Gu Chen almost couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

Chen Mouren also felt a little bit of holding back a smile.

Because both of them knew Chen Yu, they both knew that Chen Yu was a big boy who had always been sunny and bright.

Suddenly, the disguise became a woman coming out of the room, and the suffering could be imagined.

"Then logically speaking, his disguise should be seamless, why was it recognized?"

Laughing at the follow-up, Gu Chen felt that he couldn't at least not mock his little employee so much.

He felt that he should think about Chen Yu's situation the most.

For example, where is he now, what is the situation.

Other things will be discussed later.

Chen Mouren, who heard Gu Chen's question, also put down his wine bowl and said to Gu Chen in a funny tone.

"Actually, I still have to blame you for this, President Gu, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have thought that I wouldn't have caught Chen Yu in women's clothes!"

"It's all your credit!"

Yes? Gu Chen laughed loudly when he heard Chen Mouren without the slightest image.

Suddenly, Gu Chen felt a bad emotion in his heart.

He said slowly to Chen Mouren.

"President Chen, you don't mean that just after Chen Yu was about to escape, I asked you to ask Chen Yu about his current situation, and the result was after I asked like this."

"Find out Chen Yu directly?"

Gu Chen said his guess, and then after getting a crazy nod and wild laughter from Chen Mouren, Gu Chen was also helpless.

"If I want to say, sometimes, some people are really very lucky, even if it is the Dao Mountain Fire Sea in front of him, he can walk directly with his eyes closed!"

"But there are still people who are very unlucky, even if they are flat open spaces in front of them, they can directly fall out of thin air after walking up to prove their bad luck!"

"And Chen Yu, it's probably such a person!"

Gu Chen's complaining did not make any change in Chen Mouren's expression, but he kept laughing.

Gu Chen coughed twice before continuing.

"Then how is Chen Yu now, is it okay?"

"His physical fitness is still very good, even if... I don't know how many rounds of the battle last night, but it is still alive and there is no problem! It just seems that the state in the psyche is not very good!

Chen Mouren groped his chin and continued.

"You know, this kind of social death is not common, just let this Chen Yu run into it once! It scared Chen Yu's little brother a little flustered!

After Gu Chen knew this situation, he also sighed silently and continued.

"Who says it's not, if I accidentally scare out a little problematic problem in the future, won't I be a sinner?"

"So Mr. Chen, don't sell off with me here! What is Chen Yu's current situation! I'll see if there's anything to compensate him.

Gu Chen's words directly made Chen Mouren slowly retract his smile and said.

"I can't imagine that President Gu is so benevolent, he actually wants to compensate this guy, if I want to say ah, I should carry forward the power of our capital, and directly deduct him a wave of money!"

"This is so that he knows what it means to be wine and wealth, and not to be contaminated!"

"If from the beginning, this guy didn't have those strange ideas, didn't shake his beliefs, and could stick to his bottom line, where would there be so many problems now!"

"I have already passed that VIP road directly, and I can only go to Li Jiahao and say that Longteng Group has come to a stunned young man who is not afraid of heaven and earth!" This 5G base station thing can't be solved!

"Where are there so many troublesome things now!"

Gu Chen listened to Chen Mouren's grumbling, although there was no expression on his face.

But in his heart, in fact, Gu Chen is still a little embarrassed, why?

"Because it was me and Chen Yu, the stunned Qingqing, who said that he ate Chen Moren and drank Chen Moren! Play Chen Mouren's! But just don't do things for Chen Mouren to do 5G base stations! So

based on this truth, if something happened to Chen Yu's side, he would really feel guilty.

But fortunately, Chen Mouren's next opening made Gu Chen breathe a sigh of relief.

"He, he's fine now, he just looks a little, a little thinner!"

"It's normal to lose weight, after all, the things I did before are too confusing, basically not many people can control their outbreaks or something!"

"So you can't blame him, and now he is also eating some supplements that have been prepared a long time ago, so Mr. Gu, you can rest assured, this Chen Yu will be able to cultivate for two or three days at most and soon be able to recover to become the strongest soldier under you!"

After the smiling Chen Mouren said this paragraph, Gu Chen nodded and said.

