tong Zixin had gradually understood what Gu Chen wanted to say.

It was also roughly determined who was going to attack Li Jiahao.

She also finally understood why Li Jiahao knew that someone was going to deal with her, not thinking of killing the other party first, but directly began to transfer her assets and prepare to run.

"Because of the tide of the times, it is impossible to play the tide!" After

figuring out this view, Tong Zixin didn't know whether to be happy or depressed.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Chen probably noticed that Tong Zixin's state was wrong, so he asked.

"It's nothing, it just feels a little dreamy, a little unreal!" Tong

Zixin shook his head, feeling that he needed to take a break.

Therefore, Tong Zixin directly supported his forehead and sat down slowly.

Gu Chen did not hurry to disturb Tong Zixin at this time, after all, all these things fell in front of Tong Zixin at once.

It is indeed a relatively difficult thing to digest.

"Especially if your own revenge has not yet been repaid, your own enemies will quickly run first."

"Coupled with the current level of science and technology, people like Li Jiahao can rely on those life-sustaining drugs to live well, and maybe whoever survives in the end will not necessarily say." Gu

Chen, who clearly knew this point of view, did not persuade Tong Zixin anything, because now he figured out what Li Jiahao was doing.

Or after someone wants to deal with Li Jiahao.

Gu Chen also needs to push down many of his plans and recalculate.

This is also a very complex and huge process.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Gu Chen felt that he also needed to think about some things in the future.

"It's a little too much of a hurry.

At the same time, Gu Chen also found that although he had made a lot of preparations when he landed on Xiangcheng Island before.

But now after arriving at this Xiangcheng Island, Gu Chen found that the things he had prepared before were nothing to the deep Xiangcheng Island.

"You still need to plan well!" After

sighing silently, Gu Chen also sat down and prepared to rest, but all this fell in Jiang Min's eyes.

She felt a little inexplicable.

Why did Sister Tong Zixin and Brother Gu Chen suddenly stop talking, and they also showed a very tired look?" "

No, they said that the tide of the times is Li Jiahao, so they haven't said who is going to deal with Li Jiahao!"

I can't guess who can scare Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island, and run away!"

Jiang Min roared silently in his heart.

I always feel like a fool at this time, a fool who doesn't know anything.

However, Jiang Min looked at Tong Zixin's tired look and couldn't bear to disturb her.

As for Gu Chen's side, Jiang Min looked at what he was thinking, and it was even less likely to disturb Gu Chen's thoughts.

Therefore, Jiang Min could only start to activate his own brain to think.

"Brother Gu Chen just pointed his finger at the sky, so, will Li Jiahao's opponent be the sky?" "

Hahaha, how can the sky make a move on Li Jiahao, haha!" Jiang

Min was amused by his own thoughts in his heart.

"Unless, this sky is not the sky, but something else..." In

this way, Jiang Min also fell into thought.

Immediately, there was no sound in the entire room, only the sound of the wind pouring in after Jiang Min just wanted to look at the sky.

It's just that this kind of thing similar to white noise is just more conducive to thinking for Gu Chen Tong Zixin.

On the other side, Qian Bupei was in his astronomy club, frowning slightly as he looked at the latest information obtained in his hand.

In front of her is a huge interpersonal diagram spliced together by more than twenty whiteboards.

It includes representatives of the four major families, as well as Li Jiahao, Tong Zixin and other forces.

She was thinking about the authenticity of the information she had obtained.

He was also thinking about where he should put the power relationship that belonged to Gu Chen.

And most importantly, Gu Chen's attitude and what his thoughts and positions are are all debatable and discussed.

But now, Qian Bupei has been getting along with Gu Chen for about a day.

But he couldn't see Gu Chen's thoughts at all.

Some of the previous clichés were also silently disintegrated by Gu Chen.

So in the end, Qian Bupei found that except for some information that seemed to have been inadvertently told by Gu Chen, other things about Gu Chen himself were not taken out at all.

"And the most important thing is that Gu Chen should have found out in the end, it was I who induced him to come to this astronomy club to meet me."

"Then he... Do you see what I want to do?"

Qian Bupei's expression became very cold at this time, so indifferent that if his friend Liang Sixing saw Qian Bupei here now, I am afraid he would say something embarrassing, are you Qian Bupei's sister?

However, Qian Bupei will not look in the mirror at this time.

She also had a lot to think about until her phone suddenly rang.

"The internal one is the call of Li Jiahao's youngest son, Li Jiasheng.

A light flashed in Qian Bupei's eyes, thinking that he had indeed spent a lot of effort when he figured out Li Jiasheng's true identity at that time.

Finally, this Li Jiasheng successfully established a relationship of trust with himself.

"It's a very difficult thing. Thinking

so, Qian Bupei directly picked up the modified phone, and her originally crisp female voice instantly passed through the voice changer and became Li Jiasheng's familiar gloomy voice.

"It's you, what are you looking for me for?" Hearing

Qian Bupei's words, Li Jiasheng did not answer her in a hurry for the first time.

Instead, he was silent for a second or two before he spoke.

"I want to know the news of the current dragon, no matter what, it can be paid." This

time, Li Jiasheng's attitude was more resolute, which also made Qian Bupei feel a little strange.

"How do you know that I have the news of the river dragon here?" "

You don't care how I know, you just tell me what price I

need to pay!" "If you still want to know other things, you also need to pay the price!"


Jiasheng's voice sounded a little strange, it seemed a little Trembling is also a little exciting.

Qian Bupei felt very strange, and always felt that today's Li Jiasheng was a little too witty.

" Obviously he is usually a person who only uses his own money to open the way, how come it seems that his IQ is online today!" Qian

Bupei didn't quite understand what medicine was being sold in this Li Jiasheng's gourd, so he continued.

"Oh, in that case, the way you want to make this transaction is to exchange intelligence for information?" "

Words, it can be understood this way, but I need to know the intelligence of the river dragon first!" After

hearing Qian Bupei's words, Li Jiasheng's response speed was still very fast, almost to the point that it was as if someone had given Li Jiasheng a perfect script specifically to deal with Qian Bupei.

Anyway, from Qian Bupei's side, he was directly pinched to death by this Li Jiasheng after only a few words with Li Jiasheng.

"Mainly blame my infinite curiosity..."

"This Li Jiasheng's state today is very wrong, it seems that he has received guidance from a master, so it is said that a few of my colleagues made a move?" That's

right, in this big Xiangcheng Island, it is impossible for Qian Bupei to be the only intelligence businessman.

After all, although the area developed by Xiangcheng Island is not very large, the wealth created in it is basically comparable to that of a small country, plus the tens of millions of people and crowded population density on this Xiangcheng Island.

Simply a template for a perfect small country.

Therefore, if there is only one intelligence businessman in Xiangcheng Island, Qian Bupei, she can completely become the powerful person under the four major families and Li Jiahao in the entire Xiangcheng Island.

Instead of avoiding being discovered or eradicated by his peers or other four major families as he is now, he can only hide on the ancestral mountain of his friend Liang Sixing and carry out his own affairs.

Therefore, after discovering that something was wrong with Li Jiasheng today, Qian Bupei knew that someone was eyeing him.

However, Qian Bupei is not afraid of any challenges at all.

"Since someone wants to test me, or have any other ideas, let me have a good time with you!"

Qian Bupei thought as he looked at the ghostwriter Gu Chen's information plate in his hand.

I always feel that I can use Gu Chen as a gun.

"In this case, I may be able to harvest some unexpected good things!" a

cruel smile appeared at the corner of Qian Bupei's mouth.

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