Gu Chen suddenly stopped when he said this.

Jiang Min only listened to an opening, just when he felt a little interesting, where would he let Gu Chen go so easily.

But at this time, Gu Chen did not take care of Jiang Min's entanglement, and said directly to Jiang Min.

"It's not that I don't want to talk about it, but I'm here!" Jiang

Min was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and directly turned his head to look at the familiar place in front of him.

Isn't it Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei's astronomy club? "It's

actually so fast?"

Jiang Min was a little unhappy, but when he said Chen Yu's affairs halfway, Gu Chen had already made an agreement with Jiang


Talk about where is where, when you get to the astronomy club, you don't talk about it.

So there is no way, even if Jiang Min is unhappy, he can only silently keep his promise and reluctantly get off the car.

At this time, there was no one at the entrance of the Astronomy Club.

Therefore, Jiang Min's return did not make any waves.

Only Gu Chen silently watched Jiang Min step by step, turning back three times and not wanting to leave.

"Go quickly, go quickly!" Gu

Chen waved his hand again to signal her to hurry up, and Jiang Min finally sighed silently, and could only silently walk into the astronomy club and lose his tracks.

Gu Chen silently breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the heat of his engine.

"Fortunately, my driving skills are good, and I finally stopped when it came to paid content, otherwise there would be a big problem." "

It's just..." Gu

Chen felt a sense of worry when he was a little happy.

Because of the things that followed, Chen Yu's expression was also very confusing.

The chaos was so chaotic that Gu Chen was a little short and there was no way to analyze what happened at that time.

Chen Yu came to a place similar to a disinfection room under the leadership of Chen Musten, and before he went in, he saw two people like doctors or nurses in fully armed white coats walking out next to him.

Chen Yu still didn't figure out what they wanted to do, but Chen Mouren very skillfully took out a thing that seemed to be a mask from their arms and put it on his face.

Chen Mouren even turned his head to look at Chen Yu and said.

"You wear one too!" As

soon as these words came out, Chen Yu looked at the other woman.

"I have to do it too?" Chen

Yu frowned and took another mask and buttoned it on his face, Chen Moren smiled silently after seeing Chen Yu, who was saying doubts on his mouth but his body flying shovel Gu honestly, smiled silently and felt that things were very interesting.

It's just that Chen Mouren said on his lips.

"Chen Yu, hurry up our speed, this is not a wine country, there is still something to replenish after drinking

!" "We have already missed the first game, don't waste this second game!"

Chen Mouren, who said this, couldn't wait to pull Chen

Yu into another room.

But Chen Yu didn't understand what this guy wanted to do at all.

But I don't know why, when Chen Yu put on the mask, he always felt that something deep in his heart seemed to be completely suppressed.

Some are just the crazy devil who wants to break out of the shell.

Chen Yu's heartbeat seemed to have accelerated more than three times.

"Mr. Gu, you have to bless me, if I have a work injury, you can compensate me!" After

chanting in his heart, Chen Yu followed Chen Mouren into the last door without any resistance.

Suddenly, everything was different.

He saw a strange scene, like a group of red men and green women dancing in front of Chen Yu.

Amid the deafening sound of music, some of them gathered together to form a small group.

Some are completely scattered and jumping around.

Of course, there is also a front area where handsome men and women similar to the atmosphere group are actually directly performing all strange scenes.

Chen Yu was red in the face.

Chen Yu also found that some of these people wore masks, while others did not.

And those who did not wear masks, most of them were the faces of model angels, and there was not a crooked date....Chen

Yu looked at all this in front of him, a familiar feeling gushed out, and a term also popped up in his heart.


he took a deep breath silently, feeling that things were getting more and more difficult, and if this was the existence that could be compared to the wine country, it would be a bit crotch-pulling.

Therefore, the shock in Chen Yu's heart slowly recovered from the triple acceleration state at the beginning.

As for Chen Mouren, he probably noticed the change in Chen Yu.

Loudly leaned into Chen Yu's ear and roared.

"It's just an appetizer, the good show is still to come!" Chen

Yu was noncommittal and did not speak, just followed Chen Muren to continue walking, and the two soon came to a place similar to a bar.