"In that case, I have to thank Mr. Chen more, otherwise I really don't know what to do!" When I came to Xiangcheng Island, it was embarrassing for people to go back and become a different look! After

another polite exchange with Chen Mouren, Gu Chen began to say.

"Then can you send Chen Yu to meet me now, there are some things I still have to ask him clearly."

It's just that he didn't expect that after Gu Chen finished saying this, the expression on Chen Mouren's face did not change at all.

But there was a slight pause in the movement.

"Now, in fact, President Gu, I'm not lying to you, Chen Yu is not easy to move around now! His body is relatively weak!

"It's as if he had obviously mixed into those female companions before, why didn't he Chen Yu run away directly?"

"Isn't it because he also knows that he has been a little weak lately?"

"Therefore, President Gu, Chen Yu at this time needs to recuperate first, otherwise, I am afraid that he will tremble when walking!"

When Chen Mouren spoke, his face showed a look of great concern for Chen Yu.

Gu Chen didn't know what kind of words to use to refute this Chen Mouren.

Because this reason is really very ingenious.

However, here Chen Mouren has actually begun to lie.

"Chen Yu can't leave because of his weak legs? Then why was Li Jiajun able to walk away swaggering?

"It's not because this Chen Yu's calculation has failed!"

Chen Mouren began to slowly replay in his heart.

He recalled that when he first connected the phone, when he heard his person in charge say these things, Chen Mouren had already pieced together a general fact.

It was nothing more than that Chen Yu felt that this was not a place to stay for a long time.

So he wanted to get out of it quickly.

It's just that Chen Yu is also very smart, knowing that this kind of place is easy to come in and difficult to go out, so he set his eyes on Li Jiajun, who was dashing with him.

Relying on Chen Yu's few senses at that time, he finally remembered that this Li Jiajun liked Tong Zixin very much.

Directly moved Tong Zixin out without saying a word, intimidating Li Jiajun.

Let Lee Jiajun regain some sanity.

At the same time, he used his three-inch uncorrupted tongue to make this Li Jiajun believe that he was the identity of the escape master.

Originally, Chen Yu really planned to let this substitute ghost, that is, Li Jiajun, be released.

"As long as Li Jiajun attracts those little brothers who are guarding this place according to my words, won't he be able to help me directly lead away those guards at that time?"

"Then I will have enough space to escape while the chaos comes! The most important thing is that all the lights and attention fall on Li Jiajun, and I can take this opportunity to get out of trouble!

"And even if Li Jiajun really succeeds and doesn't attract anyone's attention...then I can wait until they find out about Li Jiajun's disappearance, make a commotion, and then find an opportunity to leave!"

"In this case, it is directly a two-handed plan, which is perfect!"

Chen Yu felt that such a win-win situation was perfect, no matter how he was

, who knew, in the end, Li Jiajun actually appeared, and after he left with swagger, no one noticed his departure.

No one even cares about it.

As a result, Chen Yu fell into deep thinking, thinking about whether he had done something wrong.

And after another period of time, Chen Yu learned from the situation that there was no reaction from the outside world at all, that he really did something wrong.

"I already knew that there were no rules here, so I should go out directly!" Isn't it a waste to let this guy out! Chen

Yu, who was already very painful in his heart, decided to kill a bloody way out by himself.

But just after this idea came up, it was discovered that after a long time, someone finally discovered that Li Jiajun had disappeared.

At the same time, someone came to his room to check on the situation.

Fortunately, Chen Yu was resourceful and had already prepared all the means of concealment, so that no one found that he had been hiding.

Or maybe his sense of existence is too low.

Anyway, no one found out where he was.

Chen Yu didn't know whether to laugh or feel sad.

"Are little people so unwelcome? Hey, forget it! Don't want so much! Let's honestly hurry up and get ready to leave! Thinking

so, there was a time when Chen Yu mixed among those women and left together.

In the end, he was told that he would not be able to leave completely until the time of the shift in the evening, which was another unexpected situation.

It almost directly made Chen Yu, who already felt that life was miserable, feel the danger of the world.

At the same time, he can't just stabilize and wait for the opportunity.

This wait, not only did not wait for their own opportunity to come to their heads, but even directly waited until they were discovered.

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