Chen Mouren's expression gradually began to become strange.

He looked at Gu Chen as if he was looking at an old monster, and he was very jealous.

"So based on the above situation, you started to engage in what kind of Wave Investment Co., Ltd. acquired 25% of my company's shares

?" "In order to let me hear the news and come and meet you unconsciously, because only this kind of official business will not attract anyone's attention, right?"

And even if they attract the attention of others, they will focus their attention on Langhua Investment Co., Ltd., and completely ignore you and ignore me.

"Then we will be able to do something of our own without knowing it?" It

seemed that after understanding this, the expression on Chen Mouren's face began to become a little strange.

He didn't wait for Gu Chen to speak.

If I had met you earlier, I'm afraid Li Jiahao would have tripped over us by now!"

Chen Mouren suddenly showed a feeling of regret.

He wanted to go back to the beginning, when he was still young and could continue to fight, and find Gu Chen to cooperate with him to clean up Li Jiahao.

There are still so many troublesome things to do in the province.

"Hey!" Thinking

of this, Chen Mouren couldn't help but sigh, feeling that it was really a pity.

But Gu Chen looked at Chen Mouren but did not have the same idea as him.

On the contrary, if Gu Chen had met this Chen Mouren a long time ago, it would not have been possible to have this situation at all.

Neither of them could even sit here so safely drinking a bottle of priceless red wine.

The best situation should be that Gu Chen continues to reduce his arrears by delivering food and make his life a little better.

Other things, I'm afraid that even who Li Jiahao is, Gu Chen probably won't know, let alone bring down Li Jiahao.

So Gu Chen just smiled after hearing Chen Mouren's complaint, and raised his red wine glass to Chen Mouren and said.

"It's okay, the past is gone, at least we still have a future, right?" Hearing

this, Chen Mouren immediately raised his red wine glass and said to Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu's words are very reasonable, but I am too narrow-minded, yes! Our past can no longer be changed, but we must cherish every minute and every second from now on, and we must make good use of it!"

After saying this, Chen Mouren directly signaled to Gu Chen to clink glasses, and then drank all the red wine in the glass in one sip.

If someone who really knows red wine and can taste red wine, he will see Chen Mouren's method of drinking.

I'm afraid I will be angry and don't know what to say.

However, Gu Chen did not appear to be anything wrong, and he also looked at Chen Mouren's bold character attitude.

Silently drank all the red wine in his glass.

This strong feeling made Gu Chen's originally stable heartbeat begin to accelerate a little.

Gu Chen looked at the flames flickering in Chen Mouren's eyes, and knew that he was probably going to talk about cooperation next.

He silently put down the red wine glass in his hand.

This time, Chen Mouren did not take the initiative to pour the wine again, and Gu Chen did not make any moves.

Because both of them know that this first glass of red wine is used to calm people's minds.

And this second cup is two people expressing their inner emotions.

After that, the third and fourth glasses of red wine are no longer necessary to drink, and drinking more will easily delay things.

Therefore, Chen Mouren and Gu Chen were already in a very good state at this time.

So good that a hint of excitement appeared on Chen Mouren's face.

He said slowly to Gu Chen.

"Since our goals are the same, do you know that this time we have an excellent

opportunity to fight Li Jiahao!" "

Of course, this opportunity is at most to be able to drive Li Jiahao out of Xiangcheng Island cleanly, but there is no way to completely remove Li Jiahao's big cancer." "

I wonder if Mr. Gu is you interested in having a vote with me?" Gu

Chen looked at the light flashing in Chen Mouren's eyes, and involuntarily thought in his heart.

"If I say something I don't want at this time, will this Chen Mouren go crazy and desperately think that I teased him?"

Because he would never do such a disgusting thing, and he would never put himself in absolute danger.

Of course, the moment Chen Mouren spoke, Gu Chen already knew what Chen Mouren wanted to say.

Therefore, Gu Chen also said directly.

