Why was Tong Zixin so nervous at this time

, because she not only saw Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo,

Sun Shulan and others.

They also saw the familiar stranger Secretary Mi who stayed beside them.

Tong Zixin didn't expect to see her here at all.

I also didn't expect her to be able to leave Li Jiahao's private estate.

"It's not scientific, no, it's possible that Li Jiahao is indeed at a critical time, so I need to release her to find out the intelligence?" Suddenly

, Tong Zixin felt that things were starting to develop out of control.

But there is nothing I can do to change anything.

He could only turn his gaze to Gu Chen and said to him.

"Mr. Gu, that girl is my substitute I told you before, Li Jiahao's current secretary, her name is Mia.

After Gu Chen heard Tong Zixin's words, he also turned his head to look at Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and the others.

At this time, Gu Chen was also slightly stunned, and he didn't expect that so many acquaintances would suddenly come.

Among them, the only person Gu Chen didn't know was the delicate and small girl with glasses.

"Is she Mia?" Mia

met Lin Wanxiang and Ah Yue in the previous tea restaurant, and the three of them had a meal because of the table.

Because of some situations, I slowly talked and became good friends.

In order to make their origin seem more convincing.

In order to better get close to Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others, Secretary Mi told a lie.

After lying that he had a quarrel with himself, he ran out directly for a long time, and now there is a place to go.

Can you follow them temporarily, you can also give money.

Originally, Lin Wanxiang did not want to take the initiative to cause trouble, but Ah Yue was a kind-hearted child after all.

Seeing Secretary Mi's pitiful appearance, he still took the initiative to agree to Secretary Mi's request to follow.

Therefore, when Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan and others met today, Mia also gathered together very smoothly.

Originally, they thought that when they went to find Gu Chen to meet peace, they would find a quiet place for Mia to put down.

As a result, after arriving at this small restaurant that they usually like to go to, they actually magically found that Gu Chen was also eating here?

However, after Mia saw Tong Zixin, her face changed instantly.

She was thinking about how she should explain to Tong Zixin why she was here.

And what role should Tong Zixin play now, and does she know if she will help her cover?

These are all questions, so Mia is very worried in her heart.

But in the next moment, when he saw the man opposite Tong Zixin also turned his head.

Mia was directly stunned.

Because she saw that photo, it was charming enough, but in reality, it was so handsome that there was no way to describe Gu Chen.

Mia's heart set off a huge wave.

"Why is Sister Tong here, and this Gu Chen is also here, the two of them??" Suddenly

, many pictures flashed through Mia's mind.

For example, in Li Jiahao's private estate, Tong Zixin once spared no effort to praise Gu Chen.

But in front of Li Jiahao, he didn't say a word about Gu Chen.

Thinking of the light in Tong Zixin's eyes when he talked about Gu Chen before.

Suddenly, Mia understood something, and seemed to understand something.

Her lips trembled involuntarily.

A very scary thought came to mind.

"Gu Chen has long been in contact with Sister Tong, Sister Tong betrayed Li Jiahao?"

Just when Mia Tong Zixin was shaking his head.

Sun Shulan had already brought Lin Wanxiang and the others to Gu Chen's front and asked cautiously.

"President Gu?" Gu

Chen then withdrew his gaze from Mia's body and looked at Sun Shulan.

"It's me, why did you suddenly come here?" After

getting Gu Chen's answer, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan didn't know what to say.

"Mr. Gu, we are here to eat!" "

However, our luck was so good that we ran into you Mr. Gu all of a sudden!"

Gu Chen nodded and looked at Mia, who was now lowering her head and not knowing what she was thinking.

"Yes, our luck is good, so since we are all here, let's find a seat and sit down?" Mia

did not dare to raise her head, for fear of being discovered by Gu Chen.

But after being said by Gu Chen, suddenly Mia felt that this Gu Chen was not talking to Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan and others, but was talking to himself.

What is this concept?

