It's just that this time there was no turn for the butler to make a move, and the golden-glassed man who immediately ran out when he heard the countess's scream took a look at the situation at the scene, and immediately shouted at Li Wan, who pretended that nothing had happened.

"Li Wan, just come and apologize to me!" Li Wan

, who wanted to pretend to be nothing,

just fooled over like this.

Who knew that after being reprimanded by this golden-glassed man with glasses, he was suddenly shocked and startled.

Especially when I saw the undisguised anger in his eyes.

Li Quan silently cried bitterly in his heart.

"Damn, why is it so unlucky, why does this woman come out early and late

!" "And why did someone come out before the eldest brother came out!"

Li Wan, who didn't know what kind of bad luck he was pouring, but still honestly came to this countess.

Without the need for the man with myopic glasses to say anything, he began to speak silently.

I really didn't mean to, I thought it was my eldest brother who came out first!

I only used my strength to unscrew the flowers on my hand, so I didn't realize what a beautiful young woman was in front of me.

And after seeing the appearance of this countess this time, she immediately revealed the appearance of a pig brother.

"Lying groove, there is such a stunner in this world! My goodness!" "

This care instrument must be beautiful, and it must have a taste! If only I could take it to the house to play for a few days! I would be willing to live even if I lost ten years!"

Li Wan's appearance was very ugly, so ugly that after the butler cleaned up the things on the countess's head, he was ready to educate this Li Wan.

It's just that this time there are still people who are faster than him.

That is the gold-glassed man who has long seen the ugly appearance of his younger brother on the side.

It's just that because this countess is around, he doesn't want to expose any attributes that are too excessive, so he just silently patted Li Wan's head and said.

"You haven't seen each other for so long, you seem to have grown a little taller, right


"But why does the brain seem to be not long at all, and you don't know what to say when you only talk halfway?"

Suddenly, Li Wan, although the power of the big hand on his head was not great, it gave Li Wan's feeling of Mount Tai pressing down.

Immediately, he thought about this countess.

I plan to take the opportunity to bump into her this time and get to know her.

But now, after his eldest brother's palm fell, Li Wan's suddenly understood that this woman in front of him was definitely not something he could provoke!

Li Wan, a marginal disciple of the Li family who met with the wind rudder, immediately knew how he should correct his attitude at this time, especially the attitude towards his first heir to the throne of the Li family.

"This honorable lady, I'm sorry I was wrong, I shouldn't offend you! Please forgive me!"

Originally, this countess wanted to get angry.

But seeing this guy's attitude, and the bodyguards he brought with him who exceeded ten times his own.

Suddenly, the countess immediately withdrew her anger.

It's just that this countess, who knows how to pinch a person very well, did not hurry to forgive this Li Wan, but just put her eyes on the man with gold-rimmed glasses beside her and said.

"Is this your person?" "

Aren't you some kind of airport attendant?" After

these words were asked, all of a sudden, whether it was Li Wan, who did not dare to get up, or the butler whose face was full of dullness, they felt that this countess was a little silly and sweet.

Li Quan even thought in his heart....

"Should I call it, just look at this woman, at this age, she can still maintain her innocence, so... "There

is really this possibility, sure enough, the old brother is the old brother, still so powerful!" It's

just that in fact, all this is Li Wan's imagination, because this man with gold-rimmed glasses didn't expect that this countess actually had such a naïve side.


, for a moment,

the corner of this gold-rimmed glasses man unconsciously showed an evil smile.

"Underpaid body, Luo Li's heart? interesting!" At

this time, the countess had no idea what kind of existence she was worried about, nor did she know what would happen to her next.

And the butler's heart was a little more uncomfortable than this Li Wan.

"No, ma'am, this man is wearing clothes that are comparable to the annual salary of ten airport attendants, and you actually say that he is an airport worker?

So, he thought in his heart....

"God, Miss, where the hell are you, I want to return to your side, I don't want to feel the fear of my heart beating faster anymore!"

Jiang Min, who was enjoying the freshest seafood dinner at this time, suddenly raised his head blankly.

Gu Chen and Tong Zixin both turned their heads to look at the girl who was eating wildly and asked.

"What's wrong?"

said Jiang Min with a very strange expression.

"I don't know, I suddenly feel as

if someone is calling me?" "

Are you hallucinating?" Tong

Zixin looked around for the first time, even if someone called, it should be calling her.

After all, this is Xiangcheng Island, not Huahai City.

But there are no Jiang Min's acquaintances.

Gu Chen also looked at Jiang Min with concern and said.

"Do you want to eat conch, or will I order you another one?" After

receiving the concern from Gu Chen and Jiang Min, Jiang Min shook his head and said that he might be hallucinating.

Then he said there was nothing to do.

Gu Chen and Tong Zixin were still a little worried.

Tong Zixin felt that a talent like Jiang Min really needed to be carefully offered.

Gu Chen thought that he brought Jiang Min to Xiangcheng Island, and if Jiang Min had any problems, it would be his fault.

So, the two hit it off and said.

"There must be too much seafood!" so

he directly took all the seafood in front of Jiang Min, leaving Jiang Min's face full of doubts, as if to say.

"Are you polite?"

Gu Chen and Tong Zixin were snickering as if they had succeeded in their mischief.

It wasn't long before I noticed the sound of a car in the distance.

In an instant, Jiang Min began to use the question to play.

"Look, I just said that someone is calling me! It's the people in this car!" But

Gu Chen and Tong Zixin's smiles were even more exuberant.

Tong Zixin even said.

"Sister Jiang Min, this can be regarded as my secret base, few people know, the boss lady and them, they are also generally doing seafood wholesale business, the restaurant is just doing

it!" "So, it can be said that few people here will come, and even if they come, it is estimated that it is some old people, all of them are locals from Xiangcheng Island!"

After being ruthlessly slapped in the face by Tong Zixin, Jiang Min also silently blushed.

She didn't know why she felt someone calling her, but in fact she did!

It's just that after Tong Zixin said this, Jiang Min really felt that there was something wrong with him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Min silently lowered his head.

Fortunately, Gu Chen found Jiang Min's loss and worry.

Immediately afraid of patting Jiang Min's shoulder and said.

"It's okay Xiaomin, if there is anything that your brother Gu Chen is all about, if there is any problem, I will definitely be responsible for you to the end!"

"Since you said that you heard someone calling you, maybe someone is really calling you?"

In this way, I will call the housekeeper later to see how he is doing at home, so that everyone can rest assured?" Gu

Chen's gentle words directly made the blush on Jiang Min's face even more rosy.

Especially thinking of Gu Chen's sentence, I will definitely be responsible for you to the end.

It made Jiang Min look up embarrassed, and she said so non-no.

"Okay!" Tong

Zixin looked envious on the side, especially after seeing the palm that Gu Chen stretched out to comfort Jiang Min at the end and gently patted Jiang Min's head, Tong Zixin couldn't help but look away.

I happened to see that there were actually two cars, and they were both relatively expensive luxury cars.

This made Tong Zixin puzzled in his heart.

"Are there really locals who know

how to eat?" "

And it seems that there is a little money?" Originally

, Tong Zixin did not react to the arrival of these two cars at all.

Just did what a passerby should be.

Just after these two cars came to this small shop, a person Tong Zixin was very familiar with got out of this car.

Suddenly, Tong Zixin only felt a shock, and all his thoughts jumped at this moment!

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