
Mouren, who had figured this out, would suddenly be so polite to Gu Chen.

After all, Chen Mouren also understood it at this age.

You can fight with people and the earth, but you definitely can't fight with the sky.

You can't even do something indiscriminately, and you may not see anything for a while.

That's because you have a little use value to God, and God needs you, the hen who can lay golden eggs.

But once your mission is completed, or you can't lay the golden egg, or you are crazy to escape, you will no longer be a tool chicken that lays eggs.

At that time, the fate of these chickens will be different.

Some will definitely be raised early and obedient, so they will be well placed for the elderly, normal old age and death.

But if it's the disobedient tool chickens, or the rebellious chickens who want to escape.

That's embarrassing, there is only one end waiting for them, that is, very direct chicken stew and stir-fry.

There are no surprises!

Chen Mouren originally felt that after reaching their status, the energy of his body and business empire was not an ordinary laying hen, at least he felt that he should have a little right to speak.

But even if Chen Mouren thought so ideally, the reality was completely different.

Even a fighter in a rooster like Li Jiahao can only desperately escape when he knows that he may be slaughtered, let alone like him.

Therefore, when Chen Mouren suspected that the backer behind Gu Chen was the queen who came to sanction Li Jiahao.

Chen Moren gave birth to this idea of being closer to Gu Chen.

Now Chen Mouren asked Gu Chen to help him connect with the two backers behind him.

It's just that what the truth of the matter is, Gu Chen knows it all.

So in the face of Chen Mouren's crazy move.

Of course, Gu Chen maintained a calm attitude towards Chen Mouren.

"Just kidding, if I take all the shares of Dakang Construction Group today and become the largest director, in the future, when I take down Li Jiahao and introduce Chen Mouren to the two pseudo-backers behind me, won't I be desperately embarrassed by Chen Mouren?"

"This transaction looks very good, but if you really want to do it, then there is only one word, loss!"

After figuring out this, the stock of Dakang Construction Group must not be accepted.

Gu Chen directly coughed twice and found a very suitable reason to refuse Chen Mouren.

"All the shares, in fact, there is no need!"

"Although it is said that Langhua Investment Co., Ltd. is a hidden means for me, it is not so easy to find out that the capital behind me is Longteng Group, but if you really don't care about any cost, look for it."

"Actually, I can still find some clues! In case it finally notices my head it will be embarrassing. "

Isn't this plain for no reason to notice me?"

Gu Chen's words directly made Chen Mouren stunned, he really didn't expect that many things.

I just felt that since I wanted to please Gu Chen.

Then you must pay some price to satisfy Gu Chen's appetite at one time.

It's just that now Gu Chen's reaction and statement suddenly made Chen Mouren feel as if what he said made some sense!

"This, it seems that I really didn't think about what Mr. Gu said!"

Chen Mouren is not the kind of person who relies on the old and sells the old, since Gu Chen has already rejected his idea very obviously.

Of course, Chen Mouren will not continue to buy and sell by force.

Of course, he still said very calmly that the things he was thinking about were a little incomplete.

It's just that it is impossible for Chen Mouren to give up such a good opportunity.

Therefore, Chen Mouren directly asked Gu Chen.

"Then I don't know how much more did Mr. Gu spend when you acquired the shares of our Dakang Construction Group this time?"

"Although I can't give you the shares, I have also seen the acquisition of this share."

"I didn't come from a financial background, but I can see that Mr. Gu, you spent some unnecessary money when you grabbed chips this time, didn't you?"

Gu Chen looked at Chen Mouren's expression, as if he had guessed what this guy wanted to say.

But Gu Chen did not show any excessively fiery look.

Because he really has no concept of money, of course, that doesn't mean he can't calculate.

"I do the math, it seems that it has almost cost close to 100 million, and the rest are normal expenses."

Even Chen Mouren is the number one in the largest stock exchange in Xiangcheng Island.

After hearing Gu Chen say the words of ten billion fluttering, he also felt that the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

"A billion billion, or about the same? Gu Chen, this guy is not playing me, right?

"Or does this guy really have no concept of money?"

