"No, is this listening in on a loneliness? I didn't hear anything! Both

the gringos and the man and woman secretly scolded in their hearts.

But they all have their own entanglements, and no one will do anything at this time, so in this case, Li Jiasheng is instead in the safest state of balance.

It's just that this safe seed doesn't know when it will go bad.

Transformed into a thunderstorm buried beside Li Jiasheng.

Once there is a day when it explodes, no one knows what will happen.


I don't know who Chen Mouren called, in short, Gu Chen at this time has been waiting in place for a long time.

After a long time, Gu Chen already felt bored, so he drank a glass of red wine as a pastime.

Finally, just when Gu Chen felt that this Chen Mouren was not doing something, Chen Moren turned his head at this time and looked at Gu Chen and said embarrassedly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, there was a little accident...,"

Gu Chen suddenly put down his wine glass and looked at Chen Mouren with embarrassment and strange expressions written on his face and asked.

"What's going on?"

Chen Mouren seemed to be a little unsure of where to start, because he also needed to digest and digest after receiving this news.

"It's quite magical, first bring me a glass of wine to suppress the shock!"

Gu Chen didn't have any hesitation, and directly handed over the red wine on his side.

After Chen Mouren took it, he directly shook the weight in the bottle and said.

"President Gu, do you still want to drink some?"

"No thanks... You drank it all.

Gu Chen directly looked at Chen Mouren's unstable state and let him drink it all.

Chen Mouren nodded and did not push back anything, after all, strictly speaking, this red wine is still his asset.

Tons and tons!

After Chen Mouren, who blew the bottle, drank all the red wine in a few sips, his whole person exhaled a turbid breath.

In a trance, Gu Chen seemed to see a smile on the corner of this guy's mouth.

"There really is this kid! I kind of lost my eyes!

Even Chen Mouren suddenly said such a sentence to himself, and Gu Chen immediately knew that this Chen Moren was talking about Li Jiajun.

"Oh? Why did President Chen say this! In

order to find out what Li Jiajun did to impress Chen Mouren, of course, he directly asked.

At the same time, this sentence seemed to have caused Chen Moren's chatterbox.

Let Chen Mouren quickly start nagging.

"Hahaha! Mr. Gu, what is your impression of Li Jiajun?

"Arrogant and arrogant, but a little persistent."

Gu Chen did not blindly belittle Li Jiajun, but relied on himself to judge Li Jiajun's true image.

"Very pertinent impression!"

Chen Moren nodded and said that he was also very sure of Gu Chen's words, and said at the same time.

"I actually have the same opinion as President Gu, but today's words, I have to add another article!"

"This Li Jiajun is a guy who inherited some of his father's cunning nature!"

"Why do you say that?"

Gu Chen was interested, because he vaguely felt that the second-hand car trading plan that he had been stranded in his mind before could be relaunched.

"Because, just when I called, I asked my people to see the current situation of Li Jiajun, and I actually found that Li Jiajun this guy didn't know when he had run away!" Hahaha!

"And before alerting anyone, he used some little tricks to run out!" The person in charge under me told me that when he fled, he calmly couldn't tell that he was under house arrest!

"Actually, I didn't arrange special personnel to watch him, but the security of these special entertainment places during the day is still very strict, and Li Jiajun's performance in it before was very poor, and it can even be said that he has sunk."

"Unexpectedly, in the end, he actually broke free from these temptations, and he was able to show a completely different wisdom than usual, which was really beyond my expectations!"

The responsible emotion on Chen Mouren's face was finally read by Gu Chen this time.

It was an expression of hope and relief that he saw, which made Gu Chen feel a little unsure of what to do.

"No, it's just a normal escape operation, it actually makes this guy Chen Mouren show this attitude, can it be said that this Chen Mouren is a loyal attribute?"

"Seeing that the son of the big boss who has been loyal for so many years has finally risen in the last chance, so I moved the idea of wanting to support it?"

After sensing Chen Mouren's reaction, Gu Chen finally tensed his state of being about to relax again.

Because Gu Chen felt that this Chen Mouren's brain suddenly broke down, he wanted to turn the gun again to help Li Jiajun.

Then he just can't eat and go around today!

"Danger, danger, danger!"

Although Gu Chen silently became guarded in his heart, his expression did not change in any way.

All the micro-expressions and small movements were very well controlled by Gu Chen.

