Needles can be seen in the office, and the two are silent for a long time.

"What should Lao Bai do now?"

Finally, Old Zhou couldn't help but ask.

When Lao Bai heard this, he also smiled bitterly: "How did I know that this long-range group even has cargo ships, it's really a skinny camel bigger than a horse!"

"Then the Taiyu Group should not know that we secretly made the move, right?"

Old Zhou turned pale and said bitterly.

Lao Bai shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

For a while, both of them could see panic in each other's eyes.

In the conference room of Taiyu Group, Gu Chen directly held a high-level meeting.

Gu Chen sat in the first place without any doubt.

"Guys, I believe everyone has heard about yesterday's events, right?"

After sweeping around, he asked in a deep voice to everyone.

For a while, the executives whispered, and they all knew about someone dealing with the group yesterday.

"After inspection, I learned that it was the Bai Group and the Zhou Group who were dissatisfied with our Taiyu's entry into the manufacturing field."

Chu Xinyi, who was the first on the left hand, spoke slowly at this time.

Jiang Dong Qiangjiang on the right also followed: "Not bad, we must return it and let them know that we Taiyu cannot be bullied!"

Executives then followed suit.

After careful discussion, it was decided to cancel the cooperation with Bai's Group and Zhou's Group, and made every effort to block raw materials from entering Huahai.

When the executives were discussing the detailed plan, Yan Qing couldn't help but quietly look at Gu Chen, who was talking, and his eyes were different.

As an assistant to the president of the group, she can naturally attend the meeting.

This was the first time she saw Gu Chen after the interview, and she didn't expect Gu Chen at work to be so charming.

After the meeting, the operating machine of the group began to move, and various orders against the two groups were passed down one by one.

The most direct consequence is that the two companies will not receive a trace of raw materials.

At the beginning, the two companies could still hold on with their stock.

But as time passed, plus Gu Chen had asked Gan Le to book a large number of orders in the two at the beginning.

So the two group boards met three or four times a day.

Every day they are losing money, there are no materials, workers are out of business, machines are out of production, and the losses every day are very large, but they have no way.

"Guys, hold on for another week, and the raw materials will come in."

At the board meeting of the Bai Group, Lao Bai comforted with a tired face.

He is most stressed these days.

At the same time, I also regret it very much.

"Chairman Bai, don't forget, our group has also received a lot of orders, these must be completed on time, otherwise the sky-high compensation will not be out of you, and then the reputation of our group will be ruined, who will bear this responsibility?"

One of the middle-aged men about his age questioned.

As soon as these words came out, several shareholders of the board of directors suddenly changed their faces and looked at Chairman Bai one after another.

Lao Bai's face also changed, and he forgot about this consequence.

"Hmph! I remember that all this was first provoked by Chairman Bai Taiyu Group! Now that people's counterattack is coming, please ask Chairman Bai to give us shareholders an explanation?

The middle-aged man was unforgiving and continued to press.

He sneered in his heart at this time, but it depended on how Lao Bai dealt with it.

He is the second shareholder of the group, and he has failed to compete for the chairman, so this incident gave him a glimmer of opportunity.

Who told him to die himself, now it is estimated that the other directors do not believe him, this is an opportunity for himself.

"This... As long as we insist on it for a few more days, we will not be blackmailed by Taiyu, and I believe that the next few days of overtime should be fine.

Lao Bai explained with a pale face.

He had indeed forgotten about it before.

"Hmph! Our group has always taken quality and punctuality, if we lose these for a few orders, then the loss of our group is great, and the chairman will not know this truth, right? "Middle-aged men are-for-tat.

The other directors also nodded repeatedly.

"Since things have happened, it is natural to solve it from the source, I believe that as long as we give Taiyu an explanation, then the problem will naturally be solved!"

Middle-aged man hits the railway while it is hot.

Several shareholders felt that it made sense when they heard it, they did not care about face, as long as they could make money, there was no problem for them.

Lao Bai's face was gloomy, and at this time he also felt the middle-aged man's ill-will, and when he was about to say something, several shareholders nodded their heads.

"Yes, what Hou Dong said makes sense, so we now vote to reconcile with Taiyu Group, and remove Bai Yuanhua's position as chairman and put Hou Minghao in the position!"

One of the older men stood up, ignoring Chairman Bai's face, and spoke.



The unanimous vote was passed for a while, and the middle-aged man looked at Chairman Dian Bai very proudly.

In Gu Chen's office, President Jiang reported to Gu Chen.

"So, the Bai Group now wants to reconcile with us?"

