It seems that there is no promise at all to Gu Chen.

But in fact, a simple sentence to let Gu Chen go has already shown the relationship between Tong Zixin and Gu Chen.

There is no need to say those words so politely.

She still simplified it and told Gu Chen that everything here has me, so don't worry.

Sure enough, when Gu Chen really heard this Tong Zixin's words, he left the place with a smile on his face.

Also leaving was Jiang Min.

"Okay, okay, keep working!"

After Gu Chen and Jiang Min's figures really disappeared, the expression on Tong Zixin's face instantly became gloomy.

At the same time, he also changed back to the state of combat power explosion.

Even the sound of tapping on the keyboard became very intense.

It was so strong that Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Sen, Luo, Sun Shulan, A Yue and others, as well as Mia, all instantly became kittens-like existences.

One by two, you look at me, I look at you, you don't talk or do anything.

Just keep working honestly.

But Tong Zixin still seemed to be panting, and in the entire room, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, Ayue and others could only hear her keyboard.


Chen Yu looked at the big sun above his head and felt the warmth from the gift of celestial bodies.

But he felt that even if he wore a coat, he still felt very cold.

"Damn, when will this be restored!"

He cursed and stood up, watching himself sleep on the street and being watched by many onlookers.

Chen Yu subconsciously dug into his pocket and found that his wallet and some belongings seemed to have been touched away.

"Gan, I just slept outside, don't you leave me anything!" It's too much, so leave me a car money!

Chen Yu kept cursing, but he wrapped himself tightly very honestly.

The whole person looks like a snowman coming out of a large ice cave.

"Oops, but it doesn't matter!"

Although Chen Yu felt absurd in his heart, he couldn't help but start to reminisce when he thought of what happened after last night.

After this aftertaste, Chen Yu only felt that his body seemed to be even colder.

It even feels like I'm looking for someone to hug you.

"Although it is comfortable, the difference in price is too much!"

After complaining casually, Chen Yu finally remembered his mobile phone.

He also has a spare mobile phone, which seems to have been given by Jiang Min.

Therefore, the excited Chen Yu thought of something, and directly lifted a piece of the heel on his shoe.

A very nice little phone immediately appeared inside.

"Whew, fortunately, it's still there, Chen Mouren and these people still say that they have never missed a hand in checking things, doesn't this still leave me a flaw?"

"Let me give Mr. Gu a call."

"Eh, no!"

Chen Mouren, who felt that he was about to get out of trouble, suddenly seemed to think of something.

"I don't remember Mr. Gu's mobile phone number!"

Then he silently began to shout in his heart!

"Isn't that a decoration?"

All of a sudden, Chen Yu experienced the happiness of eating a full table at the birthday banquet, and suddenly became the so-called uncomfortable and disappointed casual eating in the street shop.

There was no way, Chen Yu could only silently call his colleagues.

"Hey, it's me Chen Yu!"

"Oh, what's wrong with Chen Yu, Chen Yu? Chen Yu!

But I didn't expect Chen Yu's colleagues to be even more excited

than him: "Ah, it's me, oh, I don't have time to explain that I want you to do me a favor!"

"Oh, I don't have time to explain, are you on Xiangcheng Island now, have you seen today's market!"

"Big, big market? What's wrong with the big market, I didn't look at it! Chen

Yu was directly bypassed by his colleagues.

The whole person was a little dizzy and didn't know what to say.

But soon, Chen Yu reacted, what kind of big market is not big at this time.

The most important thing for me is to let my colleagues find Gu Chen's phone at this time.

Otherwise, will he be reduced to the streets and live so miserably in another city?

It's impossible, all the documents on his body have been snatched away, if he lives in Xiangcheng Island, wouldn't he have to play it directly?

I'm afraid I won't even be able to eat.

Maintaining this idea, Chen Yu immediately asked his colleagues to ask for Gu Chen's number.

"It doesn't matter what the big market is, where else to care about those!"

"I have something for you to help with, go and help me get Mr. Gu's number!"

"Everything else will wait until Gu Chen and I will talk to each other!"

Chen Yu's words were very strong and blinded the whole colleague.

He looked at Wang Wei beside him.

Wang Wei also wondered what happened, why Chen Yu was not by Gu Chen's side and did not know what happened to the Xiangcheng Island market and this Dakang Construction Group.

