I don't know how much time has passed, and Gu Chen feels that his stomach is a little hungry.

So he looked at Tong Zixin and Jiang Min.

"Do you want to go to eat first?" Gu

Chen's reason was very perfect, so perfect that Tong Zixin and Jiang Min both brushed and stood up.

"Brother Gu Chen, I want

to eat char siu rice!"

But after saying that, Tong Zixin and Jiang Min both looked at each other.

"Eh, that sister Tong Zixin, or you say first, what is the agreement with Wan Guan?" Jiang

Min knew what priority was, and naturally he would not delay the right thing because he was hungry.

Tong Zixin nodded at Jiang Min, but suddenly shook his head.

"It's okay, it's okay, I just remembered that the first question he asked me was that he planned to meet, and we also agreed to meet at the Pearl River Hotel later

!" "But now that time has passed for so long, this has not been called....I guess I haven't left yet!"


Chen asked when he heard Tong Zixin say this.

"And this kind of thing?" Tong

Zixin saw Gu Chen's brows furrowed, and thought that Gu Chen felt that he was derelict in his duties.

The whole person said a little nervously.

"I'm sorry Mr. Gu, I just thought about things too much, and I was distracted, so I forgot about this matter! "

This, in fact, is nothing, because I just thought about a lot of things, almost I now also figure out who the big people behind this ten thousand people are."

As Gu Chen said this, Tong Zixin suddenly felt shocked.

"President Gu, what do you mean, you have seen through this trick

?" Jiang Min also looked at his brother Gu Chen with wide eyes.

It's just that Jiang Min didn't speak, just looked at Gu Chen with his big eyes, because Jiang Min knew at this time.

He is absolutely fundamental, Tong Zixin and Gu Chen's discussion.

So, the best outcome is to listen more and talk less now, and then you can't go wrong.

So, the two only heard Gu Chen say.

"Yes, I was thinking about something before.

"Since the richest man on Xiangcheng Island is about to be suppressed, who will be able to make the last profit?" "

It must be the four major families!" As long as Li Jiahao falls, the assets of Li Jiahao's business empire, as well as financial products and many companies and real estate, will eventually be divided by them!"

, With a strong main force in front, how could the four major families who knew that Li Jiahao was about to be in great trouble stand idly by?"


Gu Chen finished saying this last sentence, not only Tong Zixin, but even Jiang Min understood the meaning of Gu Chen's words.

Tong Zixin's eyes widened even more, and he said incredulously.

"Mr. Gu, do you mean that these four major families have abandoned the gap between the original and finally united to deal with Li Jiahao?"

Gu Chen had not yet spoken, but was seized by Jiang Min, who had long been waiting for the opportunity to speak to prove that he understood Gu Chen and Tong Zixin's speech, and began to speak.

"I think it's very likely, because I just found many scandals about the four major families in Wanguan's computer!"

But after Jiang Min said this, he unconsciously glanced at Gu Chen.

It was as if he suddenly remembered the way he and Gu Chen looked at those photos and news in front of the computer before...

Jiang Min's face suddenly became a little rosy, and he couldn't speak.

This made Tong Zixin feel strange.

Just wanted to open his mouth to ask why Jiang Min suddenly fell silent, what was the scandal of the four major families.

"Ahem!" But

at this moment, Gu Chen coughed twice, directly interrupting Tong Zixin's train of thought and said.

"Let me talk about it next.

At the same time, Gu Chen also glanced at Jiang Min, who was obviously shy, and thought in his heart.

"What are you doing with these things..."

In fact, Gu Chen will also be a little embarrassed in his heart, but if Jiang Min is better.

As a man, I will definitely take it for granted.

But Jiang Min... is still a child.

Therefore, after hearing Jiang Min's words, Gu Chen didn't know that this guy was blushing when he recalled the scandals among those four major families.

Therefore, after that, Gu Chen took the initiative to jump out and help Jiang Min speak.

