Because Chen Yu couldn't figure out what happened in a short period of time, plus his mobile phone could only make calls.

Therefore, it is simply a blind person crossing the river and is extremely dangerous, and he can only wait for Gu Chen to pick him up and tell him what the situation is now.

Just when Gu Chen took Jiang Min to drive, the mobile phone on Jiang Min's body seemed to sense something and suddenly vibrate.


Jiang Min's originally fine face instantly turned into a somewhat serious and worried expression.

Because of Jiang Min's behavior, Gu Chen instantly cared, and he silently stopped the car aside.

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min and asked what was wrong.

"I, she's nearby."

Jiang Min held the mobile phone and shook his head, but nodded and said.

"She, Countess?"

"Yes, I set up a hint whenever she is three kilometers closer."

Gu Chen looked at the nearby high-rise buildings, and he would not be discovered at all.

However, Jiang Min's deeply locked brows seemed to tell Gu Chen that things were definitely not as simple as he thought.

"It's pretty close."

After casually asking, Gu Chen saw that Jiang Min was actually nodding.

"Before, she may have been somewhere that could block the signal, so there was no positioning news coming over, but now that the situation has just returned to normal, I see that she is ... she is within five hundred meters of our line of sight!"

Gu Chen's brows instantly furrowed because of Jiang Min's words, and he kept looking around.

"In other words, if you are unlucky, maybe you will run into this guy in the next second!"

Gu Chen, who had a decision in his heart, was ready to drive away from this place, who knew that when he started this car, a pair of iron horses appeared on the road ahead, and immediately blocked the front of Gu Chen and the two.

So Gu Chen had to stop the car to see what was going on ahead.

Jiang Min shrunk his neck a little keenly, as if in this case, he could disappear directly.

"Let me get off!"

Then the two saw a luxurious elongated version of the Bugatti Veyron appear after the iron ride opened the road, and the body of the flowing light emitted a dazzling light.

A bejeweled woman also came down from the car.

Gu Chen fixed his eyes, isn't this the countess?

"I actually ran into it here!"

Jiang Min also discovered this countess at this time, and her face instantly became gloomy.

If it weren't for the fact that the road is not good to reverse now.

Otherwise, Jiang Min must urge Gu Chen to leave quickly.

It's just that this countess doesn't seem to have anything to deal with Gu Chen and Jiang Min now.

She didn't have any looking around at all.

Because just after she got off the car with a scowl on her face, a handsome Sven man with glasses was also chased out of the Bugatti Veyron behind her.

Gu Chen has seen this person's information, isn't it Li Wenquan, the heir of the Li family?

"What kind of moth are these two making trouble here!"

Gu Chen comforted Jiang Min, who was anxious, and asked her not to worry.

"These two seem to have some contradictions, let's not rush to see the situation first!"

"Maybe they won't find us then!"

Jiang Min was also a little indifferent after hearing this.

"And I'm still by your side now, even if there is anything, I will carry it first, don't be afraid."

After a few more words of comfort, Jiang Min thought of Gu Chen's energy and felt more secure in her heart, she said.

"These two people don't look clear, I'm disgusting when I see it, Brother Gu Chen, look at them, I can listen to music."

Saying that, Jiang Min took out his headphones and began to listen to the song.

Gu Chen looked at her and didn't know if she was pretending to be indifferent, and she didn't know what to say, so she could only say to Jiang Min.

"Okay, no problem, I'll help you see the situation!"

"Okay Brother Gu Chen, you can call me if there is something!"

After getting Gu Chen's promise, Jiang Min nodded and really began to listen to the song, but her eyes always looked at the pull of the countess and Li Wenquan in front of her from time to time.

It can be seen that the countess at this time is very angry, and Li Wenquan is coaxing her with all his strength.

And Gu Chen also faintly heard some of the content of the two arguing with the wind.

"You just talk about it, what's the difference between you and ordinary men!"

"Jessica, you listen to me explain, no, I have explained many times, today I really have something, but because I am so happy with you, I forgot a little!"

"Then why don't you remember clearly, why did you promise me to take me to a hot air balloon ride today, and when the result is almost coming, you tell me that you have something to do today!" You're letting go of me! If you have something to do, you can go and get busy! What are you doing here!" The

countess threw off Li Wenquan's arm and kept pulling herself.

