At this time, the chairman of Dakang Construction Group did not know that Gu Chen, the culprit he wanted to catch the most, was under his building.

At this time, if he really goes down and arrests people, maybe he can really turn everything around.

But in another hour, this chairman will know about the dimensionality reduction blow from Gu Chen.

And Gu Chen also received a call from Wang Wei at this time.

"Mr. Gu, now a lot of chips have been released! Are we..." "

Rob, robbed, let you prepare a few accounts are done, right

?" "Yes, Mr. Gu, but is it really no problem for us to bypass the regulations directly and directly raise the cards strongly?"

This is Xiangcheng Island, Dakang Construction Group is not listed on the Huahai City Exchange, there will be no problem. When

Wang Wei heard Gu Chen say this, he began to toss with relief.

At the same time, in order to exceed his goal, Gu Chen even silently added some more funds to Wang Wei.

At this time, Wang Wei saw the money in the account and had more confidence.

"Rush me!" So

Wang Wei waved his big hand, and instantly let these traders start a new job!

Gu Chen was still sitting in the hall of Dakang Construction Group, watching the stock of Dakang Construction Group begin to soar wildly.

In the end, 20% of the earth and sky plates were directly completed, which instantly made the originally quiet hall instantly burst into a carnival.

"Lying groove, I directly earned 100,000 yuan

!" "This is cooler than going to work, I directly took out all the money I lost before!" "

I don't play, I don't play, I just deleted the number and ran away!"

"Hahahaha, is this the company to give us benefits again, it's so cool!

All these employees who bought at the lowest point of Dakang Construction Group's stock and sold at the highest point instantly became festival carnivals, and one and the two danced with their hands.

Even the female employee who served Gu Chen tea and poured water before ran to Gu Chen with a crimson face at this time, and said very confidently.

"So, can I invite you to dinner in the evening?"

I am very rich!" However

, no matter how rich there is, Gu Chen has no money, and these money are equivalent to Gu Chen giving them it.

Therefore, Gu Chen smiled very elegantly and said.

"No need, thank you for your kindness!" Although

she was rejected by Gu Chen, the female employee of Dakang Construction Group had a slightly disappointed expression on her face.

But now that she has money in her hand, she is a little unhappy on the surface, but in fact, she secretly thinks in her heart.

"Cut, I really think that I can do whatever I want if I am handsome, who to show a stinky face!" "

The old lady has money today, so I'll go find a male model tonight to play with!

Maybe if you know, you just smile slightly and won't say anything.

The most important thing for him now is to look at the various trading volumes of this Dakang Construction Group.

"Good, I guess it will soon meet my expectations.

Gu Chen looked at the trading volume that kept selling, and he had a little calculation in his heart.

At this time, the executives of Dakang Construction Group were also sitting in their positions, and their faces could not hide their joy.

One of them is carefully covering their mobile phones.

After all, his company's stock price has been motionless for thousands of years, but today it has 20% coming and going.

More and more executives are starting to sell their own crazy, and one and the two are silently showing a mind comparable to Buffett.

However, the chairman of Dakang Construction Group, who was sitting in the main seat, felt that things seemed a little wrong.

"Is there another purpose?"

he coughed twice with this doubt, which completely woke up the people who were immersed in the world of stocks and the joy of making money.

Everyone was looking at the chairman of the board.

"Go, go and see the current situation!"

the chairman of Dakang Construction Group said silently, looking down at the greedy executives.

At the same time, he got up and took them out of the office and came to the risk control department of their company.

That is to monitor this stock market and conduct transactions of Dakang Construction Group.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard countless people shouting madly in front of the computer.

"Seal it! Seal it for me

!" "No, there are already nearly 600,000 chips that have been eaten, what should I do Minister!" "

See what the source of these funds is, and what about the accounts that were bought?"

When the chairman of Dakang Construction Group heard these conversations, he immediately asked these executives behind him not to disturb them noisily.

At the same time, some of the employees who discovered him signaled not to use the fanfare, which is good.

And he came behind the head of the risk control department.

"Minister, most of those sources of funds are retail investors! There are no institutions or anything!

"Yes, just make sure that it is not the mysterious flow of funds that sniped at us before, and give me chips!"

You see how I turned them all into shark fins stuffy in our stock!" "

Okay minister!" After

the Dakang Construction Group's risk control minister ordered, his staff traders all began to act.

He was also excited to jump on the table and continue to admire his victory.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a powerful large palm on his shoulder.

"Chairman!" The

minister looked back and saw that the chairman of his family actually appeared behind him without knowing when, and was looking at himself with a very nice look.

Although it is more reassuring to this minister, but thinking of his previous orders, he still has a little longing in his heart.

"Why are you here?"

he asked tremblingly.

Although I found that it seems that it is okay not to come, you did a good job!" The

chairman of the Dakang Construction Group directly gave a thumbs up to the minister, indicating that he very much recognized his actions just now.

At this time, in the stock market, the closed orders of Dakang Construction Group, which was listed for sale, had reached nearly one million.

The Minister of Risk Control said with a smile.

"It's all the credit of our chairman, if it weren't for the chairman running our Dakang Construction Group so well, our basic plate would not be so stable!" "

You, you, you are still so good at talking, well, don't talk so much, look at the current situation!" Originally

, the chairman of Dakang Construction Group wanted to say a few more words with this risk control minister.

But thinking that now is a critical time, it is still necessary to let him see more about the situation or something.

There are not so many things to ask.

Their eyes were fixed on the plate of this Dakang Construction Group, and in the last half hour, they completely sealed the stock price of this Dakang Construction Group.

Then they have completely earned.

And it's the kind that is earned in blood.

"Although I don't know who is so crazy, the controller of this fund is estimated to be a bit stupid, if you want to suppress and smash the market, you must have enough chips!"

"Why is it quite brave in the early stage, but it is so weak in the later stage?"

This time the movement is estimated to have attracted the attention of many people, I believe that as long as the 20% record is sealed today, tomorrow or even this week, this stock of Dakang Construction Group will usher in the highest point!"

the head of risk control of Dakang Construction Group thought in his heart, and even began to calculate.

Whether he went to the Maldives to bask in the sun, or did he have fun in China, after all, he was a great hero of this Dakang Construction Group stock incident.

"Besides, our chairman should also give me a bonus of one or two million, right?"

"Haha! This wave is directly crazy to earn! Thank you, Chairman!" "

Of course, thank you, mysterious funding agency!" However

, just when the risk control minister felt that he was about to reach the peak of his life.

Gu Chen was sitting in the position of Dakang Construction Group watching more and more chips gather, and there was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

He silently looked at the time and waited a little longer, watching the trading volume continue to be traded.

The amount is not large, but there has always been, and Gu Chen knows that this wave of people is going to make money with him.

But it is estimated that because of these transactions, Dakang Construction Group's sealing orders are actually increasing, but all this fell in Gu Chen's eyes, not only did he not feel that things were difficult, but on the contrary, he also felt that this was the person who put the chips to help him!

Thinking so in his heart, Gu Chen didn't bother to call Wang Wei, but just silently sent a text message over.

"Give me all to eat!" After

Wang Wei received the text message, he naturally took a deep breath and yelled at his traders.

The words

had not yet fallen, and the traders who were still sparsely tapping on the keyboard and doing scattered operations began to go crazy.

They skillfully switched accounts and frantically ate all pending orders.

In an instant, the chairman and risk control minister of Dakang Construction Group, who were originally still smiling, and the senior management.

They all saw that when their sealed orders reached one million large orders, they actually reduced at this time with a crazy decrease of 100,000 per second!


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