Tong Zixin covered his mouth and said with surprise in his eyes.

"Could it be because of Mr. Gu, you..." Gu

Chen directly interrupted her conjecture.

"I also just learned that Li Jiahao was actually preparing these things, how could it have been planned to influence him to transfer assets long ago?"

Gu Chen's words made Tong Zixinqiao's face blush, and then continued.

"That... In the end, what is Li Jiahao preparing that will not complete the transfer of assets in this half a year?"

"In fact, there are many reasons for my inference, one of which should be related to you."

Gu Chen said thoughtfully.

"You should know that Li Jiahao's son is just a young man who has just started, and he can't let his son follow him abroad so comfortably. Tong

Zixin's brows furrowed when he heard this, and he felt that Gu Chen meant something, as if he had said something and seemed to have said nothing.

But she herself can completely boldly think about the meaning of Gu Chen's words.

"Mr. Gu, do you mean that this Li Jiajun will be left on Xiangcheng Island?"

"This is a kind of speculation, mainly because I heard you say before that Li Jiahao wants Li Jiajun to earn ten billion bride price to marry you, but in fact, I am not very sure."

Gu Chen did not say the words to death, but silently said other guesses to Tong Zixin.

"In short, the current situation will definitely be more complicated, for example, this Li Jiahao transfer assets will not be so smooth, after all, he wants to exchange at an equivalent price, or sell some fixed assets at a loss, he must need some buyers."

"But how many people in this Xiangcheng Island can eat Li Jiahao's things?" "Let's

not talk about foreign words, after all, there are really many financial families, but in the deep sea of Xiangcheng Island, there are only a few sharks that can become predators."

"So I estimate that Li Jiahao's means should also be to make a split form to slowly sell his fixed assets, and I estimate that the final operation method should be to transfer in the form of virtual assets."

"After all, there will be no audit of the sudden extra banknotes in foreign accounts, and the banks will certainly welcome it."

Gu Chen smiled and looked out the window.

"In short, I estimate that no matter what way Li Jiahao has abroad, it must be the same existence as Xiangbun."

"It is estimated that all forces are vying for him, and the negotiation will also take a lot of time, so these times have further delayed the time for Li Jiahao to transfer assets." Tong

Zixin listened to Gu Chen's words, and always felt that Li Jiahao seemed to be in the next big banner, but as a pawn in Li Jiahao's chessboard, he simply did not have any means to solve Li Jiahao's problem.

Therefore, now only Gu Chen can solve Li Jiahao's layout, or block Li Jiahao's plan.

"President Gu, then what are you going to do?" In

fact, when he asked this sentence, Tong Zixin was still very nervous in his heart.

Because when Li Jiahao really decided to leave Xiangcheng Island, it would naturally cause unprecedented changes in Xiangcheng Island.

At this time, if you give up pursuing some opportunities and seize the market on Xiangcheng Island, it can be said that it is a taboo for businessmen.

After all, no one is unhappy with money.

Of course, people like Gu Chen who have no concept of money at all will naturally not do so.

So in the face of Tong Zixin's question, Gu Chen naturally answered the answer she wanted to hear.

"Your question is a bit redundant, naturally I still have to find a way to snipe this Li Jiahao."

"Now that I think about it, if it weren't for Li Jiahao busy with his own transfer of assets, I'm afraid I would have been invited to his private estate for tea by now."

"So, you don't have to think so much, me and Li Jiahao must be right, in addition to your reasons, of course, I also have something to fight for." Gu

Chen's assurance was like a clear spring, which made Tong Zixin's heart instantly settle.

She looked at Gu Chen's firm face and slowly nodded and said.

"Since that's the case, then President Gu, what should we do next?" Gu

Chen withdrew his gaze and touched his stomach.

"Of course, I ate first, that's what I said. "

Don't you have enough to eat and want to think about other problems?"

