The next day, Huatian Hotel was closed for three days.

Gu Chen directly invited those researchers here, including their families, for a three-day crazy trip.

"Let's have a drink together and celebrate the success of everyone in developing our own chips!"

Gu Chen took the lead in speaking.

After drinking a glass of wine, Gu Chen looked at everyone's expectant eyes, and said proudly: "Regarding everyone's bonus this time, I promise that everyone will not be less than 10 million!" Maybe

Director Lin didn't care.

But these teams that follow him are naturally very concerned.

Hearing Gu Chen say what they were most looking forward to, they were instantly excited.

10 million!

I didn't expect this new boss to be so generous!

Although the chip was developed by them.

But if it weren't for Gu Chen's support, how could they have researched it themselves, so he was very excited about Gu Chen's 10 million bonus.

Even Director Lin had a faint smile on his face, and he was very touched by Gu Chen's willingness.

You must know that their team has sixty or seventy people, and the bonuses add up to hundreds of millions!

Gu Chen, this is a thousand gold to buy people's hearts.

After the news spreads, it is estimated that some people will dig the foot of the wall, and then these researchers who participated in the project will become fragrant food.

Although it was impossible to leak the technology, Director Lin could not do it alone.

In addition, this technology is not an exaggeration to say that it can make him become the top ten of the electronics group, and it is comparable to hundreds of millions.

Maybe everyone is holding back, so everyone is playing this celebration banquet extremely crazy, as if to release the pressure of the past half year.

Manager Liu on the side was extremely curious.

"President Gu, they are..." Seeing Gu

Chen on the side, he couldn't help but ask.

"Haha, don't worry about them, they have been suppressed for too long, just relax and relax!"

"By the way, the day after tomorrow, you help me invite the reporters from the entire Huahai City to the hotel, and I will hold a press conference!"

Gu Chen seemed to have remembered something, and said to Manager Liu next to him.

"Huh? Can Gu always confide in some news? Manager Liu was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

Gu Chen smiled mysteriously: "Haha, don't worry, you said that you promise not to let them down!"

He knew that with the face of Huatian Hotel, as long as the news was sent, there would naturally be many reporters who would give face.

"Yes!" Seeing that Gu Chen did not say, Manager Liu could only agree, and at the same time, she was also aroused by Gu Chen's curiosity.

Before she heard Gu Chen speak, it was estimated that it was related to what project.

Huahai TV, inside the office of an editor-in-chief.

"Xiao Fan, the recent limelight has been stolen by several others, you should seize the opportunity to quickly interview a few hot news!" Otherwise, the face in the stage is not good-looking!

A middle-aged and fat man with white hair looked at the woman standing in front of him seriously.

"Editor-in-chief, you also know that their funds are several times that of us, and they naturally know before us where there is hot news!"

The woman said aggrieved when she heard this.

"Yes, I know your work is not easy to carry out, but you need to use snacks! Taili has recently vacated an ace position, as long as there is a big news in the future, I can help you fight for it! The editor-in-chief nodded after hearing this, and said seductively to the woman.

Sure enough, hearing this, the woman's face also showed a heartbeat.

"Don't worry, I'll ask the finance side to increase your funds next, how?"

Seeing the woman's heartbeat, the editor-in-chief then mentioned another sentence, directly allowing the woman to agree.

"Good! Editor-in-chief, don't worry, I will definitely find a few big news next! The woman assured firmly when she heard this.

Then he left the office under the expectant eyes of the editor-in-chief and returned to his desk.

Her name is Fan Yuxi, she is a reporter for Huahai Channel, she has worked for four or five years, and she is still an ordinary reporter.

She was transferred to a front-line position a few months ago, but due to limited funds, she was the last to know about every hot news.

So the face in the stage could not pass, so the editor-in-chief in charge of him knocked her again.

At this moment, her cell phone rang, and she raised her head on the table.

It was found that it was a phone call called Manager Liu.

Quickly picked it up.

Manager Liu she couldn't afford to offend, this was still the phone call left when she went to Huatian Hotel for an interview.

After all, journalists need a wide range of contacts to eat.

"Hey, Manager Liu, why are you willing to call me today? Is there something big? Instantly

connected, Fan Yuxi said with a smile.

"Huh? Is Fan Da's nose so smart? Manager Liu was stunned, and then quipped;

Hearing this, Fan Yuxi instantly came to the spirit, and it was really a big deal for her to listen to this tone.

"Is there really any big news about Manager Liu?"

