"Gu Chen Gu Chen couldn't find it, and Tong Zixin didn't answer the phone, which made me waste so much time here!"

However, what Li Jiasheng didn't know was that he was just after saying these grumbling words that he thought only he could hear.

In an instant, the group of Englishmen hiding in the secret monitoring, as well as a man and a woman who appeared in front of Li Jiasheng before, all raised their heads instantly.

"Li Jiasheng? Lee Jiahao's son? How is this possible? He is not from the stock exchange of all good ... Forget it, it is estimated to hide the identity!

"So what now!"

"What else can be done, wait and see! Originally, I just found out that the gringos were tracking and monitoring this guy, and I wanted to see why this man who was ordinary on the information was able to get the gringo's surveillance feast!

"That's when they find a way to listen to this.... Lee Jiasheng installed listening and anti-monitoring equipment!

"Did those gringos already know the identity of this Li Jiasheng?" But why didn't they act?

"I don't know, but they must have some plans!"

This man and woman kept thinking about these things.

But what they didn't know was that the foreigner at this time also had a strange look on his face, and he began to talk to himself.

"No wonder no wonder! No wonder the boss told me to keep an eye on him, but didn't let me do anything that threatened him or made him feel dangerous!

"The emotional boss knew the identity of this man from the beginning! I really thought that this guy was just a little guy without any future and identity! I thought the boss was worried about hurting this little shrimp.

"It will cause problems with his own latent plan, causing us to be discovered or something, and it turns out that this little guy who looks like nothing big is the son of Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island!"

"This is really, a bonus!"

This gringo silently intercepted Li Jiasheng's grumbling remarks before, filling in a piece of meaningless noise.

Completely concealed the identity of this Li Jiasheng.

In this way, the companions who come to the handover will never notice any abnormalities....

Therefore, Li Jiasheng's identity was completely hidden at this time.

The idea that a man and a woman wanted to wait for the rabbit also unknowingly failed.

Li Jiasheng had no idea that he was really passing by death at some point, and he didn't know how lucky he was.

"Forget it, let's see if Tong Zixin's phone can get through!"

Thinking so, Li Jiasheng took action again.


Tong Zixin on the road originally didn't feel anything, after all, in the vicinity of the sea before, there was no messy base station or anything.

Some only have seafood, seafood, and Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Sen, Luo, Sun Shulan, A Yue and others.

So after leaving the beach, Tong Zixin's phone instantly resumed communication.

Li Jiasheng heard Tong Zixin's voice as if he had heard the sound of heaven.

"What are you looking for me for?"

"Finally waiting for you to answer the phone, I looked for you so hard!"

And Li Jiasheng didn't say anything else for the first time, just complained to Tong Zixin, how much time he had waited for Tong Zixin's call.

"Did you mean it?"

Li Jiasheng, who was full of anger, opened his mouth with such a sentence.

Directly to Tong Zixin will not be.

She silently looked at the caller ID and confirmed that it was indeed Li Jiasheng, and then said silently.

"What did I mean on?"

"Deliberately turn off the phone and don't answer my call!"

"What did you say?"

Tong Zixin was a little speechless by Li Jiasheng's play, usually they don't call, why is it so abnormal today.

It's so weird.

So Tong Zixin has to figure out what happened to this Li Jiasheng now, so that he is so abnormal.

It's as if it was....Lee Jiajun.

"I'm on the beach, the signal is relatively poor, it's normal that you can't get through to my phone, why do you make such a big fire."

"What? Seaside! Ah, you said that you went to the beach to keep me unable to make calls?

"Otherwise, who would suddenly be okay to call you?" Is there something wrong with the brain? Tong

Zixin did not have any politeness at all and furiously scolded Li Jiasheng.

Directly blinded Li Jiasheng.

"Well, I don't think about you so much, what the hell is the matter with you calling me."

"Actually, it's not a big deal, you wait a minute."

Li Jiasheng silently left the place, found a quiet place, and began to continue.

"Actually, I just want to ask you, do you know where Gu Chen is now, if I can, I want to ask you to help me introduce it..."

After hearing Li Jiasheng's words, Tong Zixin silently increased his volume keys a little.

