Gu Chen spent some effort to calm Tong Zixin down.

"Don't worry, although Chen Mouren's current plot is very big."

"But this doesn't mean that Li Jiahao doesn't have the strength to back and parry at all!"

"I think you must not scare yourself at this time, everything that has settled in the dust will not be revealed until tomorrow!"

Gu Chen said to Tong Zixin with a very calm word.

The stability in the tone makes people already full of longing just by hearing it.

Therefore, after Tong Zixin's heart settled down, he also began to think about this problem.

"President Gu, you seem to be right when you say that."

"Because Li Jiahao is indeed a guy who secretly feels uneasy if he doesn't prepare a little means! His hypochondria was severe.

"The bottom line is that he never trusted anyone."

Tong Zixin thought while speaking, and when he said the last sentence, Tong Zixin raised his head and glanced at Gu Chen.

"There must be a backhand!"

"Then let's stand still and quietly watch this Chen Mouren and Li Jiahao dog eat dog!"

Gu Chen directly qualified the matter with a single sentence, which suddenly made Tong Zixin's sense of security burst in his heart.

At the same time, he is also full of confidence in Gu Chen.

"This is indeed the truth, Mr. Gu, we can even have a sandpiper mussel competition for the profit of the fisherman!" It's just that once the real Li Jiahao and Chen Mouren turn their faces, it may be that the financial market of Xiangcheng Island will be full of storms!

"The most important thing is that the other four major families will definitely take advantage of the chaos to intervene, and then this sky will be full of turbidity!"

Tong Zixin suddenly became a little sad as she spoke.

Because this time, it is likely that there will be some sad scenes, and my concentric coins may completely collapse.

His own efforts should be directly exposed after he became Gu Chen's internal response.

At that time, what awaits her must be the angry Li Jiahao and Li Jiajun's punishment of her virtual assets.

Therefore, Tong Zixin, who thought of this, began to feel sad.

Gu Chen found that Tong Zixin at this time seemed to be a little stuck in some kind of cycle, unable to get out of the trap.

But fortunately, Gu Chen was by her side, constantly talking to Tong Zixin.

Finally, Tong Zixin said his troubles.

"Mr. Gu, my concentric coins are gone! My hard work, which I have guarded for so many years, will completely disappear.

Gu Chen looked at Tong Zixin, whose face was full of expressions that were about to cry.

Immediately, I started thinking about countermeasures.

"Don't worry Zixin, as long as your thinking doesn't slip, there are always more ways than difficulties!"

Only after saying this sentence, Tong Zixin slowly stopped his crying and said.

"Actually, I also know that I am not crying for Concentric Coin, but I feel sad for my experience over the years!"

"Although I gained a lot in the process, I also lost a lot of things, but I just felt like I was alone!"

Saying that, Tong Zixin's whole person began to cry again.

This made Gu Chen suddenly not know what to say.

"Women are really made of water, this tear will come..." There

was no way, Gu Chen had to continue to comfort Tong Zixin.

And began to find a way to help Tong Zixin get his concentric coins back.

"It's okay Zixin, have you forgotten Sun Shulan and them?"

In order to temporarily stabilize Tong Zixin first, Gu Chen directly began to move Sun Shulan and them out to talk about it.

Just after Tong Zixin heard Sun Shulan's name, her thoughts began to slowly become clearer.

The whole person also began to stop crying.

She looked at Gu Chen, and her eyes were filled with a color called hope.

"Mr. Gu, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is that now Sun Shulan and they have just set up a company, and in some cases we don't need to come forward ourselves, we have specially transferred money from my foreign account to the company they established."

"Then use their company account to slowly buy all the concentric coins."

"I don't say I bought them all, but I can always keep the seeds and the like, so that I can still rebuild the architecture of Concentric Coin in the future, right?"

Gu Chen looked at Tong Zixin's slowly improving face and knew that she had listened to her words.

This change made Gu Chen a little relieved, and at the same time, he thought of something and said.

"Okay, okay, the time should be about the same, isn't Wan Guan still waiting for us, if he doesn't go again, I'm afraid he will be scared to death."

Gu Chen's words made Tong Zixin completely relax, and at the same time, he also began to slowly recover.

"That's right, this guy has already released the pigeon once, can't he release it again this time, if he runs away directly in a hurry, it will be embarrassing!"

In order to alleviate the recent situation that was wrong, Tong Zixin even made a small joke.

