After Gu Chen acknowledged Mia's existence, Chen Mouren fell into a frightened thought.

Throw out Mia, who has taken care of him in recent years?

"Doesn't that mean that Mia is also part of the outcast?"

"That means Mia is also a comrade we can fight for!"

Chen Mouren, who knew Mia's energy, directly said to Gu Chen.

"President Gu, then do you know where Mia is now, she is also a rare talent! If we can get Mia into our camp, the blow to Li Jiahao will be very huge!

Chen Mouren showed an impatient expression.

But Gu Chen silently rubbed his chin before he was a little out of the information, and Chen Musten, who was still a little closed, said.

"Actually, Mia has already thrown herself under me! I've already met her! But from Mia's body, no special information about Li Jiahao was asked.

"At most, it is some of Li Jiahao's physical condition or something, Mia said that there is close monitoring in Li Jiahao's room, as long as there is any fluctuation in his body, a group of doctors and nurses will appear to help him measure his body."

"According to Mia's description, this Li Jiahao's good health does not look like an old man at all, but like an old man in his fifties!"

Gu Chen's directness made Chen Mouren fall into a kind of sluggishness, not because of what Gu Chen said.

But because Gu Chen's speed of accepting people was too fast, it was so fast that Chen Moren didn't have too many ideas.

Only good bulls in your mind, is it so powerful? Open it! Is this guy so charismatic?

Chen Mouren couldn't help but look at Gu Chen's face when he thought of this.

After seeing that handsome face that could not be expressed in words, Chen Mouren suddenly closed his mouth.

But in my heart, I thought again.

"No wonder Mia and Tong Zixin will both join Gu Chen's camp, with such a handsome face, they can eat wherever they go!"

When Chen Mouren thought of this, he sighed silently and said that his emotions were really hit by Gu Chen.

"Fortunately, I am already old, I don't have to be crushed by Gu Chen with handsomeness in the same era, nor do I have to be crushed by Gu Chen with money, now I only have one dream!"

"That is to bring down Li Jiahao! Down with Li Jiahao!

Chen Musten, who maintained this thought, suddenly burned in his heart with a kind of strength to make himself stand up.

He first directly praised a wave of Gu Chen and said.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Gu's personality charm had reached this point, and I admired Chen Mouren! I just don't know if Mr. Gu has any other questions to ask?

"I always feel that there are some things that Mia should know a lot."

Gu Chen faced Chen Mouren who asked such a question, and Gu Chen shook his head directly.

"There is no special intelligence, Mia seems to have not fully gained Li Jiahao's trust, and knows very little about things!"

"And I estimate that the reason why this Mia was released is actually very simple, that is, she herself was also thrown out as a kind of person who attracted the four major families, diverting attention!"

"I guess it should be the same as the so-called abandonment that you said before, Mr. Chen!"

Gu Chen originally thought that after Chen Moren heard his words, he would nod his head and express his great agreement.

As a result, who would have thought that this Chen Musten's face became even more gloomy, as if Gu Chen's words directly poked Chen Mouren's sore spot, so that he didn't know what to say.

"The abandonment I said and the renunciation you said is not a renunciation..."

Chen Mouren seemed to be brewing emotions for a while before slowly speaking.

Gu Chen looked very confused at this moment, and he didn't quite understand what Chen Mouren meant.

So Gu Chen asked directly.

"President Chen, you seem to know something, why don't you say it?"

"Huh, why don't you say it? Because of these things, I think it's very humiliating to say it!

Chen Mouren directly showed a look that was not easy to speak, but what Chen Mouren

didn't know was that human curiosity is very strange, the more you don't want a person to know something,

the more that person will want to know.

Gu Chen is not the kind of saint who does not have any desires, and naturally he will have the same idea.

So silently, Gu Chen poured himself a glass of red wine and looked at Chen Mouren and asked lightly.

"In fact, just the two of us here, even if it is a shame, there will definitely not be a third person to know, so you can directly tell me the original story."

"And I Gu Chen, this person has no advantages, that is, he has a special mouth and a tight mouth, you can talk to me about anything."

Gu Chen's bitter look directly made Chen Mouren break his defense.

A serious expression was written on his face.

