Gu Chen withdrew his gaze and continued to focus on the call with Tong Zixin.

"You mean to let me leave Xiangcheng Island quickly?"

"....Yes, Mr. Gu, because we can't guarantee that this Li Jiahao will do something crazy in the end, or that he has some other calculations that are not good for Mr. Gu at all!"

Gu Chen fell silent when he heard this, he was not the kind of person who did not know how to judge the situation.

Naturally, he understood the energy of a person's top rich businessman, and knew that if Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island, really detected his energy and thoughts, he would definitely kill all threats in the cradle.

This caused Gu Chen to leave Xiangcheng Island if he didn't hurry up now, there might really be no way to leave safely.

"It's just speculation! And how do you know that this guy Li Jiasheng doesn't really want to cooperate with me?

It's just that Gu Chen's intuition told him that Li Jiasheng definitely wouldn't come to him this time because Li Jiahao really wanted to deal with him.

The most likely thing is that he still wants Gu Chen to attract a little more attention from the four major families for him.

Gu Chen, who had this thought, did not have any sense of hurry.

Instead, Tong Zixin almost cried.

"No, Mr. Gu! If something happens to you on Xiangcheng Island, even if I lose a single hair, I will feel guilty, let alone this dangerous situation now!

"Don't worry, Zixin, in fact, compared to this question, I have one more question for you!"

Probably to make Tong Zixin feel at ease, and at the same time, Gu Chen also wanted to have a deeper understanding of this Chen Mouren.

So Gu Chen changed the topic very quickly and said.

"Do you know Chen Mouren well?"

"Chen Mouren? Of course, Mr. Gu, have you forgotten, he is my master on the Wanhao Stock Exchange!

"That'll do! I have something to ask you!

So, after Gu Chen successfully changed the topic, he also remembered the relationship between Chen Mouren and Tong Zixin, so he determined that Chen Mouren did not look at this side at all now, and the distance was indeed enough.

Therefore, Gu Chen very directly told Tong Zixin what happened after he and Chen Mouren met.

And in order to reduce the output of time, Gu Chen used his most accurate language condensation method to tell Tong Zixin some of Chen Mouren's thoughts and his own judgment.

"In short, Chen Mouren discovered that Li Jiahao was transferring assets in secret, and in order not to become a scapegoat for staying in Xiangcheng Island, Chen Mouren decided to rebel against Li Jiahao."

"And I directly acquired a part of his shares in this Dakang Construction Group before, and he was willing to compensate me..." Even

Gu Chen told Tong Zixin all the ins and outs.

Tong Zixin's whole person who listened was sluggish, she really didn't expect that so many things had happened in this half a day.

Moreover, it was a thought that suddenly came out of Gu Chen, which burst out so many things.

"It's a little too incredible!"

"Mr. Gu's thoughts are really terrifying, but what is even more terrifying is that Mr. Gu can really suddenly come up with so much money to buy stocks in a short period of time, or overpurchase! This strength is really not to say! Tong

Zi silently had a new understanding of Gu Chen's energy.

At the same time, after listening to what Gu Chen said, Tong Zixin fell into a kind of thought.

"President Gu, according to what you said, in fact, I am still shocked now, I never thought that Chen Mouren would also have the idea of betrayal, you must know that he is the person Li Jiahao trusts the most!"

"I can't believe what he says!"

Tong Zixin still doesn't want to believe that Chen Mouren has betrayed Li Jiahao and wants to bring Li Jiahao down.

"Moreover, I know Chen Mouren's character, a lonely family, basically one person to eat the whole family is not hungry, and it is impossible to worry about retaliation or something."

"On the contrary, because of his unrestrained status, in Xiangcheng Island, most people will not do anything to him, in case the dog is not completely killed, he will definitely suffer the crazy retaliation of this dog!"

Tong Zixin said very seriously, Gu Chen also listened very seriously, and at the same time he also thought of a lot of things.

"Why does this guy seem to be very attentive to Li Jiajun."

Gu Chen was a little strange by Tong Zixin's words.

The main thing is that he really doubted this Chen Mouren.

"I don't have any doubts about his idea of taking down Li Jiahao, I can tell that he really wants to kill Li Jiahao, but I don't know how to believe the reason he said."

"The most important thing is his attitude..."

Gu Chen slowly said some of his thoughts, and Tong Zixin also fell into thought and finally said.