She didn't know very well what medicine was being sold in this Li Jiasheng gourd, and naturally she would not easily fall for Li Jiasheng's or something.

If this was a set aimed at Gu Chen, wouldn't she directly send Gu Chen into the arms of the enemy with her own hands?

This kind of thing, she Tong Zixin can't do it!

"I said, can you help me introduce Gu Chen, I want to meet him and get to know him, maybe we can have a deeper level of cooperation!"

Li Jiasheng is still unforgiving.

At the same time, a man and a woman who were listening to Li Jiasheng, as well as the foreigner, also pricked up their ears and listened carefully to Li Jiasheng's words.

"He seems to be calling someone to find Gu Chen... 's traces, it seems to cooperate with this Gu Chen?

"You're right, but I don't understand very well, isn't Gu Chen the dragon that crosses the river? What do you want to do with such a dragon?

"You don't care, if this guy is just an ordinary executive of the Wanhao Stock Exchange, it won't be a big deal, but he is actually the son of Li Jiahao, then there will be a lot of changes!"

"It seems to be true to say that, the main thing is that we can't move now!" That gringos have not emerged until now, who knows what they want to do.

"Then continue to wait and see, by the way, find some spare to endure, otherwise it will be easy to have problems, only now the two of us are here, I really don't feel safe!"

"What do you mean? Think I'm not capable? Then you have the ability to find....why should you be angry with me here, girl?

"I didn't mean that!"

I don't know what sore spot was said, but this couple of men and women actually quarreled inexplicably.

The scene was a bit chaotic, but even then they didn't forget to turn on the recording function on their monitors.

The gringos began the same operation, but he had a lot of careful eyes.

did not take the initiative to report the current situation, but took out his own small book, and recorded all these things he encountered in the book to ensure that the information was not omitted.

Li Jiasheng is still unwilling to reveal his true purpose.

He still wanted Tong Zixin to tell him Gu Chen's location, so he could quickly go to find Gu Chen to seek cooperation.

It's just that the more anxious Li Jiasheng looked, the more Tong Zixin felt that this guy was really verbose and impure in purpose.

He actually told the lame lie that he wanted to cooperate with Gu Chen.

It really made Tong Zixin feel that Li Jiajun was a little brain-dead.

Originally, Tong Zixin did not like this Li Jiasheng's hypocrite-like character from the beginning.

Now after hearing that this guy had begun to do anything to get close to Gu Chen, she was even more angry.

In addition, Gu Chen was already clearly going to bring himself back to Huahai City.

So Tong Zixin actually didn't worry too much about what this Li Jiasheng would do to himself.

"Won't go back anyway, it's time to indulge a little!"

After thinking about these things clearly, Tong Zixin's attitude began to become very tough.

"I think you're making a fuss!"

"There are some things I don't really want to explain, but you should also be a little self-aware!"

"You used to be such a person who had no ability but wanted to beat a swollen face and fill a fat person, and now you still have to be so stupid! What do you say you are not a hypocrite?

Li Jiasheng's whole face was full of confusion when he heard this, and he didn't quite understand why suddenly Tong Zixin would spit lotus flowers at him.

The most important thing is that just after speaking, Tong Zixin also hung up the phone directly, not giving Li Jiasheng a chance to refute at all.

It is completely putting Li Jiasheng together.

Let his whole person be in a state of confusion.

But soon, he realized that something was wrong.

"Groove! Actually blacked me directly!

He muttered, not expecting Tong Zixin to actually do such a thing.

He was angry, but he didn't know if he should call Tong Zixin again.

"Something must have happened that I didn't know! Damn it!

Li Jiasheng angrily dropped his mobile phone on the ground, his expression was very angry and struggling.

But he still wrote his phone.

"Don't let me touch you slut!"

At this time, Li Jiasheng had a feeling of being embarrassed and angry, but I don't know why, he always felt that Tong Zixin cursed his feelings, he didn't seem to hate it very much, and even felt a little like it.

What should this say well?

It can only be said that he is more slut?

The confused Li Jiasheng finally sighed silently, turned his head and left the scene.

In fact, he is not alone in doubt.

The gringos and the watchers of a man and a woman were all the same, and they were all in that state of deception in an instant.

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