After Gu Chen thought of this, he began to comfort Tong Zixin.

"Okay, okay, don't think about it so much, even if this Chen Mouren has a big plan, how about it, by then we will all have left Xiangcheng Island!" Even if this Chen Mouren's means are powerful, what can he do?

"I have the ability to let him directly extend the dog's paw to Huahai City to try it, and then I will let him know what it is to come and go!"

Gu Chen's comfort was still very effective.

At least in some ways, Tong Zixin has recovered.

"It seems to be right, as long as we return to Xiangcheng Island, this Chen Mouren will not be able to deal with us even if he has more plans and means, moreover, it will cause some bad situations!"

After thinking of this, Tong Zixin's face turned bloody.

Seeing that Tong Zixin finally recovered his spirit, Gu Chen was relieved.

Only suddenly, Tong Zixin seemed to think of something again.

"What about Chen Yu? Are we going to leave him alone?

After asking this, the expression on Gu Chen's face became a little embarrassed.

"He, he really can't come back yet, but I guess he will be able to come back tomorrow."

"And I have something to tell you."

Although Tong Zixin was a little curious about the fact that Chen Yu could not come back, Gu Chen was obviously unwilling to say more about Chen Yu.

It seems that it is a little difficult to open up to her, so she is already very smart and knows what is called Tong Zixin.

Immediately, he changed his appearance and asked Gu Chen.

"Yes, Mr. Gu, then you can quickly talk about it, I can't wait!"

Looking at the eccentric Tong Zixin, suddenly Gu Chen didn't want to tell her these things.

After all, Li Jiajun is also her nominal ... suitor.

But the words had already come to his lips, and if Gu Chen didn't say it, it would definitely make Tong Zixin feel strange.

"Well, anyway, Zixin won't be able to marry this Li Jiajun in the future, even if he is now known about some dirty things about Li Jiajun, what can he do?"

"It's just that the already bad impression of Li Jiajun is even worse!"

Gu Chen, who thought of this, coughed twice and immediately told the story of a certain Li Jiajun who was unwilling to reveal his name.

"At that time, the person who appeared on Chen Yu's VIP road, in addition to Chen Yu, there was another person, his name was Li Jiajun."

Originally, Gu Chen thought that this boy would be a little unhappy when he heard Li Jiajun's name.

Who knows, Tong Zixin's reaction was a little bigger than Gu Chen thought.

She asked directly with a frown.

"President Gu, are you sure that the person who went on that road with Chen Yu is Li Jiajun?"

"OK... Sure.

Gu Chen didn't expect Tong Zixin to have such a big reaction, and an embarrassed look was written on his face.

It seems that he does not understand the state of Tong Zixin at this time.

Or it is not clear whether Tong Zixin's reaction is because he likes or cares about Li Jiajun.

Or maybe it's because Li Jiajun's situation makes Tong Zixin feel ashamed.

Li Jiajun, who obviously threatened to marry himself with 10 billion before, turned his head and became a scumbag who was simply lying.

Is it the change in the situation brought about by this contrast that makes Tong Zixin react so much?

In short, Gu Chen thought of a lot in an instant, but he wouldn't care about anything.

Because if it was, Gu Chen would tell Tong Zixin that this Li Jiajun would not have any good ends in the future.

Especially after the fall of Li Jiahao, there is no need to think about so many things with him now.

Gu Chen silently thought of a lot.

Just when he was about to open his mouth to comfort Tong Zixin.

Tong Zixin actually spoke first.

"President Gu, I think Chen Mouren's temptation of Li Jiahao has begun, if I didn't predict the mistake, I might be chaotic if I wanted to hold out later."

Hearing Tong Zixin speak like this, Gu Chen's brows suddenly furrowed.

He didn't quite understand why Tong Zixin would suddenly say such words.

"Hasn't Li Jiajun ever been to such a place before?"

Gu Chen seemed to have thought of something and asked directly.


Tong Zixin did not doubt that Gu Chen could think of this, and directly said his answer.

"Mr. Gu, you should know by now that and wealth are not a good thing."

"Yes, it's too easy to corrode people's hearts."

