In short, at this time, Gu Chen looked at the small box on Chen Mouren's body, and suddenly thought of the kind of hangover wine mentioned in the text message that Chen Yu sent to him before.

"Is there really such a thing?"

"I thought that Chen Yu had an illusion after drinking a lot..."

Gu Chen thought in his heart, but when reality appeared like a product of science fiction, Gu Chen was still very curious to see the thing in Chen Mouren's hand.

It's just a pity that Gu Chen hasn't stepped forward yet, and this Chen Moren has actually put away his small box and asked.

"Where did we go?"

Gu Chen withdrew his gaze and recalled with his super memory.

"We now talk about what will happen after you are left on Xiangcheng Island."

"Yes, I remembered! That's it!

Chen Mouren showed a helpless expression.

"As long as it is me who is left behind, when the time comes, for example, those who were offended by Li Jiahao or blocked will definitely jump out to deal with me directly!"

"They're going to use me as a punching bag! Will retaliate against me, there will be many unexpected events that no one can predict, maybe I will have some special danger! "It's

just that I'm really not afraid of these things at all, and even I won't resist any challenges!" But at this age, I really can't afford to lose, and I really can't bear a failure!

"Even if I can dismantle those people's attacks on me again and again, my opinions, and even protect myself and the Wanhao Stock Exchange from being violated, what is the use?"

"I can know very clearly that I will win for a while at the beginning by relying on the connections left by Li Jiahao and my own accumulation, but can I keep winning? The answer is clear, that is, it is impossible!

"As soon as I lose once, the other onlookers will attack me like wolves that smell blood!" Even if I can resist the attack of one family, how can I avoid everyone's hostility?

Speaking of this, Chen Mouren sighed silently, and the whole person looked very uncomfortable and depressed.

Gu Chen had to interrupt Chen Mouren here and said.

"But Mr. Chen, don't you think these ideas are a little too advanced and worrying, although it is said that people go to tea and cold, but this does not mean that Li Jiahao's departure is a big blow to you!"

"It's just that there is no backer, and it's not a big deal! Isn't it possible to create a different future with your own hands?

Gu Chen felt that he should use words to remind Chen Mouren and face his fears, because from the previous words.

He felt the kind of anxiety and worry that came from Chen Muren.

"If there is no way to solve this weak emotion, this Chen Mouren will drag me down sooner or later!"

Gu Chen, who thought so, would begin to persuade Chen Mouren with good words, otherwise, Gu Chen would not care who he was.

I don't know if Gu Chen's words had an effect, anyway, at this time, Chen Moren had begun to slowly recover three points from his miserable face.

It only quickly faded again.

Chen Mouren said sullenly.

"This matter, in fact, I also thought about it, but it is easier said than done, when I was only with Li Jiahao and did not have much time, I was still a teenager with dreams!"

"But the idea is always very beautiful, but the reality is that in the end it gave me a big mouth!"

Speaking of this, Chen Mouren sighed silently and began to talk about the past.

Gu Chen quietly stood on the side as a listener.

"I remember that at that time, I was still very young, so young that I would not convince anyone at all, even if I fell under Li Jiahao, I never stopped thinking about going out and setting up my own portal!"

"So, after a few attempts, I finally told Li Jiahao a embarrassing idea of standing on his own!"

"But at that time, Li Jiahao did not show any refusal at all, and even said that he was willing to give me five million as a start-up capital, you must know that five million at that time was definitely not a small amount!"

"But Li Jiahao was not very rich at that time, and I was very touched that he was willing to give me so much money!"

"Then I lost the five million to a fine light!" Even in the end, I owed a debt, and the situation at that time was not as peaceful as it is now! Even if it is a debt collection, it is a phone collection!

Chen Musten's thoughts suddenly returned to the past.

"What a situation, but I was caught and had no money to pay the bill, but I had money to eat snacks on the road! So the head of the palm directly blocked me in a small alley.

