It's just that Jiang Min doesn't understand very much, why Gu Chen, who was still fine just now, get angry, why should he be angry?

But he was in a state of not knowing how to comfort people, so he opened his mouth to comfort the words.

"Brother Gu Chen, are you hungry, did you not eat enough just now?" Then

Jiang Min felt a feeling called social death, but Gu Chen couldn't react at all at this time.

But he could also feel the kindness from Jiang Min, and he turned his head to Jiang Min and said.

"No, it's just that I thought of something that made people angry, not hungry!" Gu

Chen's explanation made Jiang Min breathe a slight sigh of relief, because judging from the change in Gu Chen's tone and expression.

He should not be in as bad shape as he seems.

"You can continue!" It

was also for this reason that Jiang Min judged that he could still continue to talk to Gu Chen.

Therefore, Jiang Min thinks that he is Gu Chen's intimate little cotton jacket.

Naturally, he will never let go of this opportunity to be able to stick to Gu Chen.

What's more, Jiang Min just wanted Gu Chen to be good in his heart, of course, he would not watch Gu Chen unhappy without any inaction.

Based on these conditions, Jiang Min still said to Gu Chen.

"Brother Gu Chen, what are you doing?" "I? I'm nothing, just a little angry!" "

What? angry! Who made our Brother Gu Chen angry, you tell me, I will immediately implant a virus into their computer! Let them know what Jiang Min's cruelty is!"

Jiang Min instantly became open and clawed, and he couldn't wait to kill all those who provoked Gu Chen now.

However, compared to other people's comforting words.

Gu Chen knew that Jiang Min really had such an ability to help him solve the problem.


"In that case, isn't it equivalent to me using Jiang Min?" "

How can this kind of thing be allowed to happen!" Gu

Chen did not look at Jiang Min as a hacker, a ruthless hacker with no bottom line.

I don't want Jiang Min to become that kind of person.

Therefore, Gu Chen has not and will definitely not take the initiative to send Jiang Min to carry out cyber attacks until now.

Let's not say whether it can be successful or not.

Just when making these moves, how much risk Jiang Min has to take, this is already a very big security risk!

In addition,

Jiang Min's current grade is not very large, if Gu Chen really uses Jiang Min, the top hacker of the network, to do some illegal things.

Gu Chen didn't dare to guarantee what would happen in the future.

He can only do a good job in Jiang Min's ideological work now.

Of course, after hearing Jiang Min say this, Gu Chen was still very moved in his heart.

Therefore, Gu Chen would not let this Jiang Min do these dangerous things.

Gu Chen slowly pressed the anxiety and worry in his heart.

He said to Jiang Min in a very gentle tone.

"No, you don't need to do that

!" "Although this trip to Xiangcheng Island, they really all came at me!"

"But they don't know what kind of existence they have provoked, do they?" Although

Gu Chen spoke very softly, and his eyes looking at Jiang Min were also full of kind feelings.

But whether these words are placed on Jiang Min's body, or at this time, as long as someone can hear Gu Chen's words, there will only be one feeling, that is...

"Domineering exposed!" Jiang

Min also felt the domineering and confident in Gu Chen's words, and his originally anxious heart relaxed slightly at this time.

And Gu Chen also looked at Jiang Min in this car, and felt that there were some things that he would not be able to hold in his heart all the time.

It will also make your mood very unpleasant.

But if only there was one person who could share it with him at this time.

That seems to be pretty good.

"It seems to be the truth!" Gu

Chen thought about it like this, and felt that Jiang Min was completely a qualified confidant.

Therefore, Gu Chen said slowly after coughing twice.

"Xiaomin, do you know why I wanted to come to Xiangcheng Island in the first place?"

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min, his eyes full of memories.

It's just that it's not that kind of remembrance, but a feeling of replay.

Jiang Min directly put his body straight, looking at Gu Chen's eyes full of seriousness.

"I just listened to what Brother Gu Chen said, and what I learned should be to help Sister Tong Zixin take revenge and get out of the sea of suffering, right?"


not all!" Gu

Chen nodded and shook his head and told Jiang Min.