After all, Tong Zixin had encountered this kind of existence such as businessmen who ran away directly when they encountered things.

She didn't believe that a person like Wan Guan would not prepare a few more ways for herself.

Thinking so, Tong Zixin quickly collected his emotions, and the two came to the place agreed upon with Wan Guan.

Before getting out of the car, Gu Chen saw a man in a blue suit standing at the door.

His expression was very nervous, looking around from time to time, and his eyes were full of a feeling of worry.

Especially when he saw a car appear in front of him, he would be very anxious to step forward to see if it was the person he was waiting for.

It's just that every time, one of his hanging hearts keeps going up and down.

It's like a little man waiting outside of an urgent delivery.

Gu Chen and Tong Zixin came to this guy's side, and he also came up.

Because it was a one-way glass, Tong Zixin's face was not seen by this man for the first time.

Until Tong Zixin lowered the window and asked.

"Parking? Or is it Wanguan? "

Because Tong Zixin has never seen Wan Guan, he doesn't know what Wan Guan looks like at all.

Looking at his positive appearance, as if he was a car boy or something, Tong Zixin had a psychology to tease him.


Sure enough, this Wan Guan was directly stunned by Tong Zixin's words.

But in an instant, Wan Guan looked at Tong Zixin's appearance and was not the person he was waiting for, and immediately cried out a little frightened.

"Tong! Sister Tong! What are you doing, scare me! I thought it was! Hahaha! Wan

Guan was about to welcome Tong Zixin off the bus.

Tong Zixin also did not have any ambiguity, looking at this lean man in front of him, he did not expect that Wan Guan would be such a small bean sprout figure.

But his eyes are thieves.

Just after seeing Tong Zixin get out of the car, Gu Chen, who was sitting in the main driver's seat, also got out of the car.

Suddenly, Wan Guan's gaze shifted to Gu Chen's body and after a little look, this Wan Guan seemed to have thought of something.

He hurriedly came to Gu Chen's side and took Gu Chen's key.

"Hello Mr. Gu, I'm Wan Guan, you can just call me Xiao Wan! I'm a long time admired by you!

"I am really honored to see you today!"

Saying that, Wan Guan beckoned the car boy who he had intercepted long ago to come over and help Gu Chen park the car.

Looking at Wan Guan, who nodded and bowed, and his face was full of flattery, Gu Chen nodded and did not say anything.

He wasn't surprised that this guy would know himself.

"It seems that my identity information of crossing the river dragon has been completely spread by Li Jiahao or some well-intentioned people."

"Hey, it's a little silly to think about the countess like this, I guess I didn't expect to let Li Wenquan come to herself, but directly let Li Wenquan go to find Jiang Min, otherwise she should have found me by now."

Gu Chen was glad that the countess was a woman who was not very smart.

I am also glad that I left Jiang Min in the Astronomy Club, otherwise, if Li Wenquan found Jiang Min alone, it would be a bit troublesome.

When thinking so, Tong Zixin came to Gu Chen's side and said softly.

"Okay, how long do you want to stay outside, it's time to go in?"

When Wan Guan heard this, he immediately felt like he was pumping a few mouths, and immediately said hey.

"What Sister Tong said is, you look at my brain, when you see the real big man, it's a little confused! I actually forgot to invite Gu Chen in and speak!

"It's my fault, my fault, Mr. Gu, please here, I have already opened the private room, just waiting for you to come!"

Wan Guan made a look of invitation and let Gu Chen and the others enter the private room.

Tong Zixin also very naturally took Gu Chen's arm and entered the hotel in the respectful attitude of Wan Guan nodding and bowing.

Gu Chen also behaved very generously.

A few people started very smoothly.

It's just that after arriving in the private room, the rich and luxurious packaging, coupled with that Chinese style, really made Gu Chen feel a little uncomfortable.

"It's a bit pompous."

Tong Zixin looked at the surrounding walls painted bright yellow, the seat was still a bit similar to the dragon chair, and he was a little uncomfortable.

This earthy room like a dining room still makes people feel a little dreaming back to the imperial dynasty.

But Tong Zixin and Gu Chen are both modern people, although they look noble, but the two do not appreciate it.

Wan Guan's ability to detect words and look at words at this time was still there, and his face immediately showed a look of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, Sister Tong!"

"This time, due to the shortage of time, when I booked a private room, only this private room of the Golden Luang Hall No. 1 was left!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be so stupid to choose a place to talk."

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