"Good! My boss will hold a press conference the day after tomorrow, I wonder if Fan Da reporter is interested?

Manager Liu said with a smile.

Fan Yuxi was stunned when she heard this, she thought there was something big?

It turned out that the owner of Huatian Hotel was going to hold a press conference.

When I was about to refuse, I suddenly thought, "What if I can get an exclusive interview with the owner of Huatian Hotel?" Wouldn't that be big news too?

Thinking of this, she nodded directly and said happily: "Of course I am interested, but I don't know if Manager Liu can recommend and recommend me when I arrive, and get to know your boss?"

Manager Liu heard the other party's agreement, and he was in a better mood: "No problem!"

Then the two chatted for a while before hanging up.

Manager Liu contacted several other large TV stations, and they all sent people over at that time, and other

small reporters naturally did not need her to contact.

Time flew by, and in a blink of an eye, it was the third day.

Because Gu Chen attached great importance to it, Manager Liu directly prepared a large conference room, and everything in it was arranged.

The time slowly came to eight o'clock, and at this time, most of the journalist forces in the whole Huahai sent people over.

The conference room was crowded with all kinds of long guns and short cannons, and it was extremely lively.

Among them, Fan Yuxi was impressively listed, she looked at the reporter next to her, and found that none of her previous competitors came, and they were all some newcomers.

I don't care, after all, it's not big news, if it weren't for her chance to get an exclusive interview, she wouldn't have come over.

Just then, her cell phone rang.

She saw that it was her top boss, the editor-in-chief.


"Fan Yuxi, what are you doing? Where are you? As

soon as she connected, there was an angry voice, which made her inexplicable.

"I was outside for a press conference." But she answered truthfully.

"What press conference? What are you doing? Do you know that today is a certain star's new song release party, you are not there to interview, where are you interviewing? The

editor-in-chief's roaring voice instantly sounded.

"What!" Fan Yuxi was stunned, she really hadn't received news about this, otherwise where would she come here.

"You're not going to tell me you don't know?" The editor-in-chief said coldly.

Fan Yuxi was silent.

"Okay, I'll send someone else about this."

Then the editor-in-chief said a word and hung up the phone.

Ling Fan Yuxi smiled bitterly, it seems that he is really carrying ah!

"Sister Fan, how about we rush over now?"

The partner behind her, a man carrying the machine, asked in a low voice.

At this time, Gu Chen and the others also began to enter, which instantly attracted her attention.

"Forget it! Since you are here, let's talk about it after the interview! Fan Yuxi shook his head and said.

"First of all, welcome everyone to my press conference!"

Gu Chen looked at the reporters below without fear, and greeted with a smile.

For a while, all kinds of flashes, the sound of camera taking pictures is endless.

"Believe me, today's press conference will definitely make you very satisfied!"

Hearing this, Fan Yuxi instantly became interested.

"This is my first appearance in front of the public, and everyone should not know me? So I'll introduce myself first!

Gu Chen smiled, he was naturally wearing formal clothes on this occasion today.

Hearing that Gu Chen was the first time to appear, all the reporters were very curious about Gu Chen's identity.

"My name is Gu Chen and I am the owner of this hotel! But my topic today is not this hotel!

As Gu Chen finished speaking, a whisper suddenly sounded below.

After all, being the owner of a five-star hotel at such a young age, this news can be regarded as a good hit.

"This person next to me, Lin Yang, everyone should not know him, but after today, he will be world-famous!"

Hearing Gu Chen's big words, Director Lin couldn't help but blush.

The reporters below were even more curious.

"Lin Yang, a famous scientist in China, was nominated for the Nobel Prize last year."

With Gu Chen's introduction, the sound of the reporter below pressing the shutter button "click" became more enthusiastic.

Fan Yuxi was also excited, this is big news!

"What I said earlier is all appetizers! That's the focus of my press conference! Don't get distracted, everyone?

Gu Chen still said with a smile.

The reporter below laughed and thought this Mr. Gu was very interesting.

After half a year of research and experimentation by Director Lin, he successfully developed a new generation of chips, and also broke the monopoly of China's chip imports! The performance of this chip is a thousand times higher than that of foreign chips! I can proudly say that in the future, China's chips will not need to be imported, which is an epoch-making change, and it is also a day worth remembering! Today's glory belongs to Director Lin!

Gu Chen said directly in one breath.

The first applauded, followed by a round of applause that followed.

The reporters below seemed to have heard a myth, all of them were very incredulous, and their faces turned red.

What did they hear?

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