"Just to see me, you spent about a billion more money?! What should I say? "


A strange expression flashed in Chen Mouren's eyes, and he always felt that Gu Chen seemed to have some unexpected energy.

"But yes, after all, Longteng Group is also a 100-billion-level big consortium, if it doesn't have this strength, it won't be seen by the backers behind Gu Chen!"

Chen Mouren, who wanted to understand this, immediately knew what kind of way he should use to compensate Gu Chen for the money consumed.

So, Chen Moren began to say to Gu Chen.

"Since this is the case, Mr. Gu said that your money is not just needed, and it is also a bit of a sense of calamity, so I think I have to give you a little compensation."

"Look, I have a plan here now, how about you?"

Gu Chen looked at Chen Mouren as if he was telling a lie, and thought that although he had a lot of money, he had no concept of money, but he could return to the basics, why not do it?

Therefore, Gu Chen nodded and said.

"Yes, Mr. Chen, please say!"

"This plan, in fact, is very simple, because I left Chen Yu without authorization to let you spend such a sum of money in vain, plus the reason why this time Mr. Gu and your Langhua Investment Co., Ltd. raised the card."

"I estimate that this time Dakang Construction Group will usher in a wave of upward period, and I will continue to let my shares and some small shareholders silently hold their chips!"

"When it rises to a suitable position, Mr. Gu, you will directly sell all the shares of Dakang Construction Group in your hand, and I Chen Moren will take all the shareholders to eat these shares together!"

"And the difference in the price earned in the middle is all Gu Zongyou's alone!" What do you think of this plan?

A smile of wisdom flashed in Chen Mouren's eyes.

He knew that he couldn't directly give Gu Chen a billion as compensation.

Therefore, he came up with such a way to compensate Gu Chen for stealing beams and changing columns, and in this case, the money that Gu Chen can earn will only be more than what he lost, not less.

Generally speaking, it is Gu Chen's short-term wave, which is likely to directly add a brilliant result to the resume of Langhua Investment Co., Ltd.

After listening to Chen Mouren's words, Gu Chen also looked at Chen Mouren with a strange look.

"I didn't expect that President Chen would be so atmospheric, but isn't the money lost by then your own?"

Gu Chen felt that since Chen Mouren was thinking about himself, he definitely couldn't do something harmful to others and self-interest just for some money.

After all, from the very beginning, the matter of making this Langhua Investment Co., Ltd. to buying the shares of this Dakang Construction Group was something Gu Chen wanted to do.

It is not because of Chen Mouren's request in this regard.

"In fact, this matter is the same no matter where it is placed, I don't occupy any reason at all, and I can basically refute me with a reason that I am willing to do."

When Gu Chen thought of this, he immediately felt that a person like Chen Moren seemed to be not bad.

Therefore, Gu Chen would not let him suffer anything, so he said.

"Forget it, these things are all I want to do, not out of other ideas or anything, I naturally have to pay for my actions!"

"So, Mr. Chen, you don't need to say anything, this billion is all voluntarily given by me, and it actually has nothing to do with you..."

But what Gu Chen didn't expect was that before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chen Mouren.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu, you look young, and you are quite righteous in doing things, but what I want to tell you is..."

"Your deficit has an absolute relationship with me, but this does not mean that I will directly use my money to make up for your losses!"

Chen Mouren said and winked at Gu Chen.

That look was full of treacherous and cunning looks, and instantly Gu Chen's face was full of strange expressions.

But soon Gu Chen seemed to have thought of something.

"Do you plan to let the public accounts of the Wanhao Stock Exchange settle the expenses of my Langhua Investment Co., Ltd. this time?"

"So... Is it feasible?

Gu Chen looked at Chen Mouren, and a treacherous and cunning look appeared in his eyes, because Gu Chen knew that the existence of a person like Chen Mouren had already said everything.

Certainly not the kind of person who will be untargeted.

Naturally, they have their own plans or ideas, and will not make the behavior of beating a swollen face and filling up a fat person.

So Gu Chen can be sure that this wave will be Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island, who does not want to be named, to pay for the entire consumption.

"Of course it is feasible, the monthly turnover of the Wanhao Stock Exchange alone has reached the level of 100 billion."

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