Gu Chen didn't say anything messy to justify because it was in Gu Chen's subconscious.

Everything on the road of wine and wealth is a great evil.

The crime was so bad that Gu Chen felt a bit of a headache.

At this time, after hearing Tong Zixin say this, he immediately felt that he seemed to have overlooked something.

"What do you mean? Didn't Li Jiahao ever let Li Jiajun go to these places before?

After hearing Gu Chen's words, Tong Zixin immediately continued.

"Yes, although Li Jiahao did not have any special control over Li Jiajun's life before, it can even be said to be a little indulgent, but he never let Li Jiajun come into contact with things on this road."

"Even Li Jiajun may not know that there is such an interesting place for him in Xiangcheng Island!"

Gu Chen frowned silently, and after listening to Tong Zixin's words, he also seemed to understand something.

"If you say so, in fact, the reason why Li Jiajun went on this road is actually because of this Chen Mouren's guidance?"

"It can be said that otherwise, without the consent of the person in charge of the road, basically no one can enter this road, let alone participate."

Tong Zixin's determination made Gu Chen feel a little headache.

"How do you know so clearly."

Before figuring out some questions about Li Jiajun, Gu Chen wanted to figure out this Tong Zixin's problem.

After all, this determines Gu Chen's future disposal methods for these industries.

If Tong Zixin had suffered from this wine-colored wealth, then he was sorry, even if these places could bring great wealth to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen will also directly destroy these places.

If Tong Zixin only learned about these places through some other means, it was actually not a big problem.

For something must exist for its own reasons.

When there are a lot of positive emotions in a bright city, there must be a dark side under the light.

If you don't let these rich people on the wine and wealth vent more of the gloom in their hearts.

In fact, if you keep holding it for too long, there will be some disgusting things that people don't want to see.

Therefore, there is such a place where they can vent their emotions.

And it's still ready-made, why not Gu Chen?

Of course, now, everything depends on Tong Zixin's attitude and experience.

But in the end, with Tong Zixin's story, the worst did not happen.

"No, Mr. Gu, you misunderstood! I knew all these things because I had already been released when the last entertainment venue was established, and I happened to be studying with Chen Mouren.

"At that time, because of my special identity, Chen Mouren did not hide everything from me, but took me with him."

"Since then, I have known that there are entertainment venues for these top rich people with wine, wealth..." Tong

Zixin's narration made Gu Chen bow his head slightly.

"Well, in that case, you can still keep them!"

When Gu Chen raised his head again, the topic switched to Li Jiajun's question before.

"So if you say that, in fact, Li Jiajun is also a victim?"

"What kind of victim is he, just a brainless follower! And I finally understood why Chen Mouren dared to use the public accounts of the intact stock exchange so boldly to make up for your damage to Mr. Gu. Tong

Zixin was completely like a risk analyst at this time, seeing everything in his eyes.

And made the most profound and thorough understanding.

"Because this Chen Mouren has already tested some of Li Jiahao's current situation, since he threw Li Jiajun into this road of wine and wealth, he has not received any warning!"

"He knows that either this Li Jiahao has already given up Li Jiajun and went all out to cultivate Li Jiasheng!"

"Either the current Li Jiahao doesn't have any extra thoughts to take care of Li Jiajun's broken things! He has his own things to be busy with, and his power has been completely weakened, and his business empire has almost come to an end!

"Therefore, based on the above considerations, Chen Mouren will make a more daring and safer test for him after you appeared!"

Tong Zi slowly told his thoughts.

In Gu Chen's eyes, he seemed to see a pair of invisible black hands appear, slowly covering the sky of Xiangcheng Island.

The first is that he still has Tong Zixin, and the second is Li Jiahao, who has not shown his head until now.

"It's kind of interesting!"

In this regard, Gu Chen issued such a compliment.

Tong Zixin heard Gu Chen's unsalty words, and suddenly became a little anxious.

"Mr. Gu, aren't you worried?"

"Worried about what?"

"Worried about our current situation!"

Probably because after calculating that his master had so many dangerous behaviors, Tong Zixin explained that something didn't look quite right.

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