The most important thing is why Chen Yu and Gu Chen lost contact, and these things were connected one by one, which made Wang Wei feel that the trip to Xiangcheng Island must not be as easy as he imagined.

With a gloomy face, he took the call from the man in Chen Yu's team and said.

"Chen Yu, I'm Wang Wei!"

Chen Yu, who had just received the call, was stunned for a moment, he did not expect that suddenly his colleague would find Wang Wei so efficiently.

But this is not the time to dwell on so many things.

He immediately said to Wang Wei.

"Hello Mr. Wang! I'm Chen Yu I need help now, I need to know Mr. Gu's phone number we... We got separated! Originally

, Wang Wei was still very curious about Chen Yu's experience in his heart.

But listening to Chen Yu's anxious meaning, Wang Wei didn't have much to say, so he said directly to him.

"Now a lot of things have happened on Xiangcheng Island, why did you get separated from President Gu at this time! Oh, forget it, I'll tell you, you'll fight..."

"And I'll briefly tell you about the current basic situation now."

Wang Wei said very simply, what is happening now in this Dakang Construction Group.

He also told Chen Yu that the stock of the company they had now acquired had reached 30%.

But after experiencing this 30 percent, there is no chance to grab any shares of this Dakang Construction Group.

"This is their private contract!"

Chen Yu is worthy of being a very professional financial talent, and when he heard about this, he immediately thought of a lot.

The whole person's thoughts are very clear, but this does not help.

Because he can't see the big market at all now, and he can't figure out the specific situation, let alone know what happened and what kind of attitude he should use to face it.

So after keeping that in mind.

Chen Yu said directly to Wang Wei.

"You just said what is Mr. Gu's phone number?"

Wang Wei repeated it again, and this Chen Yu also repeated it.

After quickly hanging up the phone, Chen Yu quickly dialed the phone.

Gu Chen, who was driving, soon found that his mobile phone was in a state of vibration.

It's just that at this time, Gu Chen was driving, and he didn't have the hand to answer this call, so he could only let Tong Zixin come.

"Mr. Gu! Mr. Gu! Just

after connecting the phone, Gu Chen heard an excited voice on the other end of the phone.

After Gu Chen heard this voice, Lian silently slowed down and pulled his car aside.

"Chen Yu?"

Gu Chen felt incredible, suddenly he hadn't found Chen Yu, but Chen Yu came to the door by himself.

What is this called?

Coincidence or fate.

"Give, Brother Gu Chen!"

Tong Zixin waited until Gu Chen stopped the car and immediately handed over the mobile phone.

Because at some point, she still doesn't know what she has to say.

Wouldn't it be very embarrassing if you said something wrong.

"Is Chen Yu you?"

"It's me Gu Zong!"

Chen Yu was extremely excited at this time, and finally found his organization in the wandering.

"Where are you!"

Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense, but asked his location very double-safely.

It's just that Chen Yu is simply an outsider who is not familiar with his life, where does he know his specific location.

Or randomly found a random person around me to inquire before knowing where he was.

After determining his location with Chen Yu, Gu Chen quickly said.

"Okay, wait for me where you are, I'll be here soon."

After speaking, Gu Chen hung up the phone.

"Not a place, is there a problem?"

Because Gu Chen later adjusted the call with Chen Yu to amplification, Jiang Min also heard Chen Yu's location.

But it was completely different from the location she was looking for.

That's a little embarrassing.

At least that's what Jiang Min thought, if he really found this location and found that Chen Yu was not there, it would make people want to find a hole to drill into.

"It's okay, it is estimated that something must have happened to Chen Yuna, otherwise he would not have called me with an unfamiliar number!" Maybe his cell phone was stolen. After

simply saying two words, Gu Chen did not dwell on these issues for too long.

Instead, he left directly with Jiang Min.

At the same time, Chen Yu seemed to feel a little uneasy after hanging up the phone.

Because he thought of what the people in his team said before, it made Chen Yu feel that things seemed to be a little beyond his expectations.

"Oops, something big must have happened!"

"But what the hell is going on, the big market? Is the thing on the stock, the amount of information is too little to analyze what the situation is!

"Forget it, let's wait until President Gu and them come!"

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