Gu Chen's inference was actually not wrong at all.

At the moment when Li Wenquan pulled the countess into the car, she really saw Gu Chen.

He also completely saw the familiar figure beside Gu Chen.

Although the countess's gaze was not focused, how could she admit that she was wrong for Jiang Min's reminder.

She could see at once that the person around Gu Chen was Jiang Min, who had been looking for a long time.


"Why is it this time, and it's when I said the wrong thing!"

This countess regretted it a little just by thinking about what she had done.

Because when she first saw this Li Wenquan, this countess already had a feeling of a special relationship between men and women.

So naturally, in the face of a rich son like Li Wencai, this countess directly changed her words to come to Xiangcheng Island to find her daughter Jiang Min, looking for her rebellious sister.

Originally, this countess only wanted to have a dewy marriage with this Li Wenquan or something, but she didn't expect that this Li Wenquan was still quite powerful on this Xiangcheng Island.

And there was no demand or rebellion against her at all.

Basically she could have whatever she wanted, and the countess thought of asking her lawyer, who said that as long as both of them were in the same city, then everything could be renegotiated.

This is the case, then the countess's idea of finding Jiang Min is temporarily stranded.

In addition, this trace of Jiang Min seems to be really a little difficult to find.

Then this countess naturally enjoyed the guilt Li Wenquan more to compensate herself, and the whole person was addicted to the state of her little daughter.

Although it is true that today because Li Wenquan has something to do to stay away from her, this countess is indeed a little angry.

But this countess was even more reluctant to stay away from this Li Wenquan's kindness to herself.

Therefore, when she saw Gu Chen and Jiang Min, although the countess was flustered in her heart, she did not take the initiative to jump out and control them all by Li Wenquan's bodyguards.

But suddenly he was pulled into his Bugatti Veyron by this Li Wenquan.

"How could it suddenly appear at this time."

"This is not fun at all!"

The countess who got into the car was still thinking in her heart.

Jiang Min finally couldn't help but say.

"Stinky and shameless!"

Then Jiang Min began to frantically operate on his mobile phone.

Gu Chen silently turned his head to look at Jiang Min, looking at her face that was not too good.

I don't know what to say to please her.

As a result, just when Gu Chen was finally ready to say something.

As a result, in the end, before Gu Chen could say anything, he heard a familiar voice of Gu Chen coming from this mobile phone.

"Jessica, please listen to my explanation!"

Be... Li Wenquan!

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min's mobile phone in shock, and it actually turned into a bugging device in a short period of time?

"Ah this, when, no!"

It's this countess... Cell phone?

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min, who directly explained to Gu Chen very briefly why he was able to listen to the conversation between the countess and Li Wenquan.

"So it is."

Gu Chen nodded, in fact, he still understood Jiang Min's behavior very well.

At the same time, he was also silent and concentrated, listening to how this Li Wenquan was going to argue with this countess.

Gu Chen also wanted to know if this countess had seen herself and why she didn't come to the two of them.

Everything seems to be solved at this time.

Jiang Min silently amplified the volume.

Li Wenquan's pair of iron horses in front also began to reopen the road, and the elongated version of the Bugatti Veyron slowly drove away.

Soon, the road ahead of Gu Chen and Jiang Min was empty.

The countess looked at Gu Chen and the car that Jiang Min was riding in through the glass in the window.

He fiercely remembered this brand in his heart.

"I remember you!"

She decided that she must find out who was behind the car.

At the same time, she must not be able to attract the attention of Li Wenquan beside her, which is very testing for her.

"Jessica! Don't stop talking! Take care of me!

At this time, Li Wenquan was a little anxious because of the countess's ignorance and did not speak.

It's like being a little angry.

Li Wen, who was anxious, didn't know what to do.

And the mobile phone in his arms rang again at this time.

Li Wenquan endured the anxiety in his heart and answered the phone, and said in a very unkind tone.

"Don't call me at this time!"

But because Li Wenquan didn't look at the caller ID at all, he was very embarrassed to hear the person on the other end of the phone say lightly.