"Didn't I say that when the day is over, I will definitely buy you a lot of hot air balloons!" It's all for you then! Have you enjoyed the fun in heaven, what do you want from me?

Li Wenquan seemed to be a guy licking a dog, and he kept coming up to pull the countess's arm to prevent her from leaving.

It's just that the countess seems to have eaten a scale, and she wants to leave this Li Wenquan's embrace, and she keeps complaining about this Li Wenquan!

"I don't want anything, I'm just deceived by a man and sad, I feel that this place on Xiangcheng Island is not suitable for me at all!"

"What else said that he is the head of the four major families of Xiangcheng Island, in the end, he couldn't even find a woman, how did you tell me at the beginning, as long as he is active in Xiangcheng Island for more than three days, he will definitely leave his own traces."

"As long as you leave traces of life, you will definitely be able to find it! As a result, I was able to find someone in half a day, find my sister, and finally it became one day, and now it has become three days! You really think I'm a three-year-old!

"And talking is not a word, what did you say before that you were going to take me to play for a day today, but the scene changed, and said that you forgot, you have a poor memory and have no faith, let me go I will go back to Huahai City!"

After a roar, Li Wenquan's whole face turned purple red, which was ashamed and a little angry.

His chest was rising and falling, as if an active volcano was on the verge of erupting at any moment.

But in the end, this Li Wenquan actually held back.

Gu Chen was amazed, and the group of people around did not expect that this Li Wenquan was actually a Ninja Turtle attribute.

Of course, some people feel that it is indeed Li Wenquan who is a little out of tune, likes to talk big and his own things are not arranged well, as if he is a giant baby.

Therefore, what Li Wenquan said in this state also sounded very naïve.

"Well, everything has accidents, but I have had more accidents recently, of course, the biggest accident is to run into you!" O my true love, Jessica!

"I'm also very anxious to find my sister, although I haven't officially met her yet, but I already treat her as a family member, as long as I find me, I will treat her well for the rest of my life!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Gu Chen couldn't help but look at Jiang Min beside him.

He noticed that Jiang Min's fingers were slightly white, which was obviously caused by pinching his mobile phone hard.

Moreover, his eyes were still looking directly at the figure of the countess and Li Wenquan in front of him.

The face is very obvious and unabashedly ugly.

Gu Chen immediately knew, and now what Li Wenquan said to this countess was completely listened to by Jiang Min.

"Embarrassing, although I don't care about what I say and don't want to hear, I still care a lot!"

After Li Wenquan finished speaking, he saw that the countess still did not have any reaction, but she did not strengthen her strength to leave.

This let Li Wenquan know that she was actually reluctant to give herself.

"I still have to give her a step down!"

"But now there are too many people around, we must disperse them!"

"Otherwise, it will be embarrassing if I expose any stock market information and is captured by others!"

Li Wenquan, who thought so in his heart, looked at the crowd around him.

Some have even started shooting, and some are still watching the liveliness.

He called his bodyguards to clean up the onlookers.

As a result, the scene immediately became a little chaotic.

When this countess saw this, she didn't know why she subconsciously became a little uneasy in her heart.

So the countess in this state unloaded three points of strength, just when Li Wenquan pulled her again.

There was no resistance at all, and the countess was immediately withdrawn into the car.

Gu Chen watched the countess disappear, but at the last glance, he seemed to scan over.

For a moment, he met Gu Chen's eyes.

Gu Chen immediately prepared to drive, but after waiting for a while, the countess did not react at all.

Not even a single wave.

This made Gu Chen a little doubtful, whether the countess before did not see herself, or saw it.

But pretend not to see ?

After Gu Chen thought of this, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"If it's the second possibility, it's really interesting!"

Because Gu Chen heard the conversation between this countess and Li Wenquan before.

It can be learned that the person that the countess said to Li Wenquan that she was looking for was her sister, not her daughter.

Therefore, if this Li Wenquan found out that the person this countess was looking for was not his sister at all, but his own daughter, wouldn't it be...the end of a farce, or the beginning?

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