"President Gu, since you don't have any ideas, then Miss Yan is my secretary! No comment! Chu

Xinyi blinked her big eyes and looked at Gu Chen with a pitiful expression.

Xu Shishi also stared at Gu Chen and wanted to put pressure on him.

Gu Chen sighed and could only agree: "That's okay!" Chu

Xinyi was relieved in her heart, she was afraid that Gu Chen would not be willing.

So Chu Xinyi went to deal with affairs.

"Brother, I think you better confess to Sister Xinyi as soon as possible! Now she is about to become a frightened bird, you see in the past, how can her smart mind still need me to remind her, it's not that people care too much about you!

Xu Shishi looked at Gu Chen and whispered.

"I know!" Gu Chen nodded, how did I get to the end like a negative man? I obviously just want to find a secretary, what bad thoughts can I have?

Gu Chen was depressed in his heart, but he also felt that what Xu Shishi said made sense, he and Chu Xinyi both had a good impression of each other, but no one had broken the last trace of the film.

Finally, he went back to the office and saw his brother sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone.

"How did I forget him!"

He knew the contradiction between Gan Le and Yan Qing.

"Lezi, tell you something?"

"Huh? What's the matter with Brother Dust?

Gan Le raised his head and asked puzzled.

Gu Chen smiled bitterly: "It's your girl who wants to be strong, and she is about to become an employee of our group!" "

Huh?" When Gan Le heard this, his face was a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, you won't see her often, it's now President Chu's secretary!" Gu Chen comforted.

Who knew that when Gan Le heard this, he glanced at Gu Chen's body a few times, and then showed a playful smile.

He knew the relationship between Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi, plus that Yan Qing was not bad, and his appearance of watching a good show directly provoked Gu Chen to hammer a few punches.

How can he explain that he has nothing to do with Yan Qing, and everyone believes it!

In the next few days, in addition to the work documents to sign, Gu Chen basically did not come to Taiyu but stayed remotely.

Since everyone does not believe it, then he tries to avoid it.

On this day, Gu Chen was in the remote group office again.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

"Hello? President Chu, what's wrong? "

Something happened!"

Chu Xinyi stood by the floor-to-ceiling window of the office, and her good-looking face was worried for a while.

"What's wrong?" Gu Chen was stunned.

"Didn't we talk about cooperation with international suppliers before? They have prepared the raw materials and are waiting for us to ship, but where did the previous transport company ship so much? So I quickly contacted several other transportation companies, and they all very clearly rejected us.

Chu Xinyi said incoherently.

She had always been in charge of this matter, and now that such a big thing had happened, she instantly panicked after there was no way to solve it.

"Oh? Haven't you already negotiated a few? Gu Chen asked with a frown;

Xu Yi heard Gu Chen's voice, and Chu Xinyi's nervous expression eased: "Not bad!" However, they all said that something suddenly happened, either the crew had taken leave, or the cargo ship was being overhauled. "

Huh? It seems that someone is secretly making trouble? When

Gu Chen heard this, he understood.

"Yes! There is the shadow of the Bai Group and the Zhou Group! Hearing

this, the news of the two appeared in Gu Chen's mind.

Bai's Group and Zhou's Group are both well-known enterprises in the manufacturing industry.

Taiyu Group was originally just a material supplier, and it was also a cooperative relationship with them.

But this year, Taiyu officially entered the manufacturing industry and formed a competitive relationship with them.

In addition, the market has already formed a stable situation, and they Taiyu will impact their industry and seize their market proportion, which makes them unbearable.

But they pinched the seven inches of others, so they did not dare to do it openly, and could only secretly start it.

"Now the priority is to find a transport ship to transport the cargo materials back!"

Chu Xinyi did not hear Gu Chen speak, and continued to say anxiously.

Although she knew that Gu Chen had a transportation group, there was only land transportation, not sea transportation.

"Haha, don't worry!" Gu Chen then said with a smile.

After that, Gu Chen comforted her for a long time before hanging up the phone.

"Hmph! What a death-seeker!

Gu Chen's face was gloomy.

"Manager He, come to my office!" The landline on the table said a word, and then stopped speaking.

A few minutes later, Manager He was already standing in front of Gu Chen.

"Can the cargo ship purchased some time ago go to sea?"

"Hmm! OK! When

Manager He heard this, he nodded in determination.

Only then did Gu Chen put down his heart: "Good!" You will go to Taiyu later, contact President Chu, and she will explain it to you!"

"Yes! I'll go right away! Where

did Manager He dare to hesitate, and rushed to Taiyu non-stop.

The president's office of Taiyu Group is next to the chairman's office.