Tong Zixin smiled dumbly, but he really felt that his stomach was a little hungry, so he also nodded.

"No problem, then Wanguan there..."

"Just finish eating and go over, let him dry for a while, who let him still open his mouth to you before, and the deposit he received from you before, I'll see if he will consciously hand it over himself." "

If you hand it over, forget it, but if you don't hand it over, you will definitely have to teach this guy a lesson!" After

listening to Gu Chen's protection and feeling his attitude and his own attention, Tong Zixin showed a heartfelt smile, and she nodded heavily and said.

"Yes, Mr. Gu!"

Wan Guan was packing up his salutes, looking flustered, but his hands and feet were quite convenient.

Because he knew that if he had any hesitation or mess at this time, something very terrible would definitely happen.

Therefore, after Wan Guan confirmed his meeting with Tong Zixin, he began to make two preparations.

"On the one hand, find the ship boss you are familiar with, and be ready to run away at any time when something is wrong, I don't believe it, in broad daylight, this boy is so bold that he comes directly to arrest me

!" "If the conversation between us breaks down, it's a big deal to run inland before the four major families react!" "

Anyway, I have the technology in my hand, but it's

just a different place to eat!"

What's the big deal!" Wan

Guan thought very thoroughly at this time, so thorough that he really felt that he was really too restrained before.

The four major families can't come to the inland to trouble me because of this broken matter, the most important thing is that they are heaven and kings on Xiangcheng Island, but what are they when they come to the mainland!"

"And this Tong Zixin, although everyone on the phone just now is hello and I am good, but if something goes wrong....then how can I take revenge on her!"

"Forget it, anyway, I am ready to follow this Tong Zixin or run away! Thinking

so, in fact, in Wan Guan's heart, there is a deep doubt.

"If this Tong Zixin had such a super hacker who could directly lock me before, then why didn't she just erase the news before her?"

In this way, in fact, my level has increased a lot

!" "After all, at the top of the food chain on Xiangcheng Island, it is Li Jiahao and not the four major families!"

Wan Guan, who thought so, slowly calmed down in his heart, and felt that things seemed to turn around all of a sudden, but the movements in his hands never stopped.

Because even if I believe in Tong Zixin again, I think it is a good choice to follow Li Jiahao.

But your own freedom is also very important!"

"And who knows what the purpose of this Tong Zixin is, in case something big is going to happen, and a pawn like me is mixed between these behemoths, won't it be a word to die?"

Wan Guan sighed, and began to regret why he opened his mouth to Tong Zixin.

If at the beginning, you honestly put forward your original price, where are there so many things.

"I originally thought that this Tong Zixin was ignored by him because of Li Jiahao's transfer of assets, or gave up, so I wanted to take a desperate step once, who knows that it was just once, I fell into it all!"

At the same time, it is also to prepare all your savings.

Don't ask, asking is planning to run away or make amends to Tong Zixin.


On the other side, Li Jiasheng had just left his house when he suddenly felt a strong light flash in his eyes.

He subconsciously covered his eyes and called.

"Why, who is it?"

But when Li Jiasheng regained his eyesight, he found that the crowd around him did not have any suspicious people at all.

"Damn it!"

he also looked around, wondering whose hungry phone screen it must be, shining into his eyes.

"What bad luck!" so

in the end he could only silently call out this sentence, but what he didn't know was that at the moment he lost his vision, someone secretly pressed a monitor on the edge under his coat.

"Test1! Listen Test!"

in a closed room, a foreigner with thick eyebrows silently put on his headphones and uttered.

And what came out of his earphones was the two sentences that Li Jiasheng complained about just now, hateful and really unlucky.

There was a telescope set up next to this foreigner's page, and it was used to flash Li Jiasheng's eyes before.

Only then did his companions have the opportunity to put their own monitoring chips on Li Jiasheng's body.

However, while this foreigner was ready to monitor, he did not expect that he would also be discovered.

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