It's just that Gu Chen's hidden means ah, there are not many paths to query at all.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a seed program.

These Dakang Construction Group on the other side could not find Gu Chen's head even if they had great connections.

So, the chairman of Dakang Construction Group waited for a while.

Directly waited for the shaking head from his own subordinates.

"Chairman, I really can't find out

at all!" Yes, Chairman, this Wave Investment Co., Ltd. appeared too suddenly, there is no trace at all

!" "It seems that they only have one registration record, and then they have always maintained the situation!"

And no matter how we investigate, we can't find out whose capital is behind this Langhua Investment Co., Ltd.!"

the chairman of Dakang Construction Group listened to his subordinates report their work.

The expression on his face became more livid every time.

Even in the end, it directly turned into a super big black face.

This means that he is so angry that he can't speak.

At this time, Supervisor Fang felt that it was time to go out on his own.

"Otherwise, if I find out later, if Gu Chen gives me up, won't I be finished!"

"Chairman, I have something to report to

you!" "Who are you!"

But the moment Supervisor Fang stood up, he immediately suffered coercion from the chairman of Dakang Construction Group.

"I, I am Fang Dashan, the customer service supervisor of our company. "

Fang Dashan, well, what is the matter with you! Say it quickly!" Fang

Dashan looked at the chairman of Dakang Construction Group's face very gloomy, so he didn't sell the pass and said directly.

"The investor I just met downstairs with Langhua Investment Co., Ltd....he

..." But before the head of the party could finish speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by the chairman.

"What do you say, the investor of Langhua Investment Co., Ltd.!" "He's downstairs? Good, good, good! What a big boldness, he actually dares to come to us to spread wilderness!" "

Is this defiing our Dakang Construction Group?" "

Who is that, Fang Dashan brought him up for me, I want to see what kind of temperament this investor of Langhua Investment Co., Ltd.


The chairman of Dakang Construction Group actually laughed after being extremely angry at this time.

"But..." Just

after the chairman issued the order, Fang Dashan directly said what happened before.

"That chairman, there are a little problems that have not been solved now.

"What's the problem?"

That's what the investor said: To get you down... See him, otherwise he won't come up. Hearing

this, the chairman of Dakang Construction Group had not yet spoken.

Instead, these high-level executives began to frantically attack the investor of Langhua Investment Co., Ltd., that is, Gu Chen.

"What do you want to say, Fang Dashan, you actually asked the chairman to meet him, are you crazy?" "

That is, let this bastard who has messed with our Dakang Construction Group quickly get out! "

No problem, this guy has such a big boldness to come to our chassis, he must be prepared to be directly turned over by us!" These

high-level people were all very excited, and they couldn't wait to start looking for Gu Chen to settle accounts now.

But although these noisy high-level officials said that they were noisy, no one took the initiative to go down.

It's the mouth that is stronger than the other.

All this fell in the eyes of the chairman, and he did not feel any surprise.

Only Fang Dashan felt very embarrassed in this lively environment.

It's not so embarrassing that you sit down, it's not to continue standing, it's very embarrassing anyway.

But in a hurry, Fang Dashan saw that the expression on his chairman's face seemed a little strange.

So, Fang Dashan closed his mouth and said nothing more.

Just put these colleagues in this state and make noise.

"A small character like me should honestly stay quiet, otherwise...if something goes wrong, it will be over!" Fang

Dashan, who knew deeply that he was like a little fish boy at this time, silently reduced his sense of existence.

It was at this time that his chairman spoke.

"Well, since both of you are so arrogant, then I'll give you a chance.

"Whoever can go downstairs and bring the investor of this Wave Investment Co., Ltd. upstairs, I will give him a chance to be the vice president

!" "Now, who wants to go!"


saying this, everyone in Dakang Construction Group closed their mouths.

One and the two are you look at me, I look at you, there is no such arrogance and dashing on your face.

It's like an elementary school student who met the head teacher honestly.

"Hmph, one of the two is bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, don't I still know?" "

Now we all know that the shares of our Dakang Construction Group have been acquired by 25%, nearly a quarter, and we are completely a new major shareholder!"

