Even Jiang Min said directly to Gu Chen.

"And I will always accompany Brother Gu Chen, you will overcome all the difficulties!" "

There will definitely be no time to retreat!" Jiang

Min instantly expressed his loyalty to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen was a little moved, and then said.

"But, aren't you going back to Australia soon?" Just

after Gu Chen's words, the magnificent feeling that still existed completely disappeared at this time.

Jiang Min's face was also unpredictable and began to collapse.

She looked at Gu Chen without tears, looked at her idol and said.

"Brother Gu Chen, if you can't speak, you actually don't have to speak.

"There's no need to make me so depressed as soon as I open my mouth, okay?"

As he spoke, Jiang Min immediately turned his head away,

and instantly became like an angry little daughter-in-law.

"Hahaha! Of

course, this scene fell in Gu Chen's eyes, it was so cute, so that Gu Chen felt that Jiang Min was really a treasure girl.

He didn't think it was okay.

It is still right to calm down Jiang Min, one of his ultimate hole cards.

So, Gu Chen coughed twice and said.

"It's okay, I'll accompany you to Australia together, and I will definitely not let you be alone!"

This sentence is not the first time Jiang Min has heard it.

But it doesn't matter how many times you listen to it or when you listen to it.

Jiang Min felt so happy in his heart.

She immediately showed a pursed lips and snickered expression where Gu Chen couldn't see.


she silently asked Gu Chen, a question that seemed to be determined again.

Of course, Gu Chen said without disappointing her.

"Of course, do you think I'm the kind of person who doesn't talk well?" "

Okay, then let's hang ourselves for a hundred years without change

?" "Is it such a childish method?"

Just like that, Jiang Min turned his head with a smile and met his finger with Gu Chen.

The smile on her face instantly turned into a flower after the agreement was completed.

The original worries about the trip to Australia were much less.

And Gu Chen, looking at Jiang Min's happy look, his mood seemed to have slowly recovered a lot under this smile.

After revealing a gentle smile.

He also started driving again, and as for where he was going

, of course,

it was the Astronomy Club.

Since Gu Chen wanted to give these guys who wanted to use him, or planned to use him as a gun, a big evacuation caught off guard.

That naturally has to be shown in front of them first.

Otherwise, it is too ugly to just talk so directly and not speak, and to flee directly back to his base camp after finding out that he has been yin.

Therefore, Gu Chen would not simply leave Xiangcheng Island.

"That must be done before you leave!"

Gu Chen showed a cruel smile, and then drove past some cars that wanted to be side by side with him, towards Liang Sixing's mountain.


At this time, the countess did not know that she was about to run an empty door.

But to be honest, the countess at this time had almost forgotten her daughter Jiang Min.

They have forgotten the purpose of their coming to this Xiangcheng Island.

In her eyes, there was only the eldest son of the Li family who was now opening the way ahead.

The time went back to when the countess had just arrived on Xiangcheng Island.

She went through an oolong and completely bonded with a man with gold-rimmed glasses.


a strange name, is there still a Li Wu?" Li

Wenquan looked at the beautiful appearance of this countess and smiled.

She didn't blame her for not knowing the energy of this name on Xiangcheng Island, but she also had the idea in her heart to let this countess see her energy.

Therefore, Li Wenquan silently asked the countess to wait at the airport for a while.

He had a surprise for her.

But this countess has so much time to wait.

She wasn't here to waste her time.

But to find her daughter Jiang Minhao is complete...

However, just when the countess was thinking so,

she saw Li Wenquan call directly after calling the person in charge of the airport.

She silently stopped her mouth that wanted to speak.

"What's the situation?"

the butler and the countess both said in their hearts at this time.

"This guy is wrong!" Especially

the housekeeper, after seeing Li Wenquan's sweeping operation, he suddenly felt that it was not a second.

Originally thought that in this Xiangcheng Island, this countess did not have any foundation at all, no matter who she encountered, she would be blind.

