The butler's face also changed drastically.

Then if my mobile phone is snatched, how can I call Gu Chen, and how can I let the young lady leave Xiangcheng Island quickly?" He

silently looked at the pale countess beside him, and immediately stepped forward to grab the countess and escape.

However, Li Wenquan noticed the abnormal behavior of the two of them.

Immediately said to the two of them.

"Beautiful lady, don't worry, these are my people, just here to greet

you!" "

It's just that the scale of this appearance is a little big, I didn't expect to scare you two, this is indeed something I didn't consider, I'm sorry!"

Saying that, Li Wenquan even wanted to bow to this countess and the butler to apologize.

But it was said by this countess again.

"No, you didn't mean to do it, it's all a little rare and strange from our small place!" "

But what are you trying to do when you make such a situation?"

asked the countess who stopped Li Wenquan, who was about to bow to herself to indicate that she was wrong.

"It's to eliminate some idle people who will affect us to leave!" Li

Wenquan watched as the butler let go of the countess's arm, and the killing intent in his eyes flashed.

But on the surface, it is still very gentle.

It's just that this kind of gentleness is only for the countess, and other people can't see Li Wenquan in this state at this time.

However, Li Wan, who is Li Wenquan's younger brother, discovers his brother, the next helmsman of the Li family.

It seems that it is a little abnormal at this time!

"Obviously, in the past, Brother Wen Quan would not have been able to use his family connections to do so many things!"

"What he likes most is obviously relying on himself,

but today he actually ..."

Li Wan's feeling of wanting to stop talking, he wanted to remind his brother not to play too much.

The current fishing boats are still relatively powerful.

But when the words came to his lips, he immediately stopped.

"Sometimes it seems to be a very interesting thing to see my brother like a guardian doing things!" "

And even if something happens to me, I'm just a marginal character!"

At the same time, he also secretly began to look at the woman who let his brother Li Wenquan fall into a state of madness, that is, this countess.

After taking a closer look, Li Wancai found that this countess was indeed a national color.

It can be said that it is true that the rate of turning back is not an exaggeration.

"But the grade is a little older!"

This was the only flaw that Li Wan'a seemed to have, and he was not very clear about what his brother liked about this countess.

However, this has nothing to do with him.

Instead, he can take advantage of his brother's madness to come to Fox Fake Tiger Power once.

Thinking so, Li Wanwan silently turned on his mobile phone and planned to record all this.

And after this countess listened to Li Wenquan's words, she did not react to the meaning of what he said.

I saw the men who poured in like hey clubs silently standing in two rows and opening a path.

The most important thing is that this road is still deriving and lengthening, and soon came to this countess.

At this time, this countess looked at the ordinary tourists who were lined up in front of her.

Coupled with the pomp and circumstance of not letting those ordinary people take pictures, she suddenly recalled that a long time ago, nobility was still a very noble title and status symbol.

It seems that it is also because of such treatment.

It's just that over the years, social thinking has become more and more mature, and people have become more and more ethereal about identity and these things.

If you suddenly appear a person, say what identity you are?

The most cultured and qualified people will feel that your ancestors did make a lot of contributions or something to respect you a little, but if they want to have something to worship you, there will be something to worship.

Then be careful, this person either lacks the heart or has some plans.

And now, this countess fully knows Li Wenquan's plot against herself.

However, she originally had a plot against this Li Wenquan.

Coupled with this pomp now, this countess has completely lost her vanity.

Directly looked at Li Wenquan and said.

"This is, prepared for me?" Li

Wenquan, of course, nodded very gentlemanly to indicate that he was right, and also made a very standard European aristocratic etiquette.

I originally thought that this countess would respond to herself crappily at most.

Unexpectedly, she actually used a more complicated etiquette to express her acceptance of Li Wenquan's kindness.

This made Li Wenquan ecstatic, if it weren't for the quality over the years that made him restrain his inner excitement, I am afraid that he would be directly ugly at this time.

"I really found a treasure this time!"

he thought silently in his heart.

The emotions in my heart are even more turbulent.

