This made Li Wenquan interested at that time.

Even, Li Wenquan thought in his heart that this countess would definitely be able to understand herself.

After all, I am here to get down to business, and I don't have some messy networking activities or fox and dog friends' gatherings.

Therefore, Li Wenquan was very bold and straightforward to tell this countess about what he was going to do.

As a result, I didn't expect to be directly angered by this countess who changed like the weather.

It suddenly made Li Wenquan panic, and it was also comforting until now.

The countess pricked up her ears and listened to the voice of Li Wenquan's father on the phone, in fact, she also felt slightly curious.

"But what are they talking about, what's going on! If Li Wenquan didn't show it, would he really lose his family inheritance! After

thinking about this, this countess actually had a little regret in her heart, if she delayed this Li Wenquan's matter, it would indeed be a little guilty.

Even if this countess has such a deep skin, she will still feel that she has to make up for Li Wenquan.

But now it seems that everything is still turning.

Gu Chen's side had already understood the meaning of this Li Wenquan's father's words.

"Sure enough, the Li family has already detected the wrong situation of the Wanhao Stock Exchange, but this guy should not know, although it is indeed a problem with the Wanhao Stock Exchange, but the operator behind the current exchange is Chen Mouren!"

"Moreover, they seem to be waiting for something now, since they have basically decided, they have to wait, this is because they have been frightened by Li Jiahao's domination of the financial market for a long time!"

After Gu Chen complained, Jiang Min also nodded and said.

"It's too weak, although I can't understand it, but until Brother Gu Chen said that it is weak, it is a dish!" I understood that this Li Wenquan was a weak person.

"The so-called standard with dog, the sky is long! I really want to wish them a good 100 years! "

Probably Jiang Min's speech is really a bit surprising, and people don't know what to say.

Gu Chen directly glanced at Jiang Min with slight surprise.

He always thought that Jiang Min should be the image of a good girl.

But now....Gu Chen felt that he was underestimating her.

Gu Chen turned the car around and continued to listen.

"Yes Father, you're so right, but now we still have a little thing to deal with here! I assure you, if it's really the kind of situation you just told me about! "

Either the power of this Wanhao Stock Exchange has ended, just when we directly collect all the evidence, when the court goes, won't we be able to directly let Li Jiahao and Wanhao Stock Exchange eat a pot!"

Li Wenquan began to refute after his father said something.

"And if the power is not over, we can directly join the reverse operation, maybe there will be an external surprise, of course, everything actually needs me to see what the situation is."

In front of his father, he showed a feeling of not being humble and unassuming, and Li Wenquan felt that his heart was still very literary.

At the same time, Li Wenquan also secretly glanced at the countess beside him.

I want to see if she was moved and understood because of what she said.

As a result, this countess, who did not react at all, directly made this Li Wenquan with a little smile on his face completely disappear.

This made Li Wenquan Shao a little disappointed, and even felt a little uncomfortable.

And what made this already uncomfortable Li Wenquan even worse was his father on the phone.

"Confused, what nonsense are you talking about, how could our four major families and Li Jiahao's affairs start reporting to the court because they discovered a little mistake from each other! You are denigrating us!

"And your judgment, is there any standard, if not, hurry up and give it to me!" Say what afternoon ah act, you just don't want to come in the morning, I tell you it's impossible! You hurry up and roll over to me!

"Otherwise, I don't need the old man to deprive you of your heir status, and I will help you deprive you!" You know or not!

"Hmph! In short, I have to see your person in half an hour, otherwise you won't be used!

After saying this, Li Wenquan's father hung up the phone very irritably.

All that left Li Wenquan was the silence in the entire carriage, and the little embarrassed eyes of this countess.


As a result, I didn't expect to be madly punched in the face by my father all of a sudden.

This feeling really made Li Wenquan a little unacceptable.

The atmosphere inside the car instantly became a little solidified.

And the countess didn't know what to say.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min in the other car almost laughed.

"Hahaha, laugh at me, this Li Wenquan probably wanted to pretend once, but he didn't expect to be directly slapped in the face by his father!"