"Of course, I am interested in making a vote, after all, Li Jiahao's current situation is a once-in-a-lifetime situation, not only his control over Xiangcheng Island has decreased, but even his assets have begun to shrink. "

We don't even have to come up with any special business means to be able to crush this Li Jiahao's business empire in a positive and upright manner!"

Gu Chen's indifferent tone said a conflict between hundreds of billions of super enterprises, which directly surprised Gu Chen, who was originally expecting Gu Chen, or let Gu

Chen come to listen to himself.

In the end, he can rely on the unique information gap to directly occupy a dominant position between Gu Chen and himself.

As a result, he didn't expect Gu Chen to say such a thing so bluntly.

Where is Chen Mouren He still doesn't know that this Gu Chen has long known that Li Jiahao is transferring assets.

Therefore, Chen Mouren, who had an estimate in his heart, couldn't help but say more.

"No, you know this, who are the two backers behind you, I'm really very...

"Brother Gu, just say it bluntly, how much money is needed to be able to, no, you are definitely not bad money, you just say what you need, or what price I can pay to satisfy you!"

"Can you directly tell the backers behind you, or help me build a bridge, and introduce the two big Buddhas behind you to make a familiar face?"

Gu Chen looked at Chen Mouren's appearance as a businessman philistine at this time, and immediately judged in his heart that this Chen Moren had misunderstood that he had a connection with some masters, or he regarded himself as a gun for the bosses.

Only then did I have the idea of letting myself help introduce the introduction.

But Gu Chen didn't know how to tell him the real truth.

In fact, the most important thing is that Gu Chen feels that even if he tells the truth now.

"My own news, but I got it from a little person called Wan Guan, what other backers, you think too much, there is no thing!"

"If you really want to say that there is, it is the two little girls on the mountain, one Liang Sixing, and one Qian Bu Pei."

However, when Gu Chen was about to tell the truth to Chen Mouren, he changed his mind at the last moment.

"No, if I say that, it will inevitably lead to more unnecessary trouble.

"In case this Chen Mouren thinks that I am a dishonest person and speaks more obliquely, won't it make me jump into the Yellow River and can't wash it

?" "After all, normal people will have a normal thinking and will clearly distinguish, how can a small independent worker engaged in self-media learn the information of the richest man on Xiangcheng Island?"

Therefore, Gu Chen, who understood this, silently changed his painting style.

He lowered his head and rubbed his hand against the mouth of his wine glass.

"It's not impossible, but

these two backers behind me are not what you want to see!" "

I don't want your money, your wealth, or anything

!" "I just want you to believe me, and when Li Jiahao is defeated by us, you will definitely see my two backers!"

And I guess they will be very happy to see you!"

One of his own grandfathers had a feud with Li Jiahao, and the other was also very unwelcome to Li Jiahao.

If these two knew that Li Jiahao had received a backstab from his most loyal subordinate.

Then after being knocked down by Gu Chen using commercial means on the front, it is estimated that Liang Sixing or Qian Bupei will be very happy, and there will definitely be no impatience.

At that time, Gu Chen introduced the two of them to Chen Mouren, and they were all happy.

Moreover, when Chen Mouren arrived, even if he had any headache, he would not blame anything.

On the contrary, Gu Chen felt that this Chen Mouren might be surprised first and then dumbfounded.

Of course, more Gu Chen felt afraid.

"Oh, oh

, then I have to thank Mr. Gu well, although you don't lack anything, I still have to thank you, so let's not get this Wave Investment Co., Ltd.?" "

Didn't you buy 25% of the shares of my Dakang Group Construction Company?"

"In this way, the shares of this company under my hand are still about fifty percent, I will give this company to you directly, as long as you nod and speak, today I can find someone to come and handle the stock transfer for us!" According

to reason, Chen Mouren would not give all the shares of his Dakang Group Construction Company to Gu Chen so easily.

But at this time, Chen Mouren was completely attracted by the big cake painted by Gu Chen.

The whole person smiled.

He completely forgot how he should test the truth of Gu Chen's words.

"The so-called real can't be fake, the fake can't be real!" "

Gu Chen is so young but has such a huge wealth, isn't it enough to prove the strength of the backers behind him!"

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