"The legal persons of these leather bag companies are all old and one is older."

"Letting these old people be the general manager of the leather bag company is indeed a very irresponsible trick."

Gu Chen thought of this, even if someone found out about these leather bag companies in the future.

Their legal representatives are just a bunch of old people who don't know when they sold their identity and personality, just to make money, and they can completely refute everyone with ignorance of the law and do not know the law.

"The routine is really deep!"

"And now these sold shares of Dakang Construction Group are estimated to be these leather bag companies."

"As for the actual controller after these leather bag companies, it is estimated that it is still Chen Mouren, but in this case, it is equivalent to really turning the left hand to the right hand, what is the point?"

Gu Chen was very puzzled in his heart, and always felt that Chen Mouren wanted to do something big.

Otherwise, there would not be so many situations and things.

But Gu Chen couldn't think of what this Chen Moren wanted to do.

This kind of inability to control the overall situation really made Gu Chen feel impatient.

But what is the current state, it is as if you are lost in the fog.

"It's really troublesome, what is Chen Yu doing at this time, hasn't he been released by Chen Mouren?"

"Do you want me to call Chen Mouren and ask for someone?"

After Gu Chen said silently, he tried to call Gu Chen's phone again.

But soon Jiang Min saw Gu Chen's reaction on the side, and heard Chen Yu's name again, and she immediately walked towards Gu Chen.

"Brother Gu Chen, are you looking for Chen Yu?"

"Yes, this guy..."

Originally, Gu Chen wanted to say Chen Yu's situation very smoothly, but he thought that Jiang Min in front of him was still a girl who didn't know anything at all.

Some garbage talk, garbage place, garbage people It's better not to let this Jiang Min know, so in the end, Gu Chen's words came directly to his lips and changed his words instantly.

"Chen Yu, this guy, went out to play yesterday, and he hasn't come back yet."

After naturally telling a lie, although Gu Chen's face was not red and his heart did not beat, he still said sorry to Jiang Min in his heart.

He didn't want to tarnish Jiang Min's state of mind, let alone let the matter between Chen Mouren and Chen Yu tarnish Jiang Min's ears.

So Gu Chen can only come to a white lie.

Jiang Min also did not expect that Gu Chen would deceive him in these things, of course, even if Jiang Min knew that Gu Chen was deceiving her, I am afraid that he would make excuses for Gu Chen in his heart.

"Brother Gu Chen must have lied to me for my own good."

"He must have a reason why he had to lie!"

That's right, before he knew it, Jiang Min already trusted Gu Chen one hundred percent.

I don't care if Gu Chen makes up lies about himself or something.

So no matter what Gu Chen said,

Jiang Min would believe

it, of course, Jiang Min wanted to help Gu Chen solve the problem.

"Then Brother Gu Chen, are you in a hurry to find Chen Yu!"

Jiang Min directly asked Gu Chen with a smile.

Gu Chen, who was stunned for a moment, said.

"That's right, I just want to find this guy, if there is no accident, he should be on Xiangcheng Island by now."

"But this guy doesn't know why he just doesn't answer the phone."

Gu Chen said and was a little angry.

Because he once mentioned it when talking to Chen Mouren before.

"You must return a complete and intact Chen Yu to me!"

Therefore, Gu Chen felt that this Chen Mouren should not be so angry that he directly caused any physical damage to Chen Yu.

"I have a way! Brother Gu Chen!

Just when Gu Chen didn't know what to do, suddenly Jiang Min said directly.

"Do you have a way? What way?

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min, whose face was full of cunning, and asked.

In fact, when Jiang Min finished saying this, Gu Chen had already vaguely sensed that this guy should have some means that he didn't know.

Therefore, Gu Chen directly put away his somewhat unspirited eyes and looked at Jiang Min and asked.

"Of course, it's our technology!"

Jiang Min directly passed by Gu Chen's side, and at the same time took away the mobile phone in Gu Chen's hand.

"Brother Gu Chen!"

"Huh? What a speed.

Gu Chen found that the mobile phone in his hand was snatched by Jiang Min, but Gu Chen was not angry at all in this state.

He didn't even show any impatience.

On the contrary, Gu Chen also understood something because of Jiang Min's reaction and attitude.

"Yes, the speed is quite fast, then it seems that you have a way!"

Gu Chen said this, which directly made Jiang Min laugh.

