But that didn't stop him from being disappointed.

And now under his disappointed heart, Gu Chen suddenly understood him and believed in him very much, making him like a long drought in manna, and he met his old country in another place.

"President Gu, don't worry, I will definitely not fail you!"

Director Lin decided on the spot.

What Gu Chen wanted was his determination: "Good! I believe Director Lin will definitely study it!

So Director Lin, who was full of energy, continued to struggle with full of enthusiasm, and Gu Chen was completely relieved.

Everything is ready, just wait a month!

So the next few days of Gu Chen were spent in leisure, and the daily workload was naturally pitiful.

No, he had just finished inspecting the construction site of the new district, chatting with his old son in the dust.

"Dad, if you don't go back, mom is really going to kill you!" Gu Chen smiled bitterly.

Who knew that Father Gu didn't care, just waved his hand: "Don't worry, she is just talking, I will go back after this busy paragraph, the company is newly opened, there are still many problems to solve!" Seeing

that he couldn't persuade and Gu Chen couldn't help, his mobile phone rang.

I took out a look, but it was poetry calling.


"Hello? Chairman, the secretary you asked me to interview has been interviewed in the past few days, I have a total of three here, just wait for you to choose! The

voice on the other side of the poetry rang out.

"Huh? So fast?

Gu Chen was stunned, if it weren't for the poetry reminder, he would have forgotten.

When Shishi heard this, she didn't want to complain about Gu Chen anymore, and she didn't have a good way; "Of course! Now there are so many people who want to come to work in our Taiyu, as soon as I sent this news, I received dozens of cover letters on the same day!

"Okay, I'll be right over!" After Gu Chen listened, he didn't want to stay here longer.

After saying goodbye to Lao Tzu, he directly killed the Taiyu Group.

A few hours later, the car was safely parked in the underground parking lot.

A lot of dust on Gu Chen's body didn't have time to wipe it off, and when he returned to the office, he was about to call Xu Shishi over, when there was a knock on the door outside.

"Please come in!"

I saw Chu Xinyi walking in with long legs.

"Eh?" Gu Chen was surprised after seeing the person coming, because he wanted to fully cooperate with international suppliers, and he had not seen Chu Xinyi for a long time.

"How? I'm not welcome? Chu

Xinyi saw Gu Chen's expression, and immediately pretended to be sad.

When Gu Chen heard this, he quickly smiled: "Ahem, where is it, President Chu has finished talking about things?"

"Of course!" Chu Xinyi looked proud, and with this period of communication, she had signed a cooperation agreement with two-thirds of the suppliers.

"Congratulations Congratulations! Hard work!

Gu Chen was also happy, he didn't expect to really ask her to take it down.

"That is! But I heard that President Gu seems to be recruiting a secretary? Chu

Xinyi heard Gu Chen's praise, the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, and then his face changed, and he asked casually.

"Eh? Not bad! Gu Chen was stunned, but still admitted.

"President Gu should have found a secretary a long time ago, and now it just so happens that I just want to recruit a secretary, so let's go together, how?" Chu Xinyi looked at Gu Chen with a smile.

If Shi Shi hadn't told her, how would she have known, she would have become more proactive after what happened before.

"Ahem, President Chu should naturally have a secretary, I don't have any problems!"

Hearing Chu Xinyi's words, where did he have an opinion, his heart was almost the same.

So Chu Xinyi directly arranged the interview meeting.

Gu Chen glanced at Xu Shishi and instantly understood, and at a glance it was this Nizi's report.

In a bright conference room, Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi were sitting on one side, and at this time, three women seeking jobs walked in outside the door.

The secretary, the first impression is naturally the most important, so the appearance of the three is within the value, but one of them is better than the two combined.

"Hello three, please sit down first!"

Chu Xinyi looked at the three people who came in, glanced at it casually, his gaze stayed on the third person for a long time, and his eyes were also amazing, that is, it was not much worse than himself!

At this time, Gu Chen also raised his head and looked over, and was instantly stunned.

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

The two were surprised in unison;

Ling Chu Xinyi and the other two women were stunned, the two knew each other?

The two women who are looking for jobs are no longer hopeful at this time, they can't compare with others based on their appearance, they can't compare with their academic qualifications, plus the other party still knows the interviewer, they all want to leave now.

And Chu Xinyi is a wake-up call in his heart, the two have known each other before? How did I not know? How are they doing now?

"You guys know each other?"

Suppressing the questions in her heart, Chu Xinyi asked.

"Uh-huh!" Gu Chen nodded.

"Aren't you a streamer? How did the interview secretary come?

Gu Chen turned his head to look at Yan Qing, who was also surprised.

That's right, this woman is Yan Qing, who has had several encounters with Gu Chen before.

Things went back a few days.

