Of course, as for whether Gu Chen could completely withstand all the challenges and difficulties, Qian Bu Peina did not have any doubts at all.

"After all, that's a man I can't even see!" Thinking

of this, Qian Bupei did not have any hesitation and began to communicate with this Li Jiasheng.

"Do you want the information of that

river dragon?" "

Then I have to remind you that the river dragon will eat people directly, can you afford to live and stir him up?"

Qian Bupei's words were full of evil feelings at this time.

But Li Jiasheng didn't have any fear at all, and even said quickly.

"Of course you can bear it, you can tell me as soon as you have information, if you don't have it, don't waste time! I don't want to delay too much effort here!" Listening

to Li Jiasheng's anxious tone, Qian Bu Pei smiled and continued.

"Look at your monkey anxious appearance, you have no confidence at all!"

"Then, before telling you the information of this river dragon, I have to remind you once that this river dragon is really not easy to mess with, and if you really don't want to be burned by the dragon flame, you can honestly put away your claws!"

Qian Bupei's tone was very serious, and this time it finally made Li Jiasheng's side fall silent.

After Qian Bupei silently counted five seconds in his heart, Li Jiasheng said directly.

"I know, I'll pay attention.

"Okay, then I'll tell you right now, this river crossing dragon is Gu Chen from Huahai City, a very dangerous figure, his purpose of coming to Xiangcheng Island is not clear for the time being, but it can be determined that it is definitely not as simple as it seems!"

"Secondly, his current location I will send directly to your mobile phone, don't ask me why even the location will know, just trust me, so can you understand or explain clearly?"

Qian Bupei calculated the true portrayal of this Li Jiasheng's natural lack of love, and directly cared about this Li Jiasheng wave with a sentence that was not fake at all.

At the same time, he also judged his next move based on his usual understanding of Li Jiasheng, so as to further let Li Jiasheng trust him.

It's all a lesson and a means.

It can be said that Qian Bupei has a very accurate grasp of people's psychology, so at the end of the day, although Qian Bupei did not have a good relationship with Gu Chen, he even accidentally exposed some intelligence.

However, Qian Bupei directly added a contact information with Jiang Min in another way, and asked Jiang Min with some big sister's caring words halfway that they would not come back to eat at noon.

After getting Jiang Min and saying that they would not come back to eat, Qian Bupei continued to ask yes, then where are you eating! Tell me, I will help you judge whether you will be slaughtered!

At the same time, he also used his mobile phone to search for what is delicious near the location of the hotel where Tong Zixin is located.

After casually recommending one to Jiang Min, this ended Qian Bupei's routine chat of deceiving little girls.

It also gave the current money to buy more capital for Li Jiasheng.

Therefore, Li Jiasheng seemed to be shocked by Qian Bupei's unilateral trust.

Immediately this time, after Li Jiasheng listened to Qian Bupei's words, he fell silent, he didn't expect Qian Bupei to reveal so much news at once.

"Three two one... Huh?"

and Qian Bupei continued to count down in his heart, but it was strange that this time, after Qian Bupei counted down five times, Li Jiasheng still did not respond.

"It seems that this Li Jiasheng can't be moved this time!"

Just as Qian Bupei was thinking so, Li Jiasheng passed the news for nearly ten seconds.

He seemed to have decided something, and then took a deep breath and said to Qian Bupei.

"Thank you for your trust, so the information I give you will also be

very important!" "Seriously, I was just ready to give you a piece of information that wasn't very important,

but... I've decided to be honest with you.

After hearing Li Jiasheng say this, Qian Bupei showed a treacherous smile.

"Li Jiasheng, Li Jiasheng, you lack love even more than I thought!" "

Okay, okay, then let me make good use of your trust!" Qian

Bupei was extremely proud in his heart, but he didn't show it at all in reality.

Even a very indifferent attitude.

"We've all been working together for so long, will we care about these things?" "

You said it is!" Qian

Bupei showed a very generous look, and Li Jiasheng said directly.

"Well, I won't say some things, after all, I don't know if you are a man or a woman, and it will be a little disgusting to say those meaty words! "

The information I want to tell you is very simple but significant, I asked you for this news of crossing the river dragon is actually very simple!

After Qian Bupei heard Li Jiasheng say this, she was suddenly stunned.

"Is this Li Jiasheng joking, he just said that he wants to cooperate with Gu Chen?" "

Is it with Gu Chen, who wants to bring down Li Jiahao and his father?"

Suddenly, Qian Bupei felt that things were suddenly very fun.

So much fun that Qian Bu Pei discovered that a lot of his plans seemed to be able to be advanced.

And it's a lot of straight strides in advance.

"Are you sure?" However

, in order to continue acting, Qian Bupei will not show any behavioral attitude and tone that is inconsistent with his intelligence businessman's personality.

She directly used a more worried tone, as if Qian Bupei at this time had really become this Li Jiasheng's good friend and was directly concerned about him.

"As far as I know, Gu Chen's crossing the river dragon is cooperating with your company, what 5G base station is Wanhao Securities cooperating, what do you want to do when you suddenly step in halfway?"

"Steal the fruits of victory?" Even

if Qian Bupei had already guessed the idea in Li Jiasheng's heart, he wanted to unite with Gu Chen to deal with his father Li Jiahao.

However, she definitely won't show anything wrong to make Li Jiasheng feel that she has a ghost.

After all, here in Li Jiasheng, Qian Bupei will not know his true identity.

Therefore, Qian Bupei used another excuse.

Even if you want to become the boss of this company early, but you are still so young, why should you be anxious?"

"If that's the case, in fact, I don't think it's impossible, it's the collection fee, the food fee, the accommodation fee, I may have to charge a little Oh, otherwise I wouldn't let you join us so easily!"

Here Qian Bupei also laid a new trick, we .

In order to make Li Jiasheng feel that he is not a person at all, but a team organization.

It's also a smoke bomb to protect yourself.

Anyway, Li Jiasheng believed it, and even began to laugh loudly after listening to Qian Bupei's words.

"Hahaha, old ghost, old ghost, you said that you are obviously cold on the outside and hot on the inside! What kind of indifference are you pretending to be here

!" "Your personality has long collapsed!" "

Do you know, from the beginning, we just got online to trade, I found out, you person, honest!"

And when Gu Chen comes, you have to remind me! You are really a brother! Of course, if you are a woman, I will definitely marry you!" Li

Jiasheng silently planted a small trap here, but Qian Bupei heard it, and it was a trap that was not malicious, just a move that was curious about his gender evolution.

Therefore, Qian Bupei decided to also use a white lie to respond to Li Jiasheng.

"Why are you so unenlightened

?" "What do you mean?"

"It means that the world is so big and inclusive, and we are in a diversified international metropolis like Xiangcheng Island!

As soon as these words were spoken, basically a man understood what Qian Bupei meant, so Li Jiasheng directly expressed his emotions with his actual actions.

"Hey!" "

Hey, what do you mean, brotherhood is not love! Let me eat everything you spit out!"

Of course, Qian Bupei directly scolded Li Jiasheng without any politeness.

Li Jiasheng was also happy to be stunned like this, and his other curiosity rose again.

"But I'm very curious, what do you really look like?" "

I want to know, after you are fired from your own company, I will come to pick you up this homeless guy!"

If there is nothing else, this guest I am a little tired today and don't want to entertain the guest, so can I ask you to get out?"

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