As for the person who found him, it was naturally the same man and woman who had come to find this Li Jiasheng before.

"Ok, catch a nice little

fish!" "

Then let's see the situation first, can you find the nest of this fish!" But

the two did not directly take the first to control the foreigner who was discovered, but planned to do a yellow finch sweeping operation in the back.

At this time, Li Jiasheng did not know what kind of situation he was about to suffer.

I don't know that my hidden identity makes him an irrelevant little flag.

It can only be said that this is a kind of protection and a cause of danger.

In this way, Li Jiasheng took two groups of people to monitor and prepare to find Gu Chen's traces.

It's just that after Li Jiasheng came to this hotel, he found that he was looking for a needle in a haystack and couldn't see Gu Chen's trace at all.

It is even more impossible to know the hotel where Gu Chen lives, there is no way, Li Jiasheng had to take out his mobile phone, intending to call Qian Bupei again.

But just when he was about to dial this number, Li Jiasheng thought of his betrayal of Qian Bupei.

Suddenly, Li Jiasheng silently put down his mobile phone.

He walked directly to the front desk and said to his sister at the front desk with a strong smile.

"Hello, can I ask you for a favor?" In

the end, Li Jiasheng, who finally did everything he could, finally found nothing.

Even if he confused this little sister at the front desk, the other party never found Gu Chen's name in his guest room list.

"This way!"

Li Jiasheng's mind was spinning very quickly, and he suddenly thought that what Qian Bupei said might be coaxing himself.

But after a little thought, Li Jiasheng felt that it was impossible, because she had no reason to do so at all.

"It doesn't seem like a fake, so..."

Li Jiasheng fell into thought, and then he suddenly thought of another possibility.

"Shouldn't it be that Gu Chen changed to another name when he settled in, far north! How can I find

it?" "

No, no, Gu Chen, such a bright and frank person, and a very kingly person, how could he not hide his identity when he entered Xiangcheng Island at the beginning, so how could he hide it after that?"

Thinking like this, Li Jiasheng seemed to have thought of something, and then immediately said to the little sister at the front desk.

"Then you can help me check if there is a person named Tong Zixin in this hotel!" The

little sister at the front desk has long lost her most basic thinking ability under the double impact of Li Jiasheng's handsome offensive and the black card offensive exposed in her hand.

Completely reduced to Li Jiasheng's tool man, so, just after Li Jiasheng said this, this tool man girl directly found the information from Tong Zixin in her own system very skillfully.

And quickly told Li Jiasheng all this information.

"Really, really there is, this lady named Tong Zixin entered our hotel last night, but today, she just left the hotel!" Saying

that, the little sister at the front desk secretly glanced at this Li Jiasheng's handsome appearance, as well as the rich feeling of the suit on his body, and finally made her pluck up the courage to ask.

You just said that you don't have a girlfriend, right?" Li

Jiasheng was still in melancholy, after all, he finally found Gu Chen's traces.

And judging from Tong Zixin's housing records, his good brother Qian Bupei definitely did not cheat himself.

It's just that he came one step late!

Therefore, Li Jiasheng felt regret in his heart, felt that he was sorry for Qian Bupei, and felt that his hands and feet were too slow and his luck was too bad.

Just maintain this mood, when facing the question of this little sister at the front desk who is not very good-looking.

The suggestive look in Li Jiasheng's eyes completely disappeared, replaced by a ruthless ruthlessness.

He said slowly.

"Yes, I do not have a girlfriend, and this one called Tong Zixin is not my girlfriend!" The

little sister at the front desk who heard this suddenly lit up her eyes, and at the same time had more topics with this male god of herself.

She took the initiative to ask more.

"Then isn't this lady named Tong Zixin your sister?" "

Wow, your surname is Tong?

This little sister of customer service instantly wants to have a good chat with her Prince Charming, who suddenly appeared in life, at least to understand each other's situation with him.

In this way, there will be more tacit understanding in the future marriage,

but when this customer service little sister thinks about a lot of messy things.

Li Jiasheng, who was already unhappy, said directly and coldly.

She's not my sister, she's the wife who ran away from home because she had a fight with me.

"So thank

you for your great help in my work to find a wife!" "Then in order to thank you for your help, I promise not to tell your manager about your intentional leakage of your hotel guests' information, so I wish you a pleasant day!"

After saying this, Li Jiasheng obviously saw that the smile on the face of this customer service little sister disappeared instantly.

In its place was a kind of dismay, a lack of understanding, a very intriguing expression.

It was as if he had met a negative man, and the whole person did not know why he was in this situation!

Therefore, in the face of Li Jiasheng, who looked like his male god before, the little sister of customer service made a move that was not surprising at all.

Directly ran out of her post and set off in the direction of the toilet, as for whether she went to this toilet to cry secretly or to smooth her wounds.

All this has nothing to do with Li Jiasheng, who has done bad things.

"Hehe, do you really think that there is a plot in this world where a domineering president falls in love with me?"

"Silly child, Cinderella's stories only exist in movies and novels!" "

What do you think this place is, the most realistic Xiangcheng Island in the world!"

Li Jiasheng mocked this little customer service sister who wanted to enter the wrong place on the spot, and then sneered and left directly.

As for where to go, of course, go back to your car and start thinking about whether you will call Qian Bupei next.

Or directly express his intentions with Tong Zixin.

"Forget it, let's go directly to Tong Zixin, if you continue to trouble him like this, you will owe more and more favors, and..."

Li Jiasheng thought that a lot of the darkest side things had flashed in his heart.

For example....when you always owe someone a favor and find that you can't pay it back, there will always be something in your mind that makes you feel creepy, but you do it very smoothly.

For example, Li Jiasheng simply does not want to find money to owe favors to Pei now, otherwise, he will not be able to pay it back in the future, or the price is too great, so big that Li Jiasheng is not willing to repay it at all.

"So, if I don't call this cheap brother at this time, I won't remind him that someone wants to deal with him, and if he is made to live in the future, you can come to me!

Li Jiasheng, who had figured out this matter, laughed he

So he silently closed his mouth.

"After all, unlike others, this Tong Zixin still knows his true identity!" "

Who would believe that Li Jiahao's son, the hidden second heir to the throne, would directly betray his father?"

What a headache!"

thought Li Jiasheng in his head, always feeling that things were very troublesome.

And the task given to me by the dead old man, I haven't given him any answer so far, and he doesn't have any reproach, it's strange!" After

silently complaining in his heart, Li Jiasheng fell into thought again.

On the other side, Gu Chen originally planned to take Tong Zixin to eat at the tea restaurant opened by A Yue in Causeway Bay.

Just think about it, it is possible that Li Jiasheng that guy is still there.

Gu Chen had to give up, so he gave this question to Tong Zixin again.

Tong Zixin did not have any shirking, and said that there was a very good seafood market where the things were fresh and delicious, and they could take Gu Chen to try them.

Gu Chen must have accepted it gladly, and as for Jiang Min, he has never been picky about these things.

And Tong Zixin's taste is similar to hers, naturally there is no objection.

It was only halfway through that Tong Zixin suddenly received a call from Wan Guan.

"Miss Tong, it's

me!" "It's nothing, didn't we say we would meet before? "

Oh, oh, you have something, it's okay, I'm not in a hurry! "Okay, okay,

you can just notify me directly when the time comes!"

No problem, no problem!"

In the middle of the phone, Wan Guan did not wait for the notice from Tong Zixin to meet the phone and place.

Therefore, in order to judge what Tong Zixin was doing now, Wan Guan still called Tong Zixin.

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