"I can only say that helping Tong Zixin is just a purpose, and my real idea is actually to bring the financial system of Xiangcheng Island under my command as a springboard similar to radiating the world."

"After all, the two trading markets, A shares and H shares are on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in these two cities, and their economic status is very high, if I can catch both of them, it can be said that I have the possibility of becoming the richest man in the world."

When Gu Chen said this, his eyes revealed a thick ambition.

It's as if you're swimming in your own fantasy.

However, although Jiang Min's eyes were widened, he didn't seem to understand what Gu Chen was saying.

The way she tried but didn't understand the situation was really distressing.

At least that's what Gu Chen thought.

The whole person was a little embarrassed, and felt that his speech seemed to be a little too unclear.

After all, Jiang Min is a genius in computers, not finance.

Therefore, Gu Chen coughed twice and said.

"Actually, let's put it this way.

"That is, my goal is the richest man in the world, but it is still a little far away, I have to come slowly, Huahai City as my basic base camp is actually not enough."

"To put it bluntly, I just want to develop my other territory!"

"So, when Tong Zixin appeared and said that there was still such a faint richest man on Xiangcheng Island, Li Jiahao, I moved my mind and thought about taking this Xiangcheng Island. When

Jiang Min heard Gu Chen's easy-to-understand explanation, he instantly became oh oh oh.

It was like a crowing rooster, and his eyes showed a look like this.

"So, Brother Gu Chen, all this is actually in your calculations?" "

No wonder you took me to find Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, and Ayue at the beginning, it seems that you have already done your homework!" Jiang

Min's eyes also had a little more admiration in them.


it were before,

Gu Chen might have gladly accepted this kind of eye worship from Jiang Min.

But now he has clearly seen his situation and the temptation of many conditions.

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min's eyes again, and always felt a little uncomfortable.

He silently turned his head and coughed twice, and said with his shoulder to Jiang Min.

"I did my homework, but I never imagined that all my behavior would have been seen through long ago.

"No, it should have been expected of my general direction for a long time, but there are some small things, he can't calculate and guess, this is also a small victory for me, right?"

Gu Chen smiled, but there was a bit of mockery in the laughter.

On the other side, Jiang Min still looked at Gu Chen with an adoring look.

As for Gu Chen's words after that, I'm sorry, Jiang Min directly ignored the past.

Just remember Gu Chen's good.

What is this called? It's called only your good! Nothing else matters.

"And then, then!"

Jiang Min said to Gu Chen excitedly,

she still wanted to know what happened next.

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min's excited look, and simply said everything he thought of at once.

"Okay, okay, then I'll continue!" "

The only thing, you have almost witnessed it with your own eyes, anyway, we have experienced the current thing, the general direction is known to the other party, but projects like Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, Ayue and others have been restarted."

"There is also an astronomical club like Liang Sixing Qian Bupei, it is estimated that this Li Jiahao should not know any of them."

"Although I won in the details, I have a bit of a headache just thinking that I was induced!" Gu

Chen shook his head and began to connect everything.

"After this Li Jiahao lured me up from Huahai City, this Qian Bupei appeared and lured me to the Astronomy Club!" "

I can see that the people on this Xiangcheng Island are very dirty in their hearts!"

, So for some things, even you can count it, and you are not afraid of danger!" "

Huh!" Speaking

of this, Gu Chen's eyes exuded a dangerous aura.

It was as if it was an invisible declaration of war on some people.

Jiang Min, who watched this scene, felt that Gu Chen's handsomeness was indeed unmatched.

"I really want to use my phone to film this scene!"

she thought in her heart, but her face was still very serious.

After a while, Jiang Min still looked at Gu Chen with that serious expression.

And Gu Chen was almost finished complaining.

"In general, Xiangcheng Island is actually a stop on my way!" "

Even without Li Jiahao's guidance and Qian Bupei's plan, I will come to Xiangcheng Island sooner or later

!" "And there are more challenges after that!" "

But it's not a big problem, since they have already done some things, they must be prepared to pay the price!"

Jiang Min once again heard the domineering speech from Gu Chen.

Immediately nodded madly, she very much agreed with all of Gu Chen's opinions!

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