"That's right, combined with what happened before, we can assume that we found this Wan Guan to let him carry out some online media botnet operations.

"As a result, in the end, what this Wan Guan did better and better, and directly received more trust."

"To put it bluntly, it's a dirty glove, a dirty glove that specializes in helping the four major families deal with scandals."

Gu Chen began his own detective deduction.

"And this dirty glove, on weekdays, watching the scandals of many of the four major families, or some of the bigwigs who were accidentally photographed, are more terrifying than the other!"

"Therefore, this Wan Guan began to collect the news that he had washed the ground!"

"Among them, it is estimated that this Wan Guan is also famous for doing things cleanly before it is favored by people and has become the common dirty gloves of the four major families."

Gu Chen snapped his fingers and said.

"Eight or nine is not far from ten, in short, this Wan Guan wants to keep one hand to deal with the four major families. So some important video photos were stored here by him, in order to avoid being sanctioned or something at that time.

Gu Chen's explanation instantly made Tong Zixin fall silent.

Jiang Min was nodding desperately to show his approval of Gu Chen's words,

although she could finally understand what they were saying now.

However, in order to avoid disturbing Tong Zixin and Gu Chen's train of thought, Jiang Min decided to be a ruthless tool man.

No matter who spoke, he nodded desperately.

"This can also be regarded as having a sense of joining and existing, right?" After

getting Gu Chen's nod, Tong Zixin suddenly felt as if four mountains appeared.

But not only was she not nervous or afraid, but she even showed a smile.

A very happy face.

She began to ask Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, you said, or according to your prediction, how much time will it take for this Li Jiahao to completely complete his plan to transfer assets.

"And he was killed halfway through by the four major families and... What are the possibilities of joining forces to kill them, or how likely are they to stop this Li Jiahao?" Speaking

of this, Tong Zixin's eyes began to glow.

Gu Chen felt Tong Zixin's hopeful gaze, and knew very clearly that this Tong Zixin was unwilling to let Li Jiahao complete the transfer of assets and successfully leave Xiangcheng Island to enjoy retirement abroad!

Therefore, after Tong Zixin heard Gu Chen's explanation and judgment, he would have such a big reaction and wanted to ask clearly.

And Gu Chen also smiled faintly and nodded at Tong Zixin.

"You have three questions, which one should I answer first?" "

Forget it, don't hang your appetite!

It's just that when Gu Chen saw the thirst in Tong Zixin's eyes, Gu Chen immediately put away his plan to joke with Tong Zixin and said.

"According to my previous public information about Li Jiahao's business empire and many fixed assets, it will take at least two

years to transfer assets to other countries!" "If there is no mistake, this Li Jiahao should have started this plan before, otherwise, if Li Jiahao had already started to prepare, then the secrecy work should have been done very well, so as not to expose his plan in the early stage!"

"Moreover, he will not want to engage in this 5G base station, after all, if I am not miscalculated, the reason why he built this 5G base station is to attract the attention and sight of others to buy time for himself!"

Although this is not possible to rule out that Li Jiahao wants to get his 5G base station well, so as to bring more benefits to those who want to acquire or transfer this asset." When

Gu Chen said this, he glanced at Tong Zixin's thoughtful look and continued.

"But the only thing that is certain is that at least Li Jiahao will not leave in the next six months, or there is no way to complete the asset transfer."

"Do you know why this is?"

Gu Chen said and asked Tong Zixin beside him.

"I don't know..." But

Tong Zixin, whose eyes were confused, directly said something he didn't know.

"No, you know. It's

just that Gu Chen said such a sentence very categorically.

The result was to make Tong Zixin, who was already a little confused, even more puzzled.

"I know? What do I know?"

she stared at Gu Chen with her big eyes, but Gu Chen, who was now realized, actually looked at her with a very gentle look.

All of a sudden, Tong Zixin seemed to have thought of something.

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