Gu Chen began to tell Jiang Min that he had been receiving text messages from Chen Yu since a day earlier.

"At that time, although we did not have telephone contact, in order to ensure Chen Yu's safety, I asked him to report the specific situation to me every once in a while.

Jiang Min listened very seriously, but Gu Chen's account was very vague.

"Anyway, this Chen Yu has passed through this wine country without risk and went to the next place.

"In this second place he ran into someone I knew." At

this point, Gu Chen didn't know how to say it, so he fell into silence.

However, Jiang Min still listened with relish, and suddenly Gu Chen stopped talking, and Jiang Min began to urge.

"Say, go on, Brother Gu Chen, I still want to listen!" But

Gu Chen did not pay attention to Jiang Min, but silently asked Jiang Min to fasten his seat belt and prepare to drive.

"If you don't say it, I won't leave!" But

Jiang Min launched a small temper at this time, and Gu Chen had to sigh silently and said.

"Okay, you fasten your seat belt, let's talk as we go!" Jiang

Min, who heard this, put on his seat belt with a smile and began to prepare to leave.

Gu Chen also started the car and started driving.

"That night was like this..."

Chen Yu was still sitting in a limousine where he couldn't see anything outside, enjoying a Maybach music and tasting the fine wine brought out by the wine country.

There is quite a feeling that alcohol is not drunk, and people are drunk.

Coupled with Chen Mouren on the other side constantly giving Chen Yu some strange dishes, the happiness in Chen Yu's heart slowly rose.

When he was a little drunk, Chen Mouren seemed to have been prepared for a long time and took out a smoking pot to sniff Chen Yu.

Suddenly, Chen Yu only felt that his whole person was refreshed.

It's called a thorough! Spirit.

Chen Yu felt that even if he went down to run for ten kilometers now, there would be no problem.

However, what made Chen Yu even more curious was what was in Chen Mouren's smoking pot.

It's actually so amazing, you can make yourself a dragon spirit tiger, but the feeling of drinking too much still can't be discarded.

"A little refreshing gadget, but the effect on alcohol has been diminished several times. "

Don't ask me why I don't add the use of alcohol to cure drunkenness, so I won't tell you that it's to keep the sales of hangover alcohol first!"

Chen Mouren told a little joke, and then silently put away his cigarette bottle.

But Chen Yu didn't know why, and it was very obvious that this Chen Mouren was lying to himself.

"The effect of this smoking pot is definitely not so simple, but this Chen Mouren doesn't want to tell me!" Chen

Yu, who felt that his current IQ was online, silently thought about the current situation.

"I have already taken the opportunity to go to the toilet to send a message to President Gu, this wave, if there is any problem with me, President Gu should be able to come quickly to save me, right?"

To be honest, Chen Yu was really very nervous at this time, but the confidence Gu Chen gave him made him calm down in silence.

The most important thing is that Chen Yu's mobile phone has been specially modified.

Even if it falls into the water and is burned by fire.

It is also still able to transmit its own positioning signals.

"If I really didn't have time to send a text message to President Gu, would I only be able to start praying?"

thought Chen Yu, feeling that he would definitely not be able to go to that step.

So in advance, it is to edit the news that you are in danger.

If something really went wrong with me, I sent this information quickly.

Then Gu Chen will be able to hurry up and save himself.

Thinking so, Chen Yu glanced at Chen Mouren on the opposite side quietly.

Just as he was about to make some small movements, suddenly Chen Mouren snorted.

Chen Yu immediately recovered his original state, looked at Chen Mouren and asked.

"What's wrong?"

said Chen Mouren as he looked at him with a smile.



Yu questioned in his heart, but did not say it.

He just nodded indifferently to indicate that he understood, and at the same time followed Chen Mouren to get out of the car.

And this time it was no longer a small alley with a dark motor, but a very ordinary street.

Chen Yu frowned, feeling that Chen Mouren was not brushing himself, or that it would be over today.

Then Chen Yu turned his head to look at Chen Muren beside him.

But he found that when Chen Yu looked around before, Chen Mouren had actually disappeared.

Cold sweat began to appear on Chen Yu's forehead, especially quietly nearby, and no one appeared at all.

But a little thought about it is incredible.