He responded to the countess with a silent smile.

The expressions of the two were very satisfied with each other at this time, so that they were very pleasant in the later car.

Who let this Li Wenquan actually directly find a convoy of nearly thirty or so to open the way for this countess, and the most important thing is that there is a pair of iron horses in the front as a guide.

In an instant, many people appeared throughout the street who came to see the bustle.

They all wanted to see where this was the princess.

Of course, Li Wenquan's glass is single-sided, naturally no one can see Li Wenliang and this countess with a rainbow face in the extended version of the Bentley.


, this is not something that can be done with money, have you seen our path, it has been cleared out, this is not something that ordinary people can do!"

"Doesn't you mean that what kind of big man is here?


That's right, this battle is really big.

So big that Gu Chen and Jiang Min's car driving back from the beach were blocked.

Jiang Min was still a little angry.

"The pomp and circumstance of people now is actually so big, and it's not marriage!" Because

Gu Chen was lured to Xiangcheng Island by Li Jiahao's calculation, Jiang Min had already developed a disgust for all the people of the four major families of Xiangcheng Island.

At this time, seeing such a long convoy, even if you don't have to think about it, you can know that this is the handiwork of the four major families or Li Jiahao.

Only they can be so arrogant on Xiangcheng Island.

Gu Chen didn't speak, just looked at the team thinking about some questions.

But soon, Li Quan found the modified car he was familiar with on the side of the intersection.

"Isn't this the car I gave to Tong Zixin before?" "

The good guy actually bumped into me here, didn't this mean me to take revenge on you?"

But now his eldest brother is here.

He has swelled to the extreme, and he can take down Tong Zixin at will.

Therefore, Li Wanwan wanted to go directly over and touch Gu Chen.

However, he found that his own line and Gu Chen's direction were completely opposite.

I can only silently say a word in my heart.

"Count yourself lucky!" and

then just passed by Gu Chen Jiang Min.

If this countess at this time could have two more eyes, I am afraid that she would be able to directly see Jiang Min and Gu Chen sitting in the car.

However, her full attention is now on Li Wenquan.

Even if he looked out the window with both eyes, he didn't have the slightest aura, and he didn't know that the person he was looking for was less than a hundred meters away from him!

Anyway, everyone is happy.

Gu Chen retracted his thoughts, and after watching the last car finish, the road was also restored to control, and they were able to go.

I just don't know why, suddenly Gu Chen chose another path.

"What happened to Brother Gu Chen?"

"I always feel like I've overlooked something.

Jiang Min looked at Gu Chen strangely, as if he found that the expression on his face was a little solemn, and did not ask anything more.

But he didn't expect that Gu Chen actually drove Jiang Min directly to a five-star hotel.

Jiang Min finally couldn't bear it at this time.

"What are we doing

here, Brother Gu Chen?" "

You are waiting for me here!" Gu

Chen didn't say anything more, and directly silently took Jiang Min out of the car.

"What do you mean? Where are you going, is there danger?" "

Ah this, the danger is not enough, the main thing is not suitable for you to go, okay, don't ask!" Gu

Chen didn't really want to answer Jiang Min's question, and his face was full of embarrassment.

This made Jiang Min even more suspicious, so when preparing to open a five-star hotel, Jiang Min brushed his heart and said.

"Then get in the car, I'd

better send you back to the Astronomy Club, Liang Sixing should be able to take care of you, but Qian Bupei stay away from him."

Gu Chen said while fastening the seat belt for the reluctant Jiang Min.

Jiang Min was still very angry and strange.

"No, Mr. Gu, what are you going to do, why can't you take me with you!"

"Because I don't know what scene I will see, and Chen Yu probably doesn't want you to see him as he is now."

"What does this have to do with Chen Yu?" Originally

, Gu Chen was going to drive, but Jiang Min frantically uncovered his seat belt, and there was a look that if Gu Chen did not explain clearly, he would definitely not leave honestly.

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min's attitude and had to sigh silently and said.

"Well, if you want to know so much..."

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