The smiling face of the chairman of Dakang Construction Group disappeared instantly at this time, and the head of risk control also widened his eyes, and both of them felt that they were hallucinating.

But in fact, in the last five minutes about to close, their million chips were eaten directly.

"This is impossible! This is a million lots, 100 million shares! Impossible! Who can use so much money to do this! Impossible

!" the head of risk control roared madly with wide eyes.

At the critical moment, the chairman of Dakang Construction Group slapped this risk control minister fiercely, making him calm down.

"Don't hurry up and take all these orders down for me!"

the chairman's order made the

crazy risk control minister move quickly.

There are also smart operators who start frantically canceling orders when they find out that something is wrong.

But it was simply too late.

Gu Chen's capital flow is too terrifying, and he almost keeps buying the chips of Dakang Construction Group.

Therefore, even the traders of Dakang Construction Group could not remove too many chips no matter how fast, and only some traders who reacted at the beginning could leave some chips in an instant.

But these chips do not exceed 10,000 hands, what is this concept,

which can basically announce that Dakang Construction Group is about to usher in a major change.

Whether it is the organizational structure or the personnel structure, it will completely change the sky.

The chairman of Dakang Construction Group, the whole person seemed to be paralyzed and sat on the ground.

His heart was very sad.

Even because this change is too big, the high-level executives behind them who have sold their chips look at each other and forget to support the chairman of this Dakang Construction Group.

"Go back! Have a meeting!" After

the chairman of the Dakang Construction Group stood up, he lowered his head and said this.

The whole person looked very tired.

His mobile phone was also constantly bombarded by some shareholders and directors who knew the situation. However

, the chairman of Dakang Construction Group did not answer these calls, as long as his most important specially treated mobile phone did not ring, there was no problem.

"Let's go!" The

high-ranking people behind him were speechless, intending to help him leave.

But at this time, suddenly a small secretary ran up with a smile on his face and found a senior official of the Dakang Construction Group in the crowd and said.

"Supervisor, there seems to be a person downstairs who seems to be from a small place to see the chairman, do you want it?" "

What do you want? Do you still have some eyesight? What is the situation now, you can't see it!

It's a little inexplicable to make the secretary.

"If you don't see it, you can't see it, what kind of fierceness, you can see that you didn't sell the stock in your hand before!"

Although he muttered this in his heart, the secretary in reality said very calmly.

"Well, since that's the case, I'll let him go back first!"

But just after the secretary finished saying this, the chairman of the Dakang Construction Group, who was at the front, let out a roar.

"What are you still doing standing here, I said I went to the meeting, don't you


The little happiness in the secretary's heart disappeared, and he thought very strangely.


does it sound angry? It's not quite right, obviously the stock of Dakang Construction Group is up and down this time, why is this happening?

This secretary thought about these problems, and felt that he was really brainbroken, and he could actually come up and say these little things when the bigwigs of Dakang Construction Group gathered.

Thinking of this, the secretary planned to run away quickly, but at this time she just turned her head and found an arm on her shoulder.

"Wait, did you just say that someone came to our group, or a big man?" she

turned to see her head looking at her with a strange look.

"Ah, it seems to be, the front desk and security guard downstairs said that this person looks like a star, anyway, it's not simple!" the

secretary answered his question directly, and then heard him change his mind.

"Well, I'll go with you later!"

"Ah?" "


Originally, his colleague also wanted to run together.

After all, now everyone can see it, and their chairman is now angry.

Going to a meeting at this time will definitely be nagging and nagging, and it will not make people eat it.

Therefore, running away is the best option, and he also heard the words of this secretary before.

But if he is not in charge of serving this person, he simply can't run away if he wants to.

I can only silently give a look that you go, I continue to suffer.

"Go fast!" So

the supervisor sneaked away with the secretary.

Gu Chen watched the final closing results downstairs in the hall of Dakang Construction Group, and silently asked Wang Wei to prepare to issue a statement of holding a card.

After all, this is no small matter.

Of course, Gu Chen did not directly use the Longteng Group as a target.

In that case, I am afraid that it will attract the attention of many big figures and forces, and will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, Wang Wei was asked in advance to set up the name of an investment company that he had opened an account with a long time ago, and prepared to face the acquisition of shares of Dakang Construction Group to "

Langhua Investment Co., Ltd." "

This is the company that has now acquired nearly 25 percent of Dakang Construction Group's shares."

"Now I have the ability to smash the chassis through. "

Today your Dakang Construction Group eats my money, sooner or later I will make you double your spit out!" When

Gu Chen thought so, he also saw a man and a woman coming down from the elevator, and after questioning, they walked straight towards him without any mud and water and came to his side.

"Hello, I'm the head of the customer service department, do you have anything?" Although

his company has just experienced a situation similar to a stock crash, this supervisor is just a migrant worker.

He also sold the chips of the Dakang Construction Group in his hand.

Directly made his net worth skyrocket by about forty percent.


the same time, this is also the reason why he can greet Gu Chen with a smile,

and is willing to spend a little time to perfunctory this handsome looking young man.

"Hello Director Fang, I really have something to consult with your chairman.

"Please help me spread the word." "

It's just that Gu Chen doesn't want to waste his tongue with this kind of party supervisor at all.

After all, time is still relatively tight now, who knows what Chen Yu's specific situation is now.

If it dragged on for too long, Gu Chen did not dare to guarantee what would happen.

Therefore, Gu Chen did not give this supervisor too good a face, but just said the truth very normally.

But this situation fell into the ears of Supervisor Fang, but it was a completely different situation.

His face began to look ugly.

"Who is this person, I really think that you can eat by your face, oh, he seems to really be able to eat by his face..."

"No, no, even if you can eat with your face, so young, it is estimated that he is not a big person!"

"Do you still want to see the chairman? If I take you to the chairman who is angry at this time, wouldn't it be fatal?

Thinking of this, Supervisor Fang suddenly lost his smile.

The secretary did not dare to help Gu Chen on the side, although Gu Chen was completely on her aesthetics, but she did not dare to protect Gu Chen with her own work job.

"Who do you think you are?" "Do you think that when you come downstairs of our Dakang Construction Group to say that you want to meet the chairman, you can meet so easily?" "

What do you think we are here? Do you think we have no status on Xiangcheng Island?"


an instant, the head of this Dakang Construction Group completely exposed a ruthless aura.

He even wanted to press Gu Chen to the ground, but after washing his white a long time ago, he still suppressed his impulse.

"What about the security guard, let me take out this smelly boy who doesn't know the height of the sky!" Therefore

, in order to show his civilized attitude, Supervisor Fang chose to let the security guard throw this Gu Chen out of the Dakang Construction Group.

"Please, this gentleman!" The

security guard of Dakang Construction Group had long been ready, and came forward to ask Gu Chen to leave the group.

But Gu Chen didn't move at all, just said silently.

"No need, I'll go myself.

"Of course, when I get out of here, you might have to invite me in." Supervisor

Fang, who heard this, laughed as if he had heard some joke.

"Are you dreaming, young man, do you think you are very humorous?" "

Forget it, I won't throw you out, if you want to stay here, continue to stay, anyway, our Dakang Construction Group is big, and the water is enough!" But

it retreated a step slightly invisibly, and the main Gu Chen's performance was too indifferent.

Indifferent to the point made this supervisor feel that something was wrong.

In order not to let the subsequent scene really appear any embarrassing pictures, he asked the two security guards to retreat, and he silently glanced at Gu Chen before leaving.

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