So at this time, Chen Mouren looked at Gu Chen's appearance and fell into a moment of thought.

Then he began to speak in Gu Chen's expectant eyes.

"It's really easy to say, but it hurt me so much that I'm a little angry now."

"This is also the reason why I chose to backstab Li Jiahao, then please listen to Mr. Gu!"

Gu Chen immediately sat up straight, indicating that he was ready now.

Only then did Chen Mouren take a deep breath and slowly tell his story.

"Actually, at the beginning, I didn't notice the rhythm of Lee Jiahao's desire to run."

"It was only by chance that I came into contact with the people of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society and found out that they were investigating something."

What is it? Gu Chen heard Chen Mouren say the name of an organization that he was familiar with and unfamiliar with.

He immediately stopped Chen Mouren and said.

"You were just talking about the Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Society? In the last century, the Red Flower Society existed when Xiangcheng Island had not yet returned?

Chen Mouren looked at Gu Chen's performance, first stunned for a moment, and then asked directly.

"Do you know all this? Do you know anything about Qinghuatang Red Flowers?

"Or did you hear their names a long time ago?"

Gu Chen nodded silently and said.

"Yes, I have heard the stories of Li Jiahao and your generation, I know the name of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, and I know what happened back then!"

"So my sense of Li Jiahao is not very good, plus he has long begun to calculate me, and all the things before and after add up are completely enough for me to deal with him."

Hearing Gu Chen say this, in fact, Chen Moren was still very shocked in his heart, but in order to make sure that Gu Chen was not out of nowhere.

So Chen Mouren asked more.

"Then do you know Liangshan?"

"Of course, he should be the eldest of Li Jiahao and the four major families at that time."

After hearing Gu Chen's very firm answer without any pause, Chen Mouren's heart settled down a lot.

"It's worthy of being the person they have chosen, and they have already done their homework, which is really good!"

"In that case, things are much easier to talk about."

Thinking so, Chen Mouren continued.

"It seems that Mr. Gu, you really know very clearly about the history of the rich people of our Xiangcheng Island, and you should also know how cruel the situation was at that time, and what an inhuman guy this Li Jiahao is!"

"So, when the people from the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club approached me and said that Li Jiahao was preparing to transfer assets, I already believed half of it."

"And then they told me that the people Li Jiahao would take away to the UK to enjoy a better life in the future this time did not have me, and even arranged for me to keep this good stock exchange!" For his honest exploitation and strange vision on Xiangcheng Island!

When he said this, Chen Mouren clenched his fists fiercely and looked very angry.

It was as if after suffering absolute deception and betrayal, Chen Mouren's attitude at the beginning was that he would definitely not believe that Li Jiahao would do such a thing to him.

Because Chen Moren knew.

"Once Li Jiahao successfully transfers all the assets, even the people who took him will leave, and then the entire Xiangcheng Island, the four major families and the messy industry rookies will want to come up and eat a bite of the meat left by Li Jiahao!"

"And I, as the biggest lackey left behind, will definitely suffer one bloody challenge after another!" I don't know what will happen then, but I know only one thing!

Chen Mouren said here, silently picking up his red wine glass, as if he wanted to drink a glass.

But Gu Chen had already put away the red wine and said.

"It's okay, it's a little too much to drink again, Mr. Chen, haven't you found it, your current state is..." Gu

Chen is actually for Chen Mouren's good, probably because of the age of this red wine, so Chen Mouren just drank two glasses of red wine, and Chen Mouren's forehead has begun to sweat.

His face became more and more rosy.

This is clearly a bit of a sign of drunkenness.

Therefore, Gu Chen would never let this Chen Mouren continue to drink, and as a result, Gu Chen's words were not finished.

He saw Chen Mouren silently take out a strange small box from his arms.

I opened the cap and took a big sip of one of the fragrant gadgets.

In an instant, Chen Mouren's originally somewhat rosy face immediately began to return to its normal blood color.

If it weren't for the fact that there was still a layer of sweat on his forehead that appeared in front of Gu Chen, Gu Chen felt that he hadn't drunk at all just now.

Instead, he drank too much, hallucinated, and saw Chen Mouren drunk.

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