You don't want to offend such a new shareholder who doesn't know where to come from, the other party in the province really has great energy, and it will directly suppress you completely!"

"But you are worried that you will not be able to pass my level! So you directly become a wallhead and curry favor with me here, but it is just lip service! In fact, it will definitely not make any moves, will it?"

Isn't your careful thinking obvious enough?" "

Or do I have to debunk you directly to be happy?"

When the chairman of Dakang Construction Group said such words, all the senior executives of Dakang Construction Group began to lower their heads in an instant.

The face was full of a kind of embarrassment that the truth had been debunked.

And those who had completely discarded all the chips of the Dakang Construction Group in their hands showed an embarrassed look.

Fang Dashan was also in the same mood, but he hadn't thought so much before.

I just think things are getting more and more difficult.

Because he actually saw the chairman of Dakang Construction Group, who was sitting on the main seat, actually slowly stood up.

His face was full of disgust for these high-ranking people, and only when he looked at himself, he was still better.

He said silently.

"If the mountain does not come to me, I will go to the mountain."

After saying such a sentence, the chairman actually walked up with his feet up.

The high-level executives of the Dakang Construction Group present began to fake it again.

"Chairman, no!" "

Yes, Chairman, you are too much of a loss of our identity as Dakang Construction Group

!" "That's right, this Langhua Investment Co., Ltd. is estimated to be just a small company, you don't need to pay too much attention to them!" "

If you want to go, let me go!

But at this time, let alone the chairman of Dakang Construction Group, even Fang Dashan felt that these people were really very hypocritical.

"Strange, why didn't you find them so hypocritical before?" "

Today is the first time I have seen the true face of these people!"

Thinking so, Fang Dashan followed the footsteps of his chairman without any hesitation.

At the same time, he silently glanced at the leaders of the Dakang Construction Group behind him.

Good fellow, sure enough, one of the two did not move, so after standing up there was no follow-up.

Although their eyes were looking at themselves and the chairman, Fang Dashan could obviously feel their attitude.

"Whoever can come back here is the boss!" Fang

Dashan silently withdrew his gaze and took a deep breath, hoping that the chairman would not let him lose.

Otherwise, his end will definitely be worse.

Especially he has just offended the investors of Langhua Investment Co., Ltd.

Gu Chen ended the call with Wang Wei downstairs of Dakang Construction Group, and his eyes showed an inexplicable look.

"It turns out that 25 percent of my shares are enough to command the board.

"After all, that person's identity is special, it's not easy to get ahead, and he can only honestly let me occupy the first head, interesting!" Gu

Chen, who thought so, saw a group of people appear at the elevator entrance.

Although the chairman of this Dakang Construction Group did not bring down any high-level officials, there is always a shortage of ordinary employees in Dakang Construction Group.

There's no shortage of errands.

In order to make his momentum not so dumb when he sees Gu Chen.

Therefore, the chairman let this mountain silently summon a group of younger brothers, in order to help him support the scene.

Gu Chen directly saw many young people in suits and shoes, and some girls also appeared in front of Gu Chen with a full aura dressed up.

And Fang Dashan, who was next to this chairman, was like a yellow horse coat at this time, pointing directly to Gu Chen's direction.

Gu Chen saw their posture, and silently put away his mobile phone to prepare to meet these people who looked very arrogant.

"Hello, I am Chen Mo, chairman of Dakang Construction Group, very happy to meet you as an investor of Langhua Investment Co., Ltd.?"

Gu Chen quite had the feeling of facing thousands of troops alone.

But he wasn't worried about anything at all.

Even in the face of this chairman's introduction, he was very calm.

He looked at the outstretched palm of the old man who looked like he was close to seventy years old and said with a gentle shake of his hand.

"Hello, I am an investor in Splash Investment Co., Ltd., or this is also one of my companies, you can call me... Gu


Gu Chen?!

Because the grade is relatively old, and he has never left his Xiangcheng Island.

Naturally, there was no understanding of Gu Chen at all.

Just looking at Gu Chen's face, he subconsciously praised it in his heart.

"What a majestic man!"

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