"Oh? When will family affairs make you feel impatient, is it going to make you throw out the position of heir to your younger brothers and sisters who don't know how to envy? It

was such a faint sentence, but it carried a very thick amount of information.

Similarly, this Li Wenquan also heard who was calling him.

In an instant, Li Wenquan immediately bowed his body, and his waist was very straight.

It was also this very abrupt change that made the countess beside Li Wenquan realize something.

She leaned over slightly, wanting to hear what Li Wenquan had to say.

In fact, the Countess's behavior is not necessary, because the sound insulation in the Bugatti Veyron is very good.

Totally created a quiet environment.

Therefore, Li Wenquan said that the sound of the phone was basically completely heard by the countess.

Coupled with the fact that Li Wenquan noticed that the countess seemed to have finally reacted, he immediately adjusted the volume of his mobile phone to the maximum state.

I can't wait for this countess to hear his current difficulties completely.

So, a phone call from Li Wenquan's father was instantly monitored by the countess Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

Gu Chen was even more amazed.

"Can you hear the sound of this phone call, where did you buy this bug?"

"If you don't bring me some anymore, I always think that this may be of great use in the future!"

Jiang Min glanced at Gu Chen a little helplessly and said.

"I don't know very well, I didn't buy that kind of super-level monitor, and in this case, I can only say... today's equipment has not been running for too long, and it is too powerful to run all of a sudden!"

What else could Gu Chen say when he heard this, he could only nod silently and say okay.

At this time, the convoy in front finally drove away completely, and Gu Chen also began to start the car and prepare to find Chen Yu while listening to what would surprise in this Bugatti Veyron.

Li Wenquan increased the volume of his mobile phone to the maximum and then began to say to his father.

"Father, I'll be back soon."

"Don't worry!"

After saying this, Li Wenquan glanced apologetically at the countess beside him.

But the countess didn't pay attention to him at all.

However, Li Wenquan's father on the other end of the phone changed his tone slightly at this time, and said with a kind of complaint.

"When is this, you are still wandering the world outside, don't think that your heir status is very stable!"

"Although you have indeed found a lot of relationships during this time overseas, and built some good high-quality customer contact lines for our family, but as the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors!"

"How much do you think your little grandson who has been away from his hometown for many years and is not by the old man's side can gain the love of his old man!"

"The most important thing you have to do now is, of course, to directly make a little business of your own on Xiangcheng Island, and tell those who want you to inherit the position of the right to whom, who is the real boss, instead of spending time outside!"

"Do you know that today I found the difficulty of private placement to share conversion on the Wanhao Stock Exchange! Isn't the reason why I didn't challenge them because I wanted to wait for you, a professional, to give orders?

"Do you understand my good intentions! Do you know to cherish it! Ah, if you can make some contribution this time, even if it is just to kill the enemy, it will be seen by the old man! What is he really now, the more he lives, the younger he gets! Li

Wenquan's father on the other end of the phone directly said why Li Wenquan was suddenly recalled today.

First, in order to let his eldest son, who has been learning financial knowledge and skills since he was a child, to see if the wrong situation in today's stock market is the same as his own professional inference.

The second is to let his son Li Wenquan behave, and see if there is a chance to engage in a wave of Li Jiahao to prove his own identity and his ability.

It is best if this matter was directly stabbed in the ears of his father, the current heir of the Li family.

It's just that I didn't expect that just when this Li Wenquan's father was ready to do this.

The first phone call he made in the past, Li Wenquan actually chose to ignore it.

It can even be said that the second time was directly hung up a wave, but in the end there was no way, this Li Wenquan's father thought of calling the people around Li Wenquan.

In this case, maybe there will be an effect.

Sure enough, in the end, the driver reminded Li Wenquan to answer the phone.

Of course, Li Wenquan frantically refused at first.

As a result, after hearing his father's words, Li Wenquan took a look at the specific stock market situation by himself.

It was discovered that someone was deliberately disrupting the market with trading volume, as my father said.

And the means are very clever but tough.

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