"And this woman, she also doesn't know how to hear it! It seems that these two people still can't walk together! Jiang

Min could even complain very smoothly about this countess and Li Wenquan.

Hearing Gu Chen, he also nodded.

"The most important thing is that now that the two are alone again, it will be even more embarrassing!"

"Eh, we seem to be arriving too!"

Gu Chen had only listened to the performance of this countess and Li Wenquan and his father with Jiang Min before.

Then he drove according to the navigation, and suddenly Li Wenquan and the countess fell silent.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min came back to their senses and heard such a sentence.

"The destination has arrived, the destination is on your left!"

Gu Chen and Jiang Min instantly looked at the window on the left.

In front of a huge music bar, a person wearing a scruffy suit and looking very pale appeared in front of Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

Jiang Min instantly said with a half-hearted expression.

"That's, is that Chen Yu, why doesn't it look like it!"

Gu Chen said directly.

"That's him, he's suffering!"

The tone of the voice was a little faintly guilty, but after thinking about it, why was this not what Chen Yu wanted?

"That's right! I'll do you a favor later, Xiaomin!

Gu Chen turned his head and said to Jiang Min.

Jiang Min waved his hand directly.

" What's the matter, oh Brother Gu Chen, didn't I say it, if there is something between us, just say it directly, there is no need to beat around the bush!"

"Well, I'd like to ask you to help me see if there is a monitor on this Chen Yu's body later."

Gu Chen's words made the smile on Jiang Min's face disappear instantly.

"Brother Gu Chen, are you saying that Chen Yu is probably a spy?"

"I'm not sure, but he was just used as a spy before... It was tortured, so we still have to be careful for safety!

After hearing Gu Chen's analysis, Jiang Min felt that it was very reasonable.

Therefore, Jiang Min nodded and directly agreed to Gu Chen's request.

Suddenly, Chen Yu's gaze also saw Gu Chen's car, and his eyes immediately became moist.

I can't wait to rush over now!

In fact, he did similar things, directly forced a female driver's car to stop, and only came to Gu Chen's car after receiving some abuse.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min were not idle and got out of the car directly to greet Chen Yu.

"President Gu!"

Seeing Gu Chen and Jiang Min in the car, they actually came down to greet him, and Chen Yu's whole person was moved and didn't know what to say.

Tears dripped instantly.

The whole person has a bit of a trance.

And the footsteps were still very vain, Gu Chen had to say something to him.

"Get in the car first, there are energy bars and water in the car, let's talk as we go!"

This Chen Yu nodded madly when he heard this!

"Okay, Mr. Gu!"

After that, it's time to get in the car.

But I don't know why, Gu Chen directly held this Chen Yu at this time, and took out a note and gave it to Chen Yu, telling him to stand in place, not to move, and not to speak.

Although Chen Yu didn't know why, he still did it.

Then Chen Yu nodded and said.

"Okay, get in the car!"

After speaking, Gu Chen directly closed the car door.

At the same time, Gu Chen also looked at Jiang Min beside him.

Jiang Min nodded towards Gu Chen, and came to this Chen Yu's side like this.

"What a situation! It's like being a thief..." Although

Chen Yu said very strange and did not understand in his heart, he would never disobey Gu Chen's words.

What's more, when a beautiful girl like Jiang Min touches around you, where will Chen Yu refuse.

Until Chen Yu's body was suddenly touched by this Jiang Min, a small black pill thing.

In an instant, Chen Yu's face, which was still smiling, immediately collapsed.

"What is it!"

He shouted in his heart, and his face became very ugly.

Chen Yu looked at Gu Chen, as if he wanted to say something, or to justify himself.

But Gu Chen silently shook his head at him, indicating that he might not be over yet.

Then what else can Chen Yu say, of course, bite his mouth hard and not speak.

Silently waiting for Jiang Min's inspection to finish.

Soon, Jiang Min's probing was over, but finally after finding a bugging device in Chen Yu's hair.

Chen Yu's originally relaxed mood instantly felt a little collapsed.

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