In order to find out what Tong Zixin thinks now.

If he was sharpening his knife and preparing to attack him, then he would definitely run away without saying a word.

But after the call, Wan Guan found that it was indeed time for dinner, and he should also eat.

It's just that Wan Guan is very confused in his heart and doesn't understand.

"It shouldn't be, no matter what, as long as it involves the four major families and Li Jiahao, it must be put first, this Tong Zixin is actually so relaxed?

Strange to the point that he felt that this Tong Zixin was saying that he was going to eat on the surface, but in fact he had notified some people to come to his address and prepare to take him down directly?

So after packing everything himself, Wan Guan was very clever to leave directly through his back door, quietly hid in a fast food restaurant where he could see all the scenes in his home, and silently observed.

As long as a suspicious person comes to his home to inquire about the situation, he can judge that this Tong Zixin is not a good person.

While talking to himself that he wants to cooperate with himself.

On the one hand, he found someone to control

himself! It was a three-sided approach! Then he had to quickly grease the soles of his feet and escape!

"I'm so smart!" Wan

Guan, who thought so, praised himself in his heart.

But the next moment, his stomach began to grunt, which was really a little embarrassing.

So in order to alleviate this embarrassing situation, Wan Guan began to order food to eat.

On the other side, after Tong Zixin hung up the phone, she directed Gu Chen to drive to the vicinity of a small fishing village.

Blowing the salty sea breeze, Gu Chen and Jiang Min both felt a pleasant breath.

"Not bad!" Gu

Chen looked at the clouds in the sky and silently praised.

At the same time, Tong Zixin also smiled and silently took Jiang Min and Gu Chen to a place similar to an open-air restaurant.

"It's here!" A

middle-aged couple who opened the shop seemed a little surprised to see Tong Zixin's arrival.

"Girl, why did you come over during the day when you were free today?"

the proprietress asked at the first time, after all, after graduating from school, Tong Zixin would only come here to self-exile when she was in a bad mood at night.

Usually, especially during the day, Tong Zixin would not come over at all.

Not to mention bringing a strange couple of men and women with them at this time.

"It's been relatively free lately!"

Tong Zixin directly avoided the boss lady's question, and the main Tong

Zixin did not lie.

It is true that he has been relatively idle recently, after all, Li Jiahao does not have the kung fu to manage himself.

But I also don't want to bring too much negativity to the boss couple.

So after ordering some of their favorite set meals with them, I asked Jiang Min and Gu Chen's taboo and ordered directly.

Gu Chen looked at the distant lady and asked.

Then I have to taste how delicious the shop that keeps you coming is!"

said Gu Chen, and Tong Zixin said in a very good mood at this time.

"I will definitely not disappoint you Mr. Gu!" Looking

at the interaction between the two, I don't know why Jiang Min always felt a little sour.

"It always feels a little weird!"

she muttered in her heart.

"But it doesn't matter, Sister Tong Zixin called Brother Gu Chen is President Gu, I must be closer than her!" Jiang

Min, who thought so, was very proud in her heart, but what she didn't know was that her troubles had come to Xiangcheng Island.


At this time at Xiangcheng Island Airport, a graceful and noble woman with two bodyguards and a housekeeper left from the private boarding building very dashingly, and there were not many tourists around to disturb a lot.

It's just that such treatment did not make this countess happy, and even she was still worried.

"It's already past the deadline, but I can tell from the information on this plane ticket that my daughter and I live together!

And even if it's halfway, what about this Jiang Min who has booked a hotel himself, as long as I have the money to issue an invoice for the same hotel settlement time, can't I settle in with her in the same way?"

But the premise of everything is based on the fact that this countess can find Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

Otherwise, if the time span is too large, it is still prone to problems.

Therefore, this countess is still very distressed in her heart.

"Although this little broken island is not big, it is simply too difficult to find someone!" The

countess felt bitter in her heart, and even sighed silently.

Who knows, it was because of his breath that he actually attracted the attention of a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

"This beautiful lady doesn't know what you're having a headache for?"

he said directly to the countess, smiling at her.

The countess glanced at the man in formal clothes and thought to herself.

"I can't imagine that the quality of the service staff in this airport is quite high, they are actually so handsome, and the uniforms they wear are also

good!" "

Very good, very good!" In

an instant, the countess was satisfied with the hardware of this airport.

He also said to the man.

"I don't have anything to do, just looking for someone!" But

after the words came out, this countess suddenly felt very wrong, what did she say these things to a small person?

"It's just a small airport staff, it's not worth my words!

This countess couldn't help but compare Gu Chen with the man in front of her.

After all, seriously, by now, among all the men this countess has seen, that is, Gu Chen's appearance belongs to the top T0 stage, and the others are either not good enough or have insufficient temperament.

In short, it is impossible to reach Gu Chen's free-spirited and shocking handsomeness in all aspects.

Therefore, after this countess met a man like Gu Chen, even her old lover had a feeling that she didn't think enough of her.

Not to mention this little airport staff.

"Forget it, it's okay!"

So, just after saying the first sentence, he began to silently prepare to bypass the man and walk forward.

At the same time, he also blocked the two bodyguards behind him who wanted to throw this man out.

"Let's go!"

said the countess silently, and then prepared to leave.

Who knew that this man would actually silently stop this countess and say.

"I don't know who this beautiful lady is looking for, although I am not a big person, but I can still help with this kind of thing in Xiangcheng Island!" At

this time, seeing the man blocking the way, it was obviously a look of ignorance, and the bodyguard behind the countess was really ready to strike.

This countess's eyes also began to become cold.

"There are always people who think they are very powerful, but in fact they are just rubbish!" "

Forget it, don't be too arrogant in other people's territory!"

"Huh, huh?"

she stopped the two bodyguards behind her while continuing to speak to the man with gold-rimmed glasses.

"What I'm looking for is my daughter, do you understand that?" The

subtext of this sentence is very simple, saying that the old lady already has children, you guys better hurry away from me!

But who knew that after this countess said this, I didn't expect that this man with gold wire-rimmed glasses actually slightly aggravated his breath, and his face softened even more.

As if she didn't care that this countess was an older woman who had already given birth, but instead thought that the situation of this countess was a plus?

Then at this moment, when the countess had just raised her foot and turned to the intersection, there was a sudden bang.

Directly startled this countess.

The two bodyguards and the butler came directly to protect the countess.

In an instant, several people were nervous to the extreme.

Why didn't they expect that after they came to

Xiangcheng Island, they would encounter danger?" "Is this the characteristic of Xiangcheng Island?"


people became anxious, but they discovered the problem later.

Watching this countess embarrassed to get the tidbits off her head, the butler hurried up to help.

At the same time, he also took advantage of this gap to take a look at the sluggish-looking people on the other side.

Among them, the most conspicuous is Li Wan, who is glowing all over his body, plus the huge gift flower he is holding in his hand.

His face was even more embarrassed.

It's as if I don't know why I'm here or what I'm doing.

I saw that under the gaze of the butler, Li Wan, silently threw his flowers aside, and whistled as if nothing had happened.

Although the key did not have much affection for this countess and did not want to care about her.

But after all, it is the original match of his own boss, so since this countess has been frightened like this.

The butler must have taught the countess a good lesson, which scared the countess's fellow.

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