After listening, Gu Chen asked in surprise.

President Jiang nodded: "That's right!" Their board of directors has removed the chairman who dealt with us!

Gu Chen's fingers tapped on the table without speaking, and President Jiang also looked at Gu Chen without speaking.

"This matter is not something that can be calculated by changing the chairman, telling them that the price of raw materials will rise by ten percent in the future!"

Gu Chen thought about it and looked at President Jiang and ordered.

"Yes!" President Jiang immediately agreed and went down to talk to the other party.

The next two weeks passed uneventfully.

Several major companies of Gu Chen are developing in an orderly manner, especially Taiyu Group, which is developing rapidly, facing the whole country, and major provincial capitals have established branches.

According to the channels left by the remote group, the two helped each other and made the Taiyu group famous.

By the time came to November, the weather had turned cooler.

On this day, Gu Chen came to the company early and held a meeting.

Suddenly, I received a call from Director Lin.

"Hey, Director Lin?"

Gu Chen looked quite curious, since the last time he called him ten billion, he hadn't looked for himself again.

"President Gu, we... We worked it out! On

the other end of the phone, there was a voice of eager excitement.


Hearing this, Gu Chen stood up directly.

This scene caused several executives next to them, who were curious about what their boss had heard, and they were so shocked.

"Mr. Gu, the chip, we finally researched the chip!"

Director Lin's hoarse voice came again.

"Good, good, good! I'll come right away! Gu Chen suppressed the doubts and excitement in his heart and said into the phone.

So he hung up the phone, and Gu Chen reacted that he was still in a meeting.

"Guys, this meeting is presided over by President Chu first, I have some things to deal with!"

After speaking, he nodded to Chu Xinyi, and then quickly left the conference room.

"Have fun! Go to the lab! He

said to Gan Le outside and walked towards the parking lot.

The two of them finally arrived at the research room.

After walking in, I saw that everyone's faces were very happy.

"Mr. Gu is good!"

The researchers shouted excitedly after seeing Gu Chen.

"Good! Good work everyone! Gu Chen was also happy.

Then he found Director Lin, who sorted out the information.

"Director Lin!" Gu Chen shouted.

Director Lin quickly stood up, and was also very excited: "President Gu, fortunately, I am not humiliated!" We worked it out!

"Congratulations to Director Lin for becoming famous all over the world!" Gu Chen said congratulations.

He knew that these researchers did not care about anything else, but about fame, and like ancient scholars, they all expected fame to go down forever.

Then Gu Chen asked the curiosity in his heart, obviously he had found nothing before, why was he directly researched it now.

You must know that the mutated Taobao said that it will come out in a month, and now at most half a month has passed.

"Really thank you very much for Mr. Gu's full support, otherwise we wouldn't have researched it so quickly!"

Director Lin looked at Gu Chen and was also very grateful.

Then the two talked a lot and came to the hall.

"Everyone has worked hard during this time, first go to rest for one night, tomorrow I will celebrate everyone's success!"

Gu Chen looked at everyone and said cheerfully.

"Good!!" Everyone was excited when they heard this, they really hadn't had a good rest in the past six months, and now they could finally rest.

Just in case, Gu Chen took Director Lin directly to register the research results for a patent.

On the way, Gan Le was also shocked, he never expected that the project would be studied in Gu Chen's hands for a total of less than a month, which is really a huge fortune!

He naturally understood that after this news spread, it was really a shock to the whole world! He knows that there are no chips of its own in the country.

Once it spreads, it is estimated that Gu Chen may be given key attention by the state, and Gu Chen will really become famous in one fell swoop.

However, he also regretted ZTE Group, if they insist on another month, it is estimated that this achievement will be theirs! It's a pity....

It can only be said that Gu Chen's luck is really terrifying, and his vision is admired by Gan Le.

At that time, he didn't know why Gu Chen took down the research room so quickly, but now he did understand.

He is now very much looking forward to whether ZTE Group will vomit blood after learning the news.

"Director Lin, rest assured that we will hold a press conference in three days, when you will be famous in an instant, this is an epoch-making technology!"

In the car, Gu Chen said to Director Lin.

"I see that we don't have our own chips in China, and how many times those foreign chip companies have monopolized us, so I have always vowed to develop our own chips and break foreign monopolies!"

Director Lin's eyes were firm when he heard this, but the smile on his face never stopped.

Gu Chen, who listened, nodded repeatedly, looking at Director Lin and couldn't help but admire, his patriotic feelings made him extremely moved.

Then Gu Chen sent Director Lin to his home and left.

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