"The victim won't hurt the victim!"

"And Gu Chen is still so handsome!"

Mia thought so, and secretly put her gaze on Gu Chen's face again.

"Wow, there are really people in this world who can't get tired of seeing

it!" "No wonder Tong Zixin betrayed Li Jiahao, it seems that the reason for this must be very deep

!" "No, since this is the case, I think some things should be showdown with Tong Zixin!"

After Mia decided on this idea, she began to speak and ask.

"So, where is the bathroom here?"

said Doghead Chao, who had maintained a very upright attitude after sitting down, immediately raised his hand and said after hearing Mia's question.

"I know, the bathroom here is three hundred meters away, I'll take you there!" Lin

Wanxiang and Xiang Sen, Luo, Sun Shulan and others, including Gu Chen, Jiang Min, Tong Zixin, all pretended to look at this volunteer dog.

The meaning in the eyes is very obvious.

Suddenly, the dog head Chao, who seemed to have exposed his careful thinking, immediately withdrew his palm as if it was a wilt, and said timidly.

"What's wrong, I just like to be helpful sometimes, why do you want to look at me like this?" "

I'm not a bad person!"

The dog head Chao was very aggrieved in his heart, which one of the people here is not a pair.

He was left alone, so he had to hold himself to keep warm.

This situation really made Dog Tou Chao feel very sad, and finally suddenly such a beautiful Mia appeared next to him and seemed to make him want to protect.


, this bit of caution was directly seen through by Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others, and he was still a little embarrassed in his heart.

It's just that just when everyone showed a relieved expression, Tong Zixin spoke.

"No need, I just happen to go to the toilet too, so let's just take Mia with me!" In

an instant, whether it was Dog Tou Chao, Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan and others, they all hit their eyes on Tong Zixin's body.

But Tong Zixin didn't have any fear, and even looked at the huge dog head chao very calmly.

As if wanting his answer.

The dog head was a little confused by Tong Zixin's eyes and that confident look.

There is even a little anger in my head.

After all, this time it was his own initiative to attack

, just cut off by a stranger of yours?


his attention was focused on Mia's body before,

so the dog head chao did not notice Tong Zixin's every move at all.

I didn't expect that Tong Zixin actually knew Gu Chen.

Unexpectedly, this Tong Zixin was the nameless person Gu Chen wanted to introduce to them.

Therefore, just after the dog's super gunpowder flavored words came out, Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and the others all fell silent.

Even Gu Chen couldn't help but look at this dog's head more than two eyes.

After noticing everyone's strange eyes, even if the dog head chao was confused by his own love, he couldn't help but let his mind turn.

"Wait, this person is Mr.

Gu's guest?" "Then isn't it equivalent to offending Mr. Gu?" "

Mom, directly offend your top boss? This is!" After

realizing his mistake, the dog head chao looked at the smiling Gu Chen, and his face suddenly wanted to cry, but in the end, Tong Zixin looked at Gu Chen and said.

"Mr. Gu, how about I introduce myself

?" "Yes!" "Then where should I introduce me?" "

Well, just confess, anyway, I originally planned to arrange for you to meet today!" Gu

Chen directly divided three times and five by two, allowing Tong Zixin to take the initiative to expose his true identity.

Just these two conversations instantly made Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others, as well as Dog Tou Chao, silently straighten their waist plates.

Because isn't the obvious meaning of this saying that it is not simple with Tong Zixin?

If they can't hear this, they don't have to engage in any financial money.

"Okay, Mr. Gu, then I'll make a long story short!" After

receiving Gu Chen's instruction, Tong Zixin directly stood up without any hesitation and said to Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and the others, especially Dog Tou Chao.

"Everyone, the first meeting is a little leaky, but it doesn't matter, the so-called road to simplicity, is such a truth, my name is Tong Zixin, the former secretary of Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island!"

"Of course, these are all past positions, and they are all some false names, and my real identity now is just a small employee under Gu Chen!

"You should also be regarded as Gu Chen's subordinate employees, then we are actually the same without any difference."

"So you don't need to be nervous, and you don't need to have any bad hostility towards me! Thank you, I hope our next work can be smooth sailing!"

After saying these words, Tong Zixin sat directly back in his place.

The little girl Mia, who was scared and did not dare to move, tensed even more.

How worried she was that just now, all of a sudden, this Tong Zixin directly exposed his identity.

In this case, she only has one final ending.

That is, she was spurned by Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others, and it was even possible that her life was in danger now!

But fortunately, in the end, although Tong Zixin said such a long paragraph, she did not mention her identity.

Nor did it say anything superfluous.

But Yi still made Mia nervous in her heart.

"Unexpectedly, Sister Tong actually rebelled!"

"But in this case, isn't she worried that she will suffer from Li Jiahao's retaliation?" "

Even if it is me, I dare not turn my face with Li Jiahao in the open, and I don't even dare to take the initiative to expose my plans!

The most important thing is that she doesn't know what energy this Gu Chen has, which can make Tong Zixin make up her mind to stand against Li Jiahao.

He even showed his intentions in front of me.

"What do you mean? Is this a sure I can't get out?" "

Or do you say? She had already discovered me..."

Just as Mia was thinking, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others on the opposite side, including Dog Tou Chao, directly showed a strange expression.

You look at me, I look at you, and then put your eyes on Gu Chen's body in unison.

They were all very puzzled in their hearts, wondering why such a person suddenly appeared.

A person who is completely Gu Chen.

They need an explanation.

Especially, about Tong Zixin's explanation.

"What's wrong, are you all so shocked?" When

Gu Chen looked at these people who looked at him with different meanings, he didn't know where he was, and it was time to explain it himself.

Therefore, Gu Chen coughed and said.

"Let the family go to the toilet first, break the casserole here and ask the end, when is the end!" As

soon as these words came out, sure enough, Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others all blushed a little.

After all, it was because of them that Mia and Tong Zixin did not go to the bathroom.

If there is any problem, it is all their problem.

However, the dog head chao still wants to open his mouth to say that he can send two girls.


However, as soon as the dog head Chao wanted to speak, he found that Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and the others were all focused on themselves, and their consciousness was very clear not to do strange things.

"Okay!" So

there was a way, the dog head super could only silently close his mouth.

In this way, Tong Zixin, who did not have any obstruction, took Mia's palm and said.

"Come on, the road by the sea is a bit slippery, everyone like you should have never walked such a road!

It can even only give Tong Zixin more excuses to deal with himself.

So, Jiang Min very obediently held Tong Zixin's palm, and the two walked into the distance together.

When only the dog's head was left in place, their conversation officially began.

Especially Gu Chen's expression changed instantly.

"Well, I think you must have a lot of doubts that you want to ask me, now that the Lord is gone, if you want to ask, please ask quickly!"

"It's only six hundred meters back and forth, so what do you want to say?"

Gu Chen's eyes scanned Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and the others, and the dog head chao directly said impatiently at this time.

"Mr. Gu, is that Tong Zixin someone who can be trusted?" "

I don't look like a good person when she sees her holding Mia!" "

You won't be deceived by this guy, right?" Lin

Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others really didn't expect that Dog Tou Chao would actually ask this question.

Frightened, they hurriedly blocked the dog's mouth and asked him to stop talking.

Who knew that this guy was actually a little unconvinced.

However, Gu Chen will not change anything because of this attitude of the dog head chao.

He was still smiling.

He even looked at Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others, who stopped the dog head chao from continuing to speak.

"Aren't you all wondering why Li Jiahao's men defected?" "

Do you also want to know why Mia looks like a rat has touched a cat and trembles?"

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