Gu Chen saw the two security guards leave with strange expressions on their faces.

He glanced at the supervisor with interest.

"It's kind of interesting to be able to flex and stretch.

After muttering a word in his heart, Wang Wei's notice of raising cards over there was also issued.

Gu Chen also received the text message at the first time, so at this time he could have a name to tell this supervisor.

"Since that's the case, then I should also report myself, I'm from Langhua Investment Co., Ltd... An investor.

"You bring the name of this company to your chairman, he should know the situation and then let you invite me up!"

However, the company in Gu Chen's mouth was a brand new vest company, which was completely blank slate for Director Fang.

I haven't heard of Splash Investment Co., Ltd. at all.

"What kind of stuff, I haven't heard of it..."

"It seems to be a small company, but where did it come from with such great courage, it's really a little funny!"

I was afraid that I would really provoke someone I couldn't mess with, and who would have thought that it was a small company that I had never heard of.

What kind of courage is this, a small company with no name actually dares to come to the Dakang Construction Group to spread wilderness?

After figuring

this out, the supervisor began to say to Gu Chen.

"Oh, Langhua Investment Co., Ltd., I heard that it is a good company, well, I still have things to do, this gentleman, you can stay here and wait."

"If our chairman is willing to see you, I will inform you!" After

saying this, the director of Dakang Construction Group was about to leave.

It's just that in this case, Gu Chen opened his mouth and said a word, which made this supervisor stop his steps again.

"No, let him come down to see me.


Supervisor Fang's face was full of incredulity, and he turned his head to look at Gu Chen.

It seemed that he didn't quite understand where Gu Chen had the courage and confidence to say such words.

He really doesn't know.

"You... forget it. Supervisor

Fang, who originally wanted to say something to this Gu Chen, smiled.

"I thought it was really a powerful character, the feelings are a smelly boy who doesn't know the height of the sky!"

"Originally, if you had some strength, it didn't matter if I helped you pass on the message to see the situation, but you actually said such a stupid thing as letting the chairman down!

Suddenly, the head of this Dakang Construction Group felt that he really had no need to entangle with Gu Chen.

He just nodded gently.

"Well, okay!" The

yin and yang strange look made people want to beat him when they saw it.

However, Gu Chen did not show any angry looks.

Instead, he looked at him silently and nodded as well.

"Then it's troublesome for you

, Supervisor Fang!" After

getting Gu Chen's answer, Supervisor Fang was a little polite and left without looking back.

The moment I got on the elevator, I really couldn't help laughing.

"Is there such a funny person in this world? Laugh me to death! and let the chairman come to see him."

"Yes, if I hadn't heard it with my own ears, I wouldn't have believed that there are such naïve people in this world!"

But he didn't say it for long, after arriving at the headquarters upstairs, he thought that he could escape.

Who knows, someone actually came to call him to a meeting.

Supervisor Fang's heart was rejected.

But who dares to disobey the order of the chairman of Dakang Construction Group.

"Hey, I have to pretend to be dumb, otherwise if I am still investigated, why would I disappear at this critical time, it will be embarrassing!"

They started walking into their largest conference room.

Just before he reached the end, he had already heard the roar of the chairman of Dakang Construction Group, who was angry in the conference room.

"What do you want to do, you don't know where to start?" "

What use do I want you to have! You tell me!" "

I don't know what it means to raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while!" The

chairman of Dakang Construction Group was so angry that he almost scolded these executives, and his mother didn't know


Because Gu Chen frantically snatched all the chips before, it reached twenty-five percent of the shares.

This is almost the share that can make the entire Dakang Construction Group change the dynasty.

So, it's not clear exactly what happened when they bought so many shares of the stock.

This chairman must be nervous.

It's just that when he said this, the chairman was about to continue to get angry, but was interrupted by the head control minister who had been wiggling his head.

He brushed up, attracted the attention of everyone present and said:

"Chairman, I found who shot at us behind the back!

The head of risk control handed over the mobile phone under the angry eyes of the chairman, and the chairman directly snatched it and saw that there was a sign on the mobile phone that Wang Wei had just edited.

Instantly, the chairman of Dakang Construction Group frowned, and intently examined the sign-up instructions.

But..." His

eyes stared intently at the final note, and he said word by word the name he had heard for the first time, but hated very much.

"Langhua Investment Co

., Ltd.!" "

What kind of broken company is this! Which horns have come out of nowhere! Hurry up and give me a special check, I want to know the background of this company, I actually dare to break ground on the head of Tai Sui Ye, I don't want to live!" At

this time, the chairman completely threw out his previous social atmosphere.

Slapped the mobile phone on the ground, and the head of risk control did not dare to say a word.

It's just as if your phone doesn't exist.

And this chairman was completely in a state of rage, and began to silently show a completely different state from the previous strategizing feeling.

"Find out for me what is the origin of this bullshit Langhua Investment Co., Ltd.?" "

Dare to buy our company's stock like this!

Suddenly hearing the name of Langhua Investment Co., Ltd., his heart instantly clicked.

"Wait, did the chairman just say Langhua Investment Co., Ltd.?" "

Lying groove, that young man..."

Suddenly, Supervisor Fang fell into a panic.

"No, calm down, let's see the situation first!" because

he had just arrived in this conference room, and the director was still wondering why suddenly his chairman was chanting the name of Langhua Investment Co., Ltd.

I don't know what the problem with my company's stock today has to do with Langhua Investment Co., Ltd.

"But it's obvious that that young man downstairs is definitely not simple!" "

Lying groove, I actually used that attitude against him just now! Isn't this looking for death?" A

dense layer of cold sweat instantly appeared on Supervisor Fang's forehead.

At the same time, he is also attentive to the roar of his chairman.

"Let me find out which corner this Wave Investment Co., Ltd. came from! Find out who is behind them, and actually have such a big audacity to buy our shares!"

Supervisor Fang also learned about Langhua Investment Co., Ltd. through his colleagues.

"What? Today's stock fluctuations and chips are bought with funds that are this little-known Langhua Investment Co., Ltd.?" "

And it's still 25 percent?

Already know something about Splash Investment Co., Ltd.

"This is a wolf in sheep's clothing!" "

The young man before... I'm afraid it's the owner behind this wolf! It's terrible!" Thinking

of this, Supervisor Fang seemed to realize something, and a layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead.


if I tell the chairman about these things, won't I be finished?" Supervisor

Fang silently wiped the cold sweat from his head, always feeling that some things were really frightening.

It was as if the current chairman of Dakang Construction Group, after inquiring that Langhua Investment Co., Ltd. was not a company on Xiangcheng Island, he became even more furious!


I want to talk to them!" Originally

, the one-hand operation of Langhua Investment Co., Ltd. had already made the chairman of Dakang Construction Group very passive and uncomfortable.

Coupled with the fact that the other party is actually the capital of Huahai City, this operation is very troublesome.

Because, even if they Dakang Construction Group is powerful and powerful in Xiangcheng Island, they can't be able to go directly to Huahai City!

So the last remaining method is to talk to the person in charge of Langhua Investment Co., Ltd.

Let's see what the capital force behind this Langhua Investment Co., Ltd. wants to do, can you cooperate a little?

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