"This is the densest island in the world, so there's no reason why no one can see it."

However, just when Chen Yu was puzzled, he suddenly saw something very suspicious.

It was a refrigerator that was almost completely like the wall.

It is a thing that makes Chen Yu feel very abrupt.

He silently walked in front of the refrigerator with a vigilant heart, and did not wait for him to take the initiative to open the door.

Chen Mouren took the lead in pushing open the door and looking left and right.

Finding Chen Yu whose face was full of surprise and guard on the side, Chen Mouren said with a smile.

"You're here, I just told you to follow me, why

didn't you hear?" "

Ah, ah, oh, I

lost my mind, I didn't hear it, the wine of this wine country is so unforgiving!

"Well? Well, that's fine, you can come in and drink some hangover wine!"

For Chen Mouren's words, Chen Yu subconsciously felt that this is another existence similar to a wine country.

But after hearing Chen Yu's words, Chen Mouren said with a very mysterious smile.

"What do you think, of course not! This is the Daoba dance floor.

"What?" Listening

to Chen Mouren's narration, Chen Yu couldn't connect the knife handle with the dance floor at all.

I could only silently mumble two sentences in my heart.

But Chen Mouren directly pulled Chen Yu's palm to enter it.

After several scans.

There were even various kinds of information collected, Chen Yu unconsciously found that his fingers did not know why he was suddenly taken blood.


Chen Yu subconsciously frowned and pressed his fingers with a disinfectant pad, while constantly looking around for Chen Mouren's figure.

But this time, Chen Mouren actually disappeared again, and this time Chen Yu really didn't find any entrance entrances.

Or what kind of big refrigerator is willing, it seems that Chen Mouren has really disappeared.

At this moment, Chen Yu was a little flustered.

But soon a report sheet appeared from the place where Chen Yu's blood was drawn before, and Chen Yu picked it up a little nervously, and actually said that he had a little kidney deficiency and a little problem with the prostate.

Suddenly, his old face turned red, as if he saw something strangely humiliating, and immediately stuffed his report sheet.

At the same time, he also looked at his fingers and was a little stunned.

He seemed to understand why he had suddenly been taken blood.

"Feelings are to check my physical health?" Chen

Yu had a feeling that he didn't know what to say, but he silently let go of his slippery heart.

"I almost wanted to contact Mr. Gu directly just now, so that he could save me!

"No, Mr. Chen, what are you always playing with these strange things for?"

said Chen Mouren with a smile when he saw the anger and impatience on his face when he faced Chen Yu's questioning.

"Brother Chen, they all call me President Chen, your words make me very sad!"

"You must know that I helped you go through a very precious physical examination, and ordinary places are not as efficient as ours."

After all, if there is a problem with your body, you will not be able to enjoy the next thing!"

Chen Moren had a very strange expression on his face, as if he was saying some strange things to Chen

Yu, and it seemed to be tempting, in short, it was a bit of a headache.

Chen Yu now felt a little pain in his eyebrows, and he silently spoke.

"No, Mr. Chen, what the hell are you bringing me here for! Can't you give me a precise message?" "

It really feels very bad to be stuffed by you in secret!"

"If you don't say it, I think I can leave now!

Seeing that Chen Yu really wanted to lift his legs and leave, Chen Mouren silently became anxious and then stopped Chen Yu and said.

"Oh, my brother Chen, why are you in such a hurry, I didn't bring

you here to make you angry!" "

I really treat you as a brother to take you on this road, otherwise, even if I change to another super rich man today, I won't look at him squarely!"

Don't think I'm hurting you!" Chen

Mouren said directly to Chen Yu in a heart-wrenching manner.

Chen Yu looked at Chen Mouren's very nervous look, a little funny, and felt that this guy didn't seem to be lying.

So he silently let go of the mobile phone in his hand and looked at Chen Muren and said.

"Mr. Chen, it doesn't look like I'm lying when I listen to your words, but where is this place and you don't tell me, then you always have to tell me, what will I experience next, right?"

"Hahaha!" Listening

to Chen Yudi I don't know how many times to ask, Chen Mouren still didn't answer Chen Yu positively,

just walked over and hooked up with Chen Yu to go forward.

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