"It must be that Sister Tong has already told Gu Chen my identity!" Thinking

of this, the little secretary could only sigh silently and raise his head to look at Gu Chen without fear.

"Kind of interesting. Gu

Chen knew the origin of this little secretary, and also knew that the little secretary was a very soft person.

But Gu Chen didn't expect that this little guy actually had the courage to look at himself at this time.

After smiling helplessly, Gu Chen asked Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan and others to order their own food, no need to be polite, he came to treat this meal today! After hearing Gu Chen's request, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan and others

all cheered, and one by one and two began to find their places and prepare to sit down.

As for Mia, she sat very sensibly on the other side of Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others, that is, where Tong Zixin was.

Looking at the apprehension on the face of the girl on her right, she sighed silently.

"When did it come out?" and

at the same time in order not to make everyone's situation too embarrassing.

Therefore, when Tong Zixin asked the question, he was very quiet, and did not attract the attention of Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan and others at all.

"Sister Tong, I just came out yesterday, Li Sheng, no, it was Li Jiahao that guy who let me out

!" "I'm not sneaking away!"

And Mia's response was of course very quiet, and the most important thing was that Mia was still very restrained.

Because Mia now has too many doubts in her heart.

Especially the face of Gu Chen, who was sitting opposite, was enough to bring calamity to the country and the people, which already made Mia peek at it from time to time.

All this fell in Tong Zixin's eyes, and of course it did not escape the sight of Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others.

Ah Yue and Lin Wanxiang looked at each other, feeling that this time seemed to be the time for them to appear.

Who let this Mia be the one who brought it herself.

Therefore, Lin Wanxiang said directly.

Introduce you, this is Mia, a friend we met yesterday, and now there is no place to go away from home, so we took her with us." "It's

just that I didn't expect us to meet here, and I originally planned to put her in place temporarily when I came to you, but there was no way I had to bring her over..." Lin

Wanxiang said and showed an embarrassed look.

Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and the others also came out without any hesitation to stand up for Lin Wanxiang.

Because he did tell the truth, and this little girl called Mia was quite beautiful and did not have any sense of social habits.

Give people a rare quality of youth.

It made Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan feel as if they had returned to the past and met the fledgling self.

Therefore, everyone who found their shadow in Mia's body began to silently accept or approach this girl.

Mia's natural affinity is evident at this time.

After hearing the words of Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others.

Gu Chen understood that this Mia had such means.

In a short period of time, he was able to invisibly let Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others speak for themselves.

"With this ability, everywhere is a pin!" Gu

Chen praised in his heart, but saw Mia with an embarrassed look written on her face.

And that playful Tong Zixin.

"Yes, what's your name?" and

even, Tong Zixin took the initiative to ask this Mia, as if he wanted to communicate with her properly.

It was only at this time that Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others knew that Tong Zixin had originally come with Gu Chen.

Originally, they thought that a few people were sitting together, just because this restaurant was too small.

So Gu Chen had to take Jiang Min to share the table with strangers.

After all, he had heard about Mia and Ayue and Lin Wanxiang sharing tables before, so if such a thing happened again in a short period of time, Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and the others would not have any surprises.

But now, I heard Tong Zixin ask.

Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others reacted immediately.

"Could it be that this is the person that President Gu said he wanted to introduce us to acquaintances?"

Sun Shulan looked at Tong Zixin for a while.

"Full of temperament, full of aura, bright eyes, is a good woman!" As

a woman, looking at a woman is naturally very accurate.

Although I still don't know what kind of person Tong Zixin is, I have already given her a very high evaluation.

Now wait for Gu Chen to make an introduction.

"I, my name is Mia..." As

for Secretary Mi, he secretly complained in his heart at this time, and even thought about whether he should hurry to the toilet at this time to calm down.

But let's not say that she didn't see the toilet nearby.

Even if there was a toilet, wouldn't Tong Zixin follow along?

In an instant, Mia's heart made a lot of deductions.

But no matter what the deduction was, Mia felt that she would not have any problems.

After all, Tong Zixin is a victim like himself!

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