
Mouren lay down his body and changed to a lazy big guy posture to talk to Gu Chen.

"Anyway, I am already about to break with Li Jiahao, so if you use a little of your own little right in the end, throw these accounts into these flowing waters, and make a small ledger, there is no problem at all!"

"And this is not the first means I invented Oh, it was Li Jiahao himself who used this method, and he was not used to make up for losses, but to increase the losses of others, and then use his majestic financial resources to buy bankrupt companies!"

"I have dealt with a lot of the accounts generated here, as long as I use some small means that he is not aware of, I can smoothly participate in these accounts!"


In an instant, Gu Chen figured out that Chen Mouren's operation was definitely possible.

"Moreover, now Li Jiahao is still planning and transferring all his assets abroad, and it is estimated that there is not much time to manage this Wanhao stock exchange!"

"To put it bluntly, I just don't have the effort and energy to check the accounts!"

"In this way, the operating space is much larger! It can be said that the time and place are favorable! When

Gu Chen said this, Chen Mouren couldn't help but nod and said that this was indeed the case.

"Since Li Jiahao began to be busy with these things, he has not managed the affairs of the Wanhao Stock Exchange anymore, and all of them have been handed over to me! It has deepened my rights one step further! "It's

just that I thought, after all, there will always be a little clue to these things that will be seen!" So basically no one has ever done it!

"In addition, at that time, my role was still the most loyal puppy beside this Li Jiahao, taking care of the Wanhao Stock Exchange, which is now the first to make money, instead of finally finding the organization like now!" Found you Mr. Gu!

"I could have destroyed this good stock exchange as I wanted, but... I can't do that, otherwise, the unlucky ones may not be Li Jiahao, but those countless ordinary shareholders.

Gu Chen did not expect that this Chen Mouren still had such a great idea in his heart.

"Understand, I understand Mr. Chen's painstaking intentions, but there are some things that we can't rush."

Therefore, in the face of such an honest Chen Mouren, Gu Chen felt that there were still many things that could be deeply communicated between them, otherwise, if the two people hid from each other, who knew what the final plan would become.

Wouldn't it be very embarrassing if the two were not in sync at all?

Thinking of this, Gu Chen began to say.

"Actually, in a few days, I will return to Huahai City first, and these things on Xiangcheng Island, I may be a little out of reach!"

"So please Mr. Chen, you better not be too arrogant, otherwise, it is still easy to have some problems!"

Gu Chen directly began to explain his future movements to this Chen Mouren.

Chen Moren also heard Gu Chen's arrangement, and his face suddenly changed, because in his expectation, since Gu Chen had already come with the momentum of thunder!

That means that their horn to deal with Li Jiahao has been sounded!

It also means that he can finally stop helping Li Jiahao to manage this Wanhao stock exchange, and become the most loyal lackey under his hand!

However, after finally finding such an ally as Gu Chen, suddenly, Chen Mouren didn't have time to be happy for long.

Gu Chen actually told him directly that he was about to start returning to Huahai City?

Isn't this a joke?

"I don't want to continue to help that bastard Li Jiahao to take care of the Wanhao Stock Exchange, I want to be free, I want to resist, I want to fight, I want the life I deserve!"

Therefore, Chen Mouren, who held this idea, said directly.

"Mr. Gu, what are you doing, why are we all suddenly already occupying the right time and place, and Li Jiahao's current strength has also been weakened by himself... Weakened, why do you still want to return to Huahai City?

"Shouldn't we take advantage of his illness to kill him?"

Gu Chen heard Chen Mouren's words, where did he not know Chen Moren, this is suddenly experiencing a state similar to great joy and great sorrow, and an evil fire appeared in his heart!

This is for him to give an explanation.

So, Gu Chen gave Chen Mouren a calm gesture to let Chen Mouren be a little calm.

I must have an explanation for him.

"Mr. Chen, calm down a little and listen to me!"

Chen Mouren listened to Gu Chen's words, although his face was still full of anger and impatience, but he still honestly lay back on his sofa.

It was no longer like he had almost reached the state of speaking on Gu Chen's face before.

After Gu Chen watched himself finally stabilize this Chen Mouren's mood, he immediately continued to speak.