At this time, Chu Xinyi's expression was still very worried, although Gu Chen said that he had a way.

Next to her, there was also a table, which was the secretary's desk that had been recruited earlier.

Yan Qing originally had no hope, but not long after going back, she received a call from the human resources department of Taiyu Group, telling her that she could come to the company.

To her surprise, she hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

Unexpectedly, it was Chu Xinyi's secretary, and for a while she already knew that Gu Chen was Taiyu's chairman, and he was both shocked and rightly so.

However, she quickly put all her energy into her work, and Chu Xinyi was the same, so the efficiency of the two increased by several times.

It cultivated a little tacit understanding.

Yan Qing admired his idol very much, and Chu Xinyi was also very satisfied with Yan Qing.

It's just that a phone call in the morning before made her instantly confused, and she couldn't help but worry after understanding the ins and outs of the matter.

After taking a look at Chu Xinyi, he really didn't know how to comfort him.

At this time, a call from the front desk came directly to her.


"Hello? Assistant Yan, it's like this, the general manager of the remote group said that he wanted to see President Chu, I don't know if President Chu has time? "

The voice at the front desk rang.


Yan Qing hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

Originally, Yan Qing's position was secretary, but Chu Xinyi felt that he was too talented, so he changed it to assistant.

"President Chu, the general manager of the remote group has something important to see you, and he will arrive immediately!" Yan Qing reminded softly.

Sure enough, Chu Xinyi quickly recovered and waited for the other party's arrival.

"Manager He, I don't know what you came this time to..."

"President Chu, I was sent by President Gu!" Say you need my help! "Manager He doesn't talk nonsense, and directly explains his intentions.


Chu Xinyi was stunned, he needed the help of the transportation group, but he just needed sea freight.

"I wonder if the manager has a cargo ship?" Chu Xinyi thought for a while and asked;

She believed that Gu Chen would not be unaware.


Hearing Manager He's words, Chu Xinyi instantly rose from the bottom of the valley to the top of the mountain.

Chu Xinyi, who had recovered her spirits, immediately negotiated cooperation with Manager He.

"I remember there were no cargo ships before the range, right?"

After signing the contract, Chu Xinyi asked curiously.

"Not bad, President Chu, but you also said it was before." Manager He also replied with a smile.

Then he told Gu Chen about buying the cargo ship.

"So it is!" Chu Xinyi suddenly realized, no wonder Gu Chen was so calm before.

"All right! I will go back and arrange first, and President Chu will also arrange for someone to come over as soon as possible, and we can go to sea immediately!"

Manager He said when he saw this.


Chu Xinyi, who had solved the matter, was quite happy at this time.

"President Chu, Gu Xian... Chairman, what other company? Yan

Qing on the side was suddenly stunned and couldn't help but ask.

"Good! Manager He's remote group just now is also Gu Chen's! Hearing

Chu Xinyi's words, Yan Qing's mouth opened, and his face became even more bitter.

At this time, the office of the chairman of the Bai Group.

Two radiant middle-aged men sat opposite each other.

Looks very interested.

"Old Bai, you really did a beautiful job with this trick!"

Another said with a big laugh.

"Haha, now their losses are big!"

Lao Bai was extremely proud when he heard this, and this trick was what he came up with.

"They lost a lot this time, but not after that!"

After the two laughed for a while, the other said worriedly.

"Good! Damn the Tianhe Group is so useless that it can't even hold on to the buyers! "

Lao Bai is also powerless.

After all, as the owner of a large company, his vision is not bad, and this time he can only let Taiyu suffer heavy losses, far from being hurtful, and he can react quickly.

"Looks like you had to plan ahead! Otherwise, once Taiyu finds out, our two companies will face a raw material crisis!

Another said worriedly.

Lao Bai smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, Old Zhou, I have already contacted the supplier, but the freight is a little more expensive." "

It's expensive, it's expensive!" Old Zhou said with a slight reassurance; "But what can they probably send over?"

"About half a month!"

"However, our reserves can only last for three days!"

Old Zhou was anxious when he heard this.

"It's okay, didn't we still have a falling out with Tae-woo? They certainly can't take care of us during this time.

Lao Bai had an expression that I had in my grasp.

Only then did Lao Zhou relax his heart.

For a while, the two were even happier.

The two are the chairmen of the Bai Group and the Zhou Group.

At this time, Lao Bai's mobile phone rang.


"Not good! Chairman! Taiyu Group found the remote group, and now they have gone to sea!

At this time, an anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.


Hearing this, the smile on Lao Bai's face froze directly, and asked incredulously.

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