But I didn't expect that this person who suddenly appeared to come up to talk to him could actually call the person in charge of Xiangcheng Island Airport.

What does this mean.

"It must be a powerful native, wouldn't this be if the countess sought this Li Wenquan's help... Is it very unfavorable to the young lady?"

"No, I have to find a way to inform President Gu! There is going to be a big problem!" the

housekeeper's whole person became nervous, feeling that something was wrong at this time.

He pondered when he would have time to call Gu Chen.

Be sure to tell Gu Chen about this countess's crazy behavior now, and let him quickly leave with Jiang Min.

And this countess also thought of a lot of things that were beneficial to herself.

"This guy doesn't look like a big person, but the energy is not small!" "

Although I think I can suppress Jiang Min's smelly girl, Gu Chen is a guy I can't afford to mess with after all!" Because

he had confronted Gu Chen several times before, in order to find out Gu Chen's identity and background, this countess had already gone to do some investigation on Gu Chen.

Although she found some relatively shallow things, this countess also felt Gu Chen's energy, especially in Huahai City, it can be said that she covered the sky with one hand.

Against such people, you can only outwit them, not use brute force.

Otherwise, you will still hurt yourself in turn.

"But if you borrow this Li Wenquan's power, maybe it can make things have a good contrasting effect!" The

countess's eyes became brighter and brighter as she looked at this Li Wenquan.

Because she thought of Gu Chen in this Xiangcheng Island, although he has a great background identity and strength, it is not Huahai City after all!

"I don't believe it, even if Gu Chen is a dragon crossing the river, can he still turn over under the suppression of the ground snake?" The

countess, who understood this, felt that she could not be so anxious.

"Calm down, at least find out the identity background of

this Li Wenquan!" "

If it's not as good as Gu Chen, wouldn't it be embarrassing if it was suppressed in turn!"

The countess, who maintained this idea, decided to get close to this Li Wenquan.

However, it was just after she had this thought.

Li Wenquan seemed to have a telepathic and looked over.

"Are you in a hurry?"

he asked as he gently walked up to the countess.

"No, you... What do you want to do?" the

countess was taken aback, but her voice was not at all the domineering appearance at the beginning.

At this time, she completely regained her warm and watery feeling.

It was this change that instantly made Li Wenquan, who was close to this countess, silently take a deep breath, and a hint of greed crossed his eyes.

"Beautiful and delicious!" Li

Wenquan suppressed the agitation in his heart, and also suppressed his emotions.

Try to disguise yourself as a handsome calm financial man, and exude your charm all the time.

But he had already seen Gu Chen's handsome face, and Li Wenquan's operation was just scratching his head in front of this countess.

However, Li Wenquan called the person in charge of the airport with a phone call before, and this wave of operations made this countess like it.

"I, I'm waiting for an opportunity to send you. "

Send me? Where to send me?" looked

at this Li Wenquan curiously, the countess thought to herself.

"Could it be that in such a short period of time, this guy has figured out the purpose of my coming to Xiangcheng Island, it's impossible!" Li

Wenquan looked at the doubts in the countess's eyes and began to think in his heart.

"Very good, successfully caught your attention, as long as you are curious about me, you can wait for my bombardment!"

but thought so in his heart, but it was another way of saying it.

"Of course it's a good place, it should be almost the same now!" he

said, as if to confirm Li Wenquan's pride.

He had just raised his hand to reveal his Patek Philippe watch, and the next second a man dressed in black and sunglasses ran out of the gate of the airport.

Even a large suit can't hide their bulging muscles.

Not to mention, they were almost about one meter nine, and the feeling that emanated was quite dangerous in addition to danger!

I thought that the security problem of this airport was very bad, so that some lawbreakers outside Xiangcheng Island broke into here.

"Hey society?"

even, the countess who had watched the Xiangcheng Island police and bandit movie silently said such a sentence.

"No, so unlucky?"

she silently said in her heart, usually watching these movies has no feeling, but if she really let her experience it on the spot.

That directly shocked her heart.

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