"It's not a sudden idea that I'm going back to Huahai City this time! It's a decision I made after a very deep consideration!

"First of all, you listen to me and slowly explain the reason! Let's start talking about it when I haven't arrived on this Xiangcheng Island! Ah

: "At that time, my 5G technology, as well as the conditions and construction of quantum communication, were all doing quite well!"

"Then I also successfully participated in a space program, which caused Li Jiahao's gaze to fall directly on me!"

"At that time, Li Jiahao had already begun to lay out the layout for me!"

After hearing Gu Chen say this, the impatience on Chen Mouren's face instantly disappeared, replaced by a solemn look.

"Are you saying that Li Jiahao was already preparing to do something to you at that time?"

"No, no, I know about this, he should let the 5G base station be established on Xiangcheng Island on the Wanhao Stock Exchange!" In this way, the Internet speed in the entire exchange can be increased by at least one second!

"And this second is enough time for us to earn an extra ten million!" That's why Li Jiahao sent his son Li Jiajun and Tong Zixin to Huahai City to seek cooperation! I know about it!

"But to say that Li Jiahao has been calculating you since this time, I can't understand it a little."

Chen Moren straightforwardly revealed a look that was not clear about anything, and said in confusion that he wanted Gu Chen to continue to explain.

Gu Chen did not have any ambiguity, and continued to speak.

"Indeed, from the very beginning On the surface, Li Jiahao has clearly expressed an idea of hoping to reach cooperation with Longteng Group."

"But his purest idea is actually to use my name to attract everyone's attention, such as the four major families."

Gu Chen directly said such a sentence to the point.

Chen Mouren immediately frowned and fell into deep thought.

"In his planning, that is, the recent period, he must have reached some of the most critical periods of asset transfer!"

"In order not to let the four major families find out about the obstruction, or let some people with other ideas in their hearts make some impulsive moves! Then causing his own success, Li Jiahao decided to use a conspicuous person or thing to attract attention.

When Gu Chen said this, he looked into Chen Mouren's thoughtful eyes.

"Then the tone of this matter must be big, the origin must be beautiful, and there will be huge profits after things are done, so what do you say such a thing?" What kind of unlucky egg will be selected by Li Jiahao to attract attention?

Chen Mouren silently stretched out his finger to Gu Chen when he heard this.

"That unlucky bastard won't be Mr. Gu, right?"

Gu Chen smiled, his eyes full of mockery.

"That's right, that unlucky bastard is me! What do you call this? Gu

Chen's words directly made Chen Mouren not know what to say.

I can only silently think in my heart.

"Li Jiahao, this old thing, is really still not old, he actually thought of so many plans just because of the matter of aerospace!"

"However, this Gu Chen in front of me is not a vegetarian, and he can actually push Li Jiahao's thoughts backwards!"

"It's also a terrifying figure, it seems that Gu Chen can compare with Liang Shan and Li Jiahao when he was young..."

Thinking of this, Chen Mouren seemed to have thought of something and said.

"Wait, doesn't that mean that this Li Jiahao knew from the beginning that you would come to Xiangcheng Island?"

"That Xiangcheng Island's recent news of crossing the Jianglong was actually spread by Li Jiahao?"

A look of shock appeared on Chen Mouren's face.

It seems that I can't understand how Li Jiahao's brain grows, it's just a link!

Gu Chen watched Chen Mouren's expression change, and knew that he had figured out a lot of things.

So, Gu Chen also nodded and continued.

"He spread the news, but I deliberately made ... My undercover agent went to leak the news to him!

"But it is estimated that Li Jiahao did not expect that there was another person who directly guided me in another way, to a place that the four major families could not notice!"

"So the popularity of the legend of crossing the river dragon can't be stirred up, and it is estimated that Li Jiahao himself is quite depressed!" Otherwise, I wouldn't have sent Mia to find me!

Gu Chenhua said here, originally wanted to continue.

However, Chen Mouren seemed to have heard something incredible, and directly interrupted Gu Chen's words and said.

"Wait! Mr. Gu, did I just hear you talking about Mia?

"Is it the little secretary who followed Li Jiahao?"

"Well, if the personal secretary next to Li Jiahao is only her, it will be her!"

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