"President Gu, I think either we can deal with Shulan's company's affairs now first, and then you return to Huahai City, I will stay on Xiangcheng Island as an internal response..." Gu

Chen frowned when he heard Tong Zixin's words, and immediately maintained his objections.

"No, let's go back to Huahai City together according to my plan, and when I bring Chen Yu out, we will go back after solving Sun Shulan's affairs."

"But President Gu..." Originally

, Tong Zixin wanted to say something to refute it, but Gu Chen didn't want to continue listening.

Just a faint final remark.

"That's it."

After Gu Chen finished saying this, he directly managed the phone and did not give Tong Zixin any chance to refute at all.

"President Gu!"

Tong Zixin called a few hungry calls on the other end of the phone without responding, only to find that Gu Chen had hung up the phone.

Her expression was filled with mixed emotions.



At this time, Sun Shulan knocked on Tong Zixin's door, and Tong Zixin, whose thoughts were not on this, directly said a word please.

Sun Shulan entered it very smoothly.

"Sister Zixin, I found a problem, we went in the wrong direction before..."

But Sun Shulan was only halfway through her words and suddenly stunned, she looked at Tong Zixin's appearance and was suddenly stunned.

"Are you okay, Sister


Sun Shulan put down the documents in her hand, walked in front of Tong Zixin, took out her handkerchief, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes for Tong Zixin.


Tong Zixin only found that she didn't know why she suddenly shed tears, and her whole person was a little in a trance.

It wasn't until she heard Sun Shulan's concerned words that Tong Zixin reacted.

"It's okay Shulan, I'm just a little happy, happy a little too much! Hehe!

As a result, after Sun Shulan's handkerchief wiped her tears away, she said embarrassedly to Sun Shulan.

"I'm really embarrassed to stain your handkerchief, I'll help you bring it back to wash and give it to you."

"It's okay Sister Zixin, these are all small things, I don't care about you and I don't need to care, but what I care about is your physical condition, or what happened to you just now?"

Sun Shulan held Tong Zixin's palm and found that it was still warm, so she was relieved.

"I'm really okay! It's really a little overjoyed, crying with joy!

Tong Zixin responded to Sun Shulan again, and at the same time picked up the document that Sun Shulan had just put down and watched it again.

"Platform plans for blockchain? Isn't this something that Li Jiahao has been blocking before? What are you going to do? Because

Tong Zixin directly showed a businesslike appearance, coupled with her converged attitude and expression was very serious.

Sun Shulan completely put away the kind of private attitude at the beginning.

She began to talk about some of her judgments in direction.

After Gu Chen hung up the phone here, Chen Mouren called Gu Chen for the first time.

"President Gu!"

Gu Chen put it away and put it away to his side.

"How is President Chen? Chen Yu now?

Chen Mouren waved his hand to express his great admiration.

"Don't talk about Mr. Chen, I think I really have a very good fate with Chen Yu's little brother."

"I don't know what kind of conditions and price do you need to be able to cut your love, so that this capable person will be handed over to me?"

When Gu Chen heard this, he immediately thought that it must be something Chen Yu did to make Chen Mouren impress him.

So Gu Chen, who did not have any hesitation, of course chose to reject Chen Mouren.

"What kind of joke, this Chen Yu is a talent sent by himself, why should I turn him away, or even give it away, then my plan to split the listing of Longteng Group in the future will not be delayed?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Gu Chen thought so in his heart, and Chen Moren was not surprised that he was rejected by Gu Chen.

On the contrary, if Gu Chen really opened his mouth or something, he Chen Mouren really couldn't eat it.

Chen Mouren sighed, and in Gu Chen's pressing again, he said what Chen Yu did to make Chen Mouren so respectful.

"It turns out that the reason why Li Jiajun, this smelly boy, was able to leave in a bright and honest way... It's all this Chen Yu's handwriting, it's really making me happy!

"Mr. Gu, guess what, he actually coaxed Li Jiajun to leave, and at the same time used this means to make his sense of existence disappear and directly blend into women's clothing, and he wanted to leave together!"

"I really don't know how he convinced those women who only had money in their eyes! It was really a talent to be able to have twelve people protect him together! Gu

Chen found out in Chen Mouren's narration that Chen Yu was really powerful.

Not only convinced Li Jiajun, but also convinced the twelve female companions, this eloquence, to be a financial executive, there is indeed a little talent.

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