Coupled with Chen Mouren's current complicated emotions, he didn't notice Gu Chen's current abnormality at all.

He still looks a little fugue like that.

It wasn't until Gu Chen felt that this state couldn't last long, so he coughed lightly that Chen Mouren woke up from his wandering.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, I made you laugh, I just didn't expect this Li Jiajun to have this kind of talent for a while!"

"This stinky boy is really! So good at garlic!

"Seriously, I have seen many strong-willed people who feel that there is no problem with their endurance, and they will not waver in the face of any temptation, even if they indulge in it for a while, they can get out quickly!"

"In the end, didn't you directly fall into it under the influence of those aromatherapy drugs and the environment?"

"As for wanting to escape? No one has that perseverance at all, and as a result, someone can really rush out today? Or this Li Jiajun, who I have never been optimistic about! Hahaha! He's going against the sky!

But Chen Mouren's mouth still did not leave Li Jiajun, and even this wrong situation made Gu Chen suspicious.

"Chen Mouren... Do you care so much about Lee Ka Jun? It's a bit more than a superior-subordinate relationship.

Gu Chen had some doubts in his heart, but he thought of another question.

"It's okay Mr. Chen can understand, but Li Jiajun is running away directly now, but what about my employee Chen Yu!"

Chen Mouren's original smile had spread to the root of his ears, and after suddenly hearing Gu Chen's words, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten something because he was too happy.

For example, that Chen Yu who accompanied Li Jiajun?

Chen Mouren immediately calmed down when he thought of this, and the smile gradually disappeared.

He said calmly.

"Chen Yu! I... I really forgot about him, I'll ask!

So, Chen Mouren, who drank half a bottle of red wine, took out his mobile phone and re-dialed the original person in charge of the special entertainment place.

Gu Chen originally wanted to go up to see what this Chen Mouren was talking about, but at this time, he also received a call.


Gu Chen looked at the caller ID, and then looked at Chen Moren, who was grunting, and then he chose to answer Tong Zixin's call.

After all, in Gu Chen's heart, Tong Zixin must be more important than a Chen Yu.

He doesn't lose sight of priorities.

So, Gu Chen also stood up and walked in the opposite direction to answer the phone.

"What's wrong? Call me all of a sudden? "

President Gu, it's like this..." Tong

Zixin didn't have any ambiguity, and directly said the content of the call that Li Jiasheng had suddenly given him before.

"Looking for me to work with? Lee Jiasheng?

"Did he get kicked in the brain by a donkey?"

Gu Chen directly said his thoughts, and said that this guy had a bad brain.

Tong Zixin actually had the same idea.

But based on her understanding of Li Jiasheng, she felt that there should be more stories behind this.

Because this guy has always been cautious and low-key.

Without him, just because Li Jiasheng knew that his identity was an illegitimate child, of course, he would not make any outrageous moves.

He can't be as swaggering as Li Jiajun.

Whatever you do, it's in the limelight.

"I don't think he will take the initiative to do these things himself, it should be someone who gave him orders and tasks."

"Who do you think it will be?"

After hearing Tong Zixin's judgment, Gu Chen decisively asked this question, and the light in his eyes flickered.

Tong Zixin's words also began to become a little heavy.

"It should be him, Li Jiahao!"

"Only Li Jiahao can unconditionally instruct Li Jiasheng to do anything!"

"If you say that, Li Jiahao should have already begun to prepare what measures to do to me? Otherwise, I wouldn't have sent someone to find me, and it would be Mia and Li Jiasheng all of a sudden.

"That's not a good sign!"

Although the meaning of Gu Chen's words sounded very heavy, I don't know why, he just didn't have the slightest fear of Li Jiahao, and he didn't even have any sense of oppression in his heart.

However, when Tong Zixin heard that there was no difference between Gu Chen's judgment and the judgment in her heart, her breathing became three points heavier.

"Yes, Mr. Gu, although Li Jiahao is estimated to be very busy now because of the transfer of assets, if he makes up his mind to pull out his hand to deal with you, your situation will definitely be very dangerous!"

"What do you mean?"

Gu Chen glanced at Chen Mouren, who had now returned to his seat after making the call, and waved his hand with a smile, signaling this guy to be calm.

Chen Mouren also gave Gu Chen a casual expression, and then began to swipe his mobile phone, as if browsing some documents.

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