Chen Mouren directly took out a strange coin and threw it to the waiter at the bar, who smiled and threw the coin into a coin slot like a robot.

In an instant, the music of the entire super large room with a thousand square meters began to slowly decrease.

Then Chen Yu saw a host wearing a golden scaled tuxedo on the big stage in front

of him?

The manners are natural, as if they have been trained for countless years.

After doing all this, he began to speak slowly.

"Welcome distinguished guests, I am the host of this party, infatuated. "


Gu Chen recalled the content of the information he saw Chen Yu while looking at the positioning drive.

"It seems that this VIP road contains wine and wealth, and although Chen Yu has passed the first level of wine country, there is a problem in this knife.

According to his description, it was not that he was confused, but Chen Mouren finally couldn't help but show his fox tail to woo him.

At the same time, this so-called party also allowed him to meet a special attendee,

Li Jiajun. Gu

Chen thought of this and felt that things were normal.

Because later Chen Yu also continued to report the situation to Gu Chen, telling some unbearable scenes, what five-fold conference made Gu Chen almost think that he was on the wrong channel.

Although Chen Mouren seems to be planning something, Chen Yu is just an ordinary person, not a high-level of the Longteng Group, so there should be no problems. "

And Chen Yu and my text messages have not been interrupted, but..." Gu

Chen thought of Chen Yu's sudden sentence at the end.

"Mr. Gu, I'm very good, don't worry about me, I will complete all the tasks perfectly!"

This sentence sounded like nothing was wrong, but just when the car was stopped by the countess.

Gu Chen found a clue.

"If there is nothing, Chen Yu should not say so many things

to me!" "

He will honestly keep his previous agreement with me, there is nothing that is not contacted

!" "And the text message after that is very obviously to cheat my reply!"

Gu Chen recalled that in the end, Chen Yu deliberately told himself that he had returned to the hotel, and his face was even more ugly.

"If Chen Yu is now controlled, or controlled, then he now reports the location of his hotel, doesn't he hope that I can come to the hotel to find him?"

Gu Chen sneered, as if he saw through everything, but...

"Although I know that you are Longtan Tiger's Den, but Chen Yu is the person I brought after all, if I just leave him alone, wouldn't it be particularly unusual

!" "Then let me see what kind of divine party dares to do things so arrogantly!" At

first, Gu Chen didn't want to make any unnecessary moves, but he thought about Chen Yu's safety.

Gu Chen couldn't let him go.

Thinking of this, Gu Chen's speed increased by three points.

Soon he came to a tall building.

Before getting out of the car, he dialed Wang Wei's phone.

"President Gu!"

Wang Wei, who connected the phone, spoke in a very solemn tone, as if he had prepared for something.



"Okay, get ready to raise the cards."

After instructing Wang Wei, Gu Chen hung up the phone.

Wang Wei also directly turned to the group of traders of his Longteng Group and said.

After saying this, more than two hundred employees in the entire office began to frantically tap on the keyboard to buy and sell.

At this time, in the Xiangcheng Island stock market, a stock called Dakang Construction Group began to rise and fall, and the cycle continued repeatedly.

The emergence of this situation instantly made countless people notice that something was wrong, especially some professional shareholders smelled a little wrong.

"Someone is grabbing chips?" "

No, this stock is usually half-dead, and today it fluctuates so much? "

I don't know! Why do I have a feeling of smashing the market?" Suddenly

, all the professional shareholders on the Internet began to talk about it.

Of course, this is nagging from people who don't have much leverage at all.

In fact, those shareholders are crazy to get on the car and earn a wave.

"As the old saying goes, support the bold and starve the timid! What are the brothers

afraid of! Rush me!" "Come on, come on! Fight the bicycle into a motorcycle, and the motorcycle becomes Alto

!" "Calm down, the enemy is greedy and I am afraid, the enemy is afraid of my greed, don't become that brainless leek!"

Kill and kill, today I will enter the water with 100,000 stocks and see you tomorrow million!" In

an instant, everyone raised the flower palanquin, and this stock named Dakang Construction Group began to soar wildly.

But soon, it was smashed down again by a mysterious fund!


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