"At that time, there were nearly thirty or so people with machetes looking at me fiercely, and as soon as a person came out of the innermost part of me who would never pay back, or there was no way to pay back, he would chop one of my legs in front of me to warn me" "

If I had any problem with a broken leg at that time, it would have been a lifelong injury, and I would not have appeared in front of you!"

When Chen Mouren recalled this incident, his face looked very lonely, and he was so lonely that Gu Chen found that he was recalling this past at that time.

The face is full of a feeling of embarrassment, as if it is a little reluctant, or is it remembrance?

"In short, when I felt that my life was going to end, Li Jiahao appeared again! He directly took out a sum of money to let me completely pay off all the debts, and let me return to his hands to do things regardless of previous suspicions!

"Since then I've discovered that I'm a very strong executive person, but that doesn't mean I'm as good as creative!" On the contrary, if I were to create and execute it, there would be problems!

"Only when I become a subordinate and receive orders from my superiors can I do things meticulously and perfectly!" To put it bluntly, I'm just fit to be a little tool man! Forget about the rest!

Speaking of this, Chen Mouren smiled dashingly, but his face became crying again.

Because he knew that this was the basis for his real feeling that after Li Jiahao opened, he would definitely encounter a lot of bad things.

"Then you are actually ... worried that you are leaderless, and you are very unconfident in yourself? Think you can't keep your family business at all?

"Yes or no, in fact, let me honestly run the Wanhao Stock Exchange is nothing, after all, I still have the ability to pretend, and it is just no problem to honestly clamp my tail and be a person."

"What is the problem, do you know Mr. Gu?

After Chen Moureen said this, he asked Gu Chen another question.

Gu Chen also let this Chen Mouren pause a little and think for himself.

"Wait, let me think about it, if Li Jiahao decided to leave, and you were left behind, would there be anyone left?"

"It's worthy of Mr. Gu, he actually knew my thoughts in an instant, haha! That's right, according to my judgment and observation by Li Jiahao's side for many years, he wants to leave his place to his hidden youngest son Li Jiasheng!

"Instead of leaving everything to Lee Ka-jun, that bastard brat! But this creates a big problem! Becoming a victor like his name, Li Jiasheng will follow Lee Jiahao to the UK to enjoy.

"Then guess who will continue to stay on Xiangcheng Island and attract the eyes of hatred?"

When Gu Chen heard this, he directly answered Chen Mouren's question very frankly.

"Do you still need to think about this, it must be Li Jiajun!"

"Hahaha, it's worthy of being Mr. Gu, it's smart! At that time, the situation will be that a young brother who knows nothing is blindly commanding here, and I, as the target of the fire, will honestly stand and be beaten!

"What kind of scene would this be, Mr. Gu, can you imagine?" It's a dead end! Even if you can hold out for a while, you will still have to finish together! Chen

Mouren completely entered the state of a pessimistic character at this time.

The whole person feels that the future is bleak.

In fact, Gu Chen thought about it in this state, and after bringing it in, I am afraid that there would be no difference from Chen Mouren.

"The unseen future is full of hope, and the visible future is so desperate."

"No wonder Chen Mouren would want to rebel against Li Jiahao, it turns out that he has seen everything through!"

Gu Chen sighed in his heart.

I think this Li Jiahao is really a good hand at backstabbing and unloading and killing donkeys!

"The most important thing is that he is really the next hand, and he can actually ruthlessly throw Li Jiajun here! Awesome! Gu

Chen's danger to Li Jiahao increased by three points.

At the same time, he silently sympathized with Li Jiajun.

"I didn't expect it, in the end, you are still the worst!"

Thinking that he would take Tong Zixin directly, Li Jiajun would lose his favorite, and was backstabbed by his father.

Finally, it was attacked by the four major families and some entrepreneurs and merchants on Xiangcheng Island.

This kind of miserable life in the future instantly made Gu Chen feel that this guy may have enjoyed too many things since he was born.

It's so much that God can't stand it, and he's ready to take back everything he has!

"It's just that it's a little too miserable! Li Jiahao is his biological father! "

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