At that time, after Yan Qing separated from Gu Chen, she thought about today's danger and decided to leave the live broadcast industry.

So the next day she planned to resign, because of Mr. Gan's words, her company naturally did not dare to take the contract to say anything, and directly let her leave.

But after she left, she didn't know what to do.

She majored in language and literature in college, and it is not easy to find a job in the current society.

Only high-level secretaries who enter state-owned enterprises or engage in social institutions and organizations to fully assist in leadership work, referred to as secretaries.

At the beginning, she naturally submitted her resume on the school recruitment, and with her status as a famous university and her appearance that was enough to debut, there was naturally no shortage of companies.

But when she first entered, the owner of the company was very kind to her.

But after a while, disgusting thoughts appeared, hinting at what she was going to do, so she simply resigned.

But I didn't expect to find a secretarial job in the end.

But this time she was cautious, after many days of review, Taiyu Group entered her sight, plus Chu Xinyi is the idol of all the women in their Huahai City.

So she submitted her resume, no doubt, all the way to the final link, but did not expect that the interviewer turned out to be someone she knew.

"My university major and secretary are compatible, just come over, I don't want to be an anchor anymore!"

Yan Qing explained.

Gu Chen nodded when he heard this.

After that, the two did not say much and went directly to the normal interview process.

Chu Xinyi naturally asked many sharp questions in response to Yan Qing.

However, Yan Qing's own strength is quite strong, methodical, and answers all the questions very indifferently.

Rao is Chu Xinyi, who likes to pick thorns, and also feels that Yan Qing is a rare talent.

The balance in her heart was naturally tilted towards her, but she was very hesitant in her heart whether to recruit this love rival and still get along day and night.

"All right! This is the end of today's interview, thank you three for your cooperation, if anyone is selected, we will call to inform you! Chu

Xinyi looked at Gu Chen, who nodded, so she ended the interview.

The three women quickly got up to thank them, and left directly,

but Yan Qing's face was full of doubts and disappointment at some point.

She was sensitive in her heart to know that Gu Chen and her idol had a different relationship, and after knowing Gu Chen and knowing herself, she had a kind of hostility.

This made her very disappointed.

"Talk about it! Mr. Gu, I didn't see that you still know such a good-looking young lady!

When a few people went out, Chu Xinyi looked at Gu Chen with a smile.

"There have been several encounters! Happy you know! Seeing

Chu Xinyi nodding, he continued: "I was having dinner with his father, and suddenly she ran in and said that someone was trying to force her, so I saved her.

"So simple? Heroes save beauty? Chu Xinyi said sourly at this time.

"In fact, what is even more coincidental is that the one who forced her is Gan Le that kid!"

Speaking of this, Gu Chen laughed directly, that night was really coincidental.

Then Gu Chen said what happened that night, and Chu Xinyi also smiled, and then he didn't have a good impression of Gan Le.

He was very sympathetic to Yan Qing's experience and appreciated her talent, but she was very worried that with a woman's sixth sense, she would know that Yan Qing must have a good impression of Gu Chen.

Thinking of this, she was very hesitant in her heart.

"How? President Chu, which secretary do you want to find? Gu Chen thought so much and asked with a smile.

"Naturally, I am looking for that Miss Yan Qingyan!"

Hearing Gu Chen's words, Chu Xinyi rolled her eyes and said with a smile.

"Eh!" Gu Chen's vision is not bad, seeing Yan Qing's strength, he knows that he is also a good secretary, coupled with that good-looking appearance, a proper plus, he is naturally moved.

Unexpectedly, he was robbed by Chu Xinyi.

He also understood Chu Xinyi's thoughts and worries in his heart, so he was very hesitant, otherwise he could directly give an order from the chairman.

So for a while, both of them had something in their hearts, and they didn't find it until Xu Shishi came in.

Seeing Xu Shishi was like seeing Chu Xinyi, who was a lifesaver, and quickly pulled her aside and said everything again.

Ling Xu Shishi missed a big drama, and in the end she was also very embarrassed, she naturally supported Chu Xinyi as her sister, that is, her aunt recognized it.

"Sister Xinyi, anyway, I can't let her stay by my brother's side, otherwise I'm afraid my brother will make a mistake!" Xu Shishi thought about it and said;

Chu Xinyi naturally knew this truth.

Xu Shishi looked at Gu Chen next to her and continued; "Sister Xinyi, I think you might as well accept her as a secretary, there is no problem for the two of them under your nose, and she is even more unlikely to have any intersection with my brother in the clear."

Hearing this, Chu Xinyi was stunned.

Oh, yes!

If it weren't for this time, she wouldn't have known that there was a woman outside who was no worse than her who liked Gu Chen, and if there was really something, then she would be too late.

After thinking about it, Chu Xinyi's eyes gradually returned to their previous radiance, and she was concerned about it.

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