"Yes, Brother Gu Chen, I am a very capable person."

Jiang Min let out a silver bell-like laugh while operating Gu Chen's mobile phone.

Gu Chen didn't say anything more when he looked at this guy's lively appearance.

Just sit quietly in front of the big market and the stock of Dakang Construction Group to see the situation.

Tong Zixin sometimes unconsciously looks over a little.

It seems to want to say something.

But then I found that I didn't have that qualification at all, that is, I didn't say anything.

The whole person silently showed a state of crazy work.

But Tong Zixin knew in his heart how he was doing a good job.

He just wanted to quickly run to Gu Chen's side and be as coquettish as Jiang Min.

"What a envy!"

Tong Zixin unconsciously floated this thought in her heart.

At the same time, she also told herself that she could not be like this anymore, so she quickly put away her thoughts and began to work hard.

But I don't know why, all of a sudden, Tong Zixin seemed to let go of his obsession with concentric coins.

All of a sudden, my mind was completely away from these virtual currencies.

And I think these things are very annoying, after all, they are just some things that I made out of my own money.

Now it seems to be really sinful and unlikeable.

She is more concerned about Gu Chen and Jiang Min's mode of getting along.

Tong Zixin also wanted to be coquettish like Gu Chen very much, but the real situation was not like this at all.

Because of her identity, her past simply could not have given her this opportunity.

"Hey, if only I had met earlier, but it's too late!"

Finally, after chanting a few more times in his heart, Tong Zixin completely withdrew his thoughts and divergent emotions.

Then he silently sighed in his heart.

"Okay, okay, don't think about it, it's all gone."

After putting away his immature thoughts, Tong Zixin finally fell into the state of work completely.

On the other side, after Jiang Min's operation, he finally returned the mobile phone to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen looked at the confidence on Jiang Min's face, and immediately knew that Jiang Min just already had the answer.

"Tell me about it, where is this Chen Yu!"

"Brother Gu Chen, I have already found out the location of this Chen Yu." Probably because of tacit understanding.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min actually started talking at the same time.

The most important thing is that the two of them asked and answered as if they were okay, and Jiang Min and Gu Chen both heard each other.

But no one showed any embarrassment between the two sides.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and then Gu Chen made a lady-first expression.

Jiang Min coughed twice again and continued.

"I know where this Chen Yu is now, less than 9 kilometers away from us in a straight line! If you set out now, you can find him in half an hour round-trip at most!

"Brother Gu Chen, may I ask if we are going out together now, or are some people going out alone to find this Chen Yu?"

Jiang Min's answer made Gu Chen very satisfied.

He glanced at Tong Zixin, Sun Shulan and the others who were busy.

I took another look at the stocks of Dakang Construction Group, which were constantly shipped, and seemed to be never finished.

Gu Chen's heart suddenly had a decision.

He said directly to Jiang Min in front of him.

"Do you still need to say this, of course, the two of us are going together now, and now is not the time for the morning rush, and the cars on the road are not too congested, go now."

"Okay, then let's go together!"

Jiang Minlian agreed to Gu Chen's invitation, who let Tong Zixin, Sun Shulan and others acquire Tongxin Coin, the process was too smooth.

After successfully getting there, Jiang Min did not need to use technical foreign aid at all.

Even Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo and others' blockchain technology can quickly solve all problems.

Then where else is she Jiang Min.

Of course, her best destination was to follow Gu Chen to find Chen Yu.

After Gu Chen decided on this matter, he directly took Jiang Min on the road.

When he arrived at the door, Gu Chen looked back at Tong Zixin again and said.

"By the way, if there is anything, call us directly, or if you find any strange situation that you can't judge, don't let me worry about you!"

Gu Chen's words instantly moved Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, Ayue and others.

If it weren't for the fact that there were still things on hand that were really not done, they all wanted to go up and hug Gu Chen as a thank you.

But now, they can only say to Jiang Min Guchen.

"Return safely!"

"What kind of stuff to say, it should be all the way!"

"Yes, yes, anyway, we won't go anywhere here, just waiting for your return!"

After saying these words very sincerely, Gu Chen finally felt relieved to Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, Ayue and others.

In fact, what reassured Gu Chen the most was Tong Zixin, who had already completed complete trust with him.

"Mr. Gu, go ahead!"

Just when Gu Chen was about to step